New Professor at Hogwarts

Chapter 117 Dispute

"It's just a name. Since we are determined to resist Voldemort, why should we be afraid of him?" Xia Ran said.

A group of people pretended not to have heard this sentence.

Xia Ran continued: "It doesn't hurt to tell them some less important information, so as to prevent them from secretly guessing and going astray, which can easily be used by our enemies."

Voldemort took advantage of Harry in the original time and space, causing them to gather a group of young wizards and break into the Department of Mysteries of the Ministry of Magic. They attracted Death Eaters and Voldemort, started a fierce battle with the Order of the Phoenix, and finally caused Sirius' death.

Therefore, at the very least, the little wizards should not be afraid of getting involved in this war.

Their enemies will not show any mercy and will take advantage of young wizards, as long as they are useful, but all of them are good players. Voldemort deceived many people when he was young.

"But..." Mrs. Weasley pursed her lips and said, "They are indeed too young. Children should study hard and become useful wizards in the future. Don't get involved in this adult war!"

"Mom, I'm an adult and I graduate in one semester," Percy interjected.

Mrs. Weasley glared back, and Percy immediately closed his mouth tightly.

Lupine rubbed his forehead and said slowly: "Molly, listen to me."

After a pause, Mrs. Weasley looked at the general coming expectantly, thinking that she had finally gained a supporter.

Lu Ping looked away and said softly: "I think what Xia Ran said makes sense. What does it matter if I tell them unimportant information?"

Mrs. Weasley's face suddenly turned red.

"They are too young! I am doing this for their own good. They just need to study hard. Dumbledore will protect Hogwarts. We adults can just run around and fight outside! Why involve children? Mrs. Weasley said angrily.

"But after they finish their studies, they will have to face various dangers. We can't let them start life-and-death combat experiences at that time. We must make plans in advance." Sirius said, "And they are not young anymore. Percy is an adult. , Fred and George are almost adults.”

The heads of Percy, Fred, George, Harry, and Ron were swaying back and forth among the adults, as if they were watching a football match, and the players were passing the ball back and forth in the midfield.

Hermione and Ginny were next to Tonks, their mouths slightly opened as they looked at the confrontation between several people in the room. Tonks stared at Lupin.

Xia Ran took a sip of beer and said softly: "Mrs. Weasley, I know you are doing it for their own good, but in this situation, there is no harm in letting them know more about it."

"You haven't forgotten Dumbledore's warning, have you, Charlie?" Mrs. Weasley said in a particularly sharp tone, with a dangerous expression on her usually kind face, "These children are all my children—— Even Harry and Hermione, I treat them as my children - I think as responsible adults, we should be more responsible towards them instead of making decisions based on our own preferences."

Harry and Hermione seemed quite touched, but at the same time they were also a little impatient. They felt that they had grown up, but they had not officially become adults yet - it was several years behind - and they were eager to know more things. , can be of greater help to the great cause of resisting Voldemort!

So while they were moved, they also avoided Mrs. Weasley's eyes.

"I will take responsibility for Harry - I am his godfather - thank you for the reminder, Molly." Sirius said coldly.

"Arthur, please support me." Mrs. Weasley said, looking at her husband with a pleading look on her face.

Mr. Weasley took off his glasses and wiped them. He looked a little tired. When he carefully put the glasses back on the bridge of his nose, he finally spoke.

"Molly, there's nothing wrong with telling the children the news properly."

"Yes, but this is fundamentally different from telling them information wantonly!"

Xia Ran said softly: "No one will tell them all the information, they are indeed too young..." Mrs. Weasley looked happy, thinking that Xia Ran had changed her mind, but Xia Ran continued: "But for To prevent our enemies from taking advantage of them – the points where they don’t know specific information are the points that the enemy can take advantage of – so they can understand some basic information, and of course they will be tight-lipped about the more in-depth points.”

Young wizards are easily seduced. They are in the rebellious stage and often have their own ideas. Most of them are on the opposite side of the adults. In order to prevent the enemy from taking advantage of this situation and let them know what they are aware of, Xia Ran thinks it is Very necessary.

"Harry is old enough, he can make his own decisions," Sirius said calmly.

"He is not James, Sirius." Mrs. Weasley said in a cold voice, "You don't think of him as James, do you? Harry is still just a minor."

"I know this, I will not regard Harry as his father." Sirius said politely, but his expression was unusually cold.

"I think you don't think so sometimes. It seems that when you see Harry, you see James." Mrs. Weasley said as if she was fighting, "Because of your out-of-touch character - rash and wanton behavior - -You've already suffered a great loss - twelve years in prison - you can't let Harry suffer again."

Sirius blushed and looked at him as if he was about to jump up. He said, "I won't make the same mistake a second time!"

"Who knows?"

Sirius couldn't help but slap the table hard, his body trembling slightly.


Moody finally spoke, tapping his cane on the ground, turning his magic eye, scanning the entire room, and said: "Molly, you are not the only person here who cares about these children! Sirius, sit down!"

Mrs. Weasley's face turned green and red, and her lips trembled. Sirius slowly sat back in his chair, face as white as paper.

"Although the young wizards focus on their studies, as Xia Ran said, under the current situation, it is necessary to let them know more information and increase their sense of urgency." Moody said in a deep voice, "Besides, Xia Ran's worries are not unreasonable. If young wizards know nothing but are curious at heart, it is indeed easy for the enemy to take advantage of them. I know many such examples."

"Okay, good!" Mrs. Weasley took a deep breath and said sharply, "Harry, stay, Ginny, Hermione, Ron, Fred, George, Percy, I want you Get out of the kitchen now! Now!"

There was an immediate commotion in the kitchen.

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