New Professor at Hogwarts

Chapter 121 Transforming the Ministry of Magic?

"Fudge is jealous and even afraid of Dumbledore. That's the problem." Xia Ran shook her head and said, "As an official institution, the Ministry of Magic still has credibility. If the Ministry of Magic openly discredits Dumbledore - in fact, the Ministry of Magic has already When we do that - and claim that Voldemort was never resurrected and is long dead, it's going to be hard for people to believe us."

"After all, official institutions like the Ministry of Magic are always the most trusted by people."

Xia Ran sighed as she spoke, feeling that Dumbledore might as well compete for the position of minister of the Ministry of Magic, so that they could have more autonomy and launch rounds of elimination against Voldemort.

It's a pity that Dumbledore has made up his mind not to have the greatest power because of his early experiences.

"The most important thing is that people are even less willing to really believe in the return of Voldemort, even if what Dumbledore said is indeed true." Lupine spread his hands and said with a bitter smile, "The Ministry of Magic has strictly ordered the Daily Prophet Do not report any news from Dumbledore, and use various methods to smear Dumbledore - every issue of the newspaper must slander Dumbledore - so most wizarding groups still act as if they are just watching the fun. , completely unaware of anything going on in the shadows of the wizarding world today."

"Under such a situation, it is impossible for us to launch a large-scale dispatch to completely detonate Fudge's thunder." Sirius said helplessly, "At least he is only holding back now and has not completely turned against us."

"But you are warning people, aren't you?" Percy, Harry, and Hermione, the three little wizards, looked at Professor Frémont, Mr. Weasley, Sirius, Moody, Mundungus, Lupine and Don X, asked, "You are all members of the Order of the Phoenix, aren't you fighting against the Death Eaters? You are trying to make people believe as much as possible that Voldemort has returned, aren't you?"

"Yes, but Lupine and I, as well as Professor McGonagall, Professor Snape, and Hagrid, are all professors at Hogwarts. We cannot openly stand up and go against the Ministry of Magic." Xia Ran said helplessly. .

Lupine even smiled bitterly and said: "For some reasons, I am not a popular dinner guest."

Tonks patted Lupine, as if to say that she would invite him to be the guest of honor at the dinner. Lupine smiled gratefully at Tonks.

Except for Percy, Harry, and Hermione, everyone else knows Lupine's identity and is actually a werewolf.

"Although I have been cleared of wrongdoing, people still think that I am dangerous due to the deep-rooted thoughts of more than ten years - of course, they may not be wrong - so few people are willing to deal with me." Sirius said uneasily.

"And if I, Tonks, Kingsley and others speak openly, we will lose our jobs in the Ministry of Magic, and Fudge will undoubtedly fire us." Mr. Weasley said, "But for For us, it is very important that someone can always lurk in the ministry. I bet a thousand gold galleons that the mysterious person definitely has eyes in the ministry."

Mundungus laughed and said, "Arthur, I will not participate in this kind of bet that is bound to lose."

"This joke is not funny, Dunge." Lupine said solemnly, "We are now restricted by the Ministry of Magic, but the Mysterious Man has no restrictions. Besides, we are in the light and the Mysterious Man is in the dark. This is not good for us. To say the same is very detrimental.”

"If any of you can stand up and support Dumbledore, maybe the situation will be different and more people can believe in Dumbledore?" Harry tried.

"As I said before, Harry, this is not a good idea." Mr. Weasley said, "We all have our own tasks, and we cannot let the Ministry really make up its mind to clean up on us."

"Dumbledore said that he can announce the news alone." Moody said, "This way, most of the Ministry of Magic's attention will be focused on Dumbledore, and he will create a lot of opportunities for us. In order to let Dumbledore Lido is so embarrassed, the Ministry of Magic has racked its brains and doesn't have enough energy to pay attention to us anymore."

A group of people laughed bitterly.

"Dumbledore has been removed from the position of Chief Magician of Wizengamot and voted out of the position of President of the International Magical Union because he is too old, has lost his once powerful magic, and is not qualified to serve as Chief Magician again. Magician, but these are all fake." Tonks looked a little angry and said, "They also want to revoke and take back Dumbledore's Merlin Order of Merlin, and they will not let go of anyone who can damage Dumbledore's prestige. Chance."

"But Dumbledore said he didn't care what they did as long as they didn't remove him from the chocolate frog picture." Lupine said with a smile.

"This is not a funny thing." Mr. Weasley said sharply. "If he continues to openly defy the Ministry of Magic like this, he may spend the rest of his life in Azkaban Prison, and there is nothing we can do The last thing he did was to help Dumbledore lock the door of the prison cell. If the mysterious man knew that Dumbledore had returned to the battlefield, he would be cautious, but if Dumbledore was imprisoned and left the battlefield... Oh, Oh my God, I can’t even imagine what that would be like.”

Xia Ran smiled and said softly: "Mr. Weasley, there is no need to worry so much. The Ministry of Magic does not dare to do this. Fudge gave the order on the first day, and Fudge had to step down the next day."

The others looked at him with strange expressions.

Xia Ran shrugged her shoulders and said with a smile: "Fudge is of no use as the Minister of Magic. On the contrary, it is a good hand to hold him back. Instead of this, then there is no problem if we use a coup to remove him from power, right?"

"Xia Ran, your idea is too dangerous." Sirius said and laughed, "But I like it. I have long been disgusted with that idiot Fudge. I really want to give him a vicious curse." ."

"I'm afraid not. The mysterious man has returned and we in the wizarding world cannot fight within ourselves." Mr. Weasley shook his head.

"Mr. Weasley, now it's not a matter of us fighting among ourselves, but a matter of Fudge being stupid." Xia Ran said, "When the war is about to begin, any forces that are holding back must be eliminated. We must maintain our internal There is only one voice, unanimously speaking to the outside world.”

Anyway, he had the idea of ​​knocking Fudge out of office.

"We will discuss this matter later. We need to see Dumbledore's opinion." Moody made the final decision and stopped the discussion about bringing down Fudge.

The room was quiet for a while, and everyone seemed to be thinking about Xia Ran's proposal. Is it feasible?

At this moment Mrs. Weasley came to the kitchen and stood in the shadows by the door, her arms crossed and looking very annoyed.


She looked at Percy, Harry, and Hermione, with a straight face, and said in a stern voice: "It's very late now, I want you to go to bed immediately!"

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