New Professor at Hogwarts

Chapter 118 Answer

"Mom, I'm an adult, I'm about to graduate, and I'm already going to enter society." Percy shouted.

"We're almost adults, Mom, we can know these things." Fred and George shouted together.

"If Harry can be allowed to know, why can't we? We are the same age!" This was Ron's cry, and Hermione nodded repeatedly.

"Mum, I want to hear it too!" Ginny shouted.

"No!" Mrs. Weasley roared loudly. She stood up suddenly, her eyes widened like an angry lion, which made people's hearts tremble. She said sternly, "I will never allow it, I absolutely forbid... …”

"Molly, you can't stop Percy." Mr. Weasley said slowly, especially tiredly, "He is indeed an adult, and it is useful for him to understand these things in advance."

"He's still a student!"

"But he's legally an adult!" Mr. Weasley replied in the same tired voice.

Mrs. Weasley's face immediately turned red and she stammered: "Okay... Oh, okay, then you are right, Percy can stay with Harry, but Fred, George, Ron , Hermione, must go upstairs to sleep immediately, I have already made the bed!"

"Mrs. Weasley, I want to stay and listen." Hermione said quickly and changed her words when she met Mrs. Weasley's gaze. "I'm still a student at Hogwarts, right? Professor Frémont is here. Here, when my parents are not here, the professor can be my guardian. Professor Frémont, you will agree to my staying, right?"

Hermione looked at Xia Ran with burning eyes.

Although Professor Lu Ping was also present, after all, Xia Ran had been a professor for longer and the relationship was still better. Especially in the secret room incident last year, Xia Ran played a very big role and had extraordinary knowledge - in fact, he was familiar with the plot. ——It is easier for students to trust and feel at ease.

Although Hermione was touched that Mrs. Weasley thought about her, too much pampering and care from adults would bring a burden to her. Besides, she really wanted to know this relevant knowledge and information. Phoenix What is a society? What are they doing? How to fight Voldemort?

Xia Ran felt Mrs. Weasley's burning eyes and smiled bitterly: "Okay, Hermione, you can stay too."

Hermione suddenly laughed happily.

"Very good!" Mrs. Weasley pursed her lips and shouted, "Very well! Fred, George, Ron, Ginny, go to bed!"

The four little wizards refused to leave quietly and made a lot of noise along the way. When they arrived in the hall, the noise finally woke up the old Mrs. Black on the wall - Sirius's mother - her deafening Screams joined the farce, adding a bit of fighting atmosphere.

Lupine and Sirius hurried to the portrait to regain their composure. When they came back, closed the kitchen door, and sat back on the chairs in front of the table, Sirius spoke with a calm face.

"Have you met my mother, Harry?"

"Your... mother?" Harry was obviously surprised.

"Yes, my dear old mum," said Sirius, "I have been trying to put her to rest for over a month, but now we think she has secured her permanent residence. She has attached to the back of the canvas The spell cannot be lifted, so I can only let her scream from time to time."

"But what is your mother's portrait doing there?" Harry asked confused.

"Okay, I'll explain this later." Moody interrupted the conversation between the godfather and his godson, and said, "We don't have much time, so we need to go to bed early to regain our energy. So, Percy, Harry, Hermione, Three little wizards, what do you want to know?"

The three of them looked at each other, and then Harry asked the question that had been bothering them for more than a month.

"Where is Voldemort? Is he really resurrected? And, what is the Order of the Phoenix? Dumbledore's secret organization?"

The shiver that Voldemort caused was deliberately ignored by him.

"Let's talk about the Order of the Phoenix first." Xia Ran replied softly, "Yes, that's right, this is the secret organization formed by Dumbledore. It was formed to fight against Voldemort. Dumbledore only reconvened it after Voldemort returned from resurrection. Fudge There is no need to worry - although his guess that Dumbledore has a secret organization is correct - if Dumbledore really wants to defeat him, there is no need for the Order of the Phoenix to take action. I think Dumbledore broke in alone. The Ministry of Magic can force Fudge to step down as Minister of Magic."

Sirius and Mundungus smiled, but when they saw that no one else was smiling, they stopped smiling.

"As for where Voldemort is?" Xia Ran said, "We can't answer this question. It's also not clear whether he has truly been resurrected. However, we think...his resurrection must require something, something essential. thing."


Percy, Harry, and Hermione looked at each other, feeling confused.

Hermione couldn't help but ask: "What? Resurrection? Is there really such a thing as resurrection in the world?"

"Ritual requirements, Hermione." Lupine explained, "Resurrection, of course, only exists in legends. At least before this, the resurrections we know of existed in ancient wizard myths, and there was no exact example."

"Then why..."

"Why do you believe that Voldemort can be resurrected?" Sirius smiled, "According to Dumbledore, he knows that there is such a magic, right, Xia Ran?"

The three people's eyes turned to Xia Ran.

Xia Ran nodded and said: "That magic can indeed help people resurrect, but it also has ritual requirements." After a slight pause, he continued: "The most important thing is that Voldemort's form of existence is between the boundary between life and death. They are not truly alive, and they are not the dead who should go to the world of the dead.”

"Otherwise, how can a living person, or a completely dead person, talk about resurrection?"

"How could he be in this state?" Percy asked with a frown, "Twelve years ago, when the mysterious man came to find Harry's parents, wouldn't he normally be dead?"

"That's an evil black magic." Xia Ran said, "That kind of black magic is extremely cruel and evil. Especially as we know, Voldemort has reached an unprecedented level. His level of evil is almost unimaginable for ordinary people."

Xia Ran is talking about the dark magic of Horcrux, which requires killing creatures to split the soul and make Horcrux. Splitting the soul itself is unstable. The dark wizards in ancient times could only make one Horcrux, but Voldemort made a whole It’s really unimaginable to have seven Horcruxes!

Of course, only Xia Ran knows the specific number of Horcruxes Voldemort has for the time being, and Dumbledore is still in the stage of convincing Professor Slughorn.

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