New Professor at Hogwarts

Chapter 122 Memorial Service

Percy, Harry and Hermione immediately avoided Mrs. Weasley's gaze and looked at the others expectantly, hoping to hear some more useful information.

"Look at me!" Mrs. Weasley roared, her whole body trembling, as if trying to suppress her anger, "You have told them enough, and now it is starting to involve coups, this kind of thing Can I also tell my children? I can’t let them continue to listen.”

Moody said solemnly: "It's really time for you to go to bed, and we have to go too." As he said that, he stood up, and Tonks and Mundungus followed suit.

"Aren't you going to sit down for a while? Have a cup of hot chocolate." Mrs. Weasley seemed slightly surprised.

"No, Molly." Moody looked at Sirius and said, "We will come over tomorrow morning for Regulus's memorial service."

The three of them walked through the foyer and went directly to the outside of Black's old house. After hearing three loud explosions, the three of them disapparated and left Grimmauld Place.

Percy, Harry, and Hermione had no choice but to follow Mrs. Weasley dejectedly and go to their respective bedrooms to sleep. Percy shared a room with twin brothers Fred and George, Harry shared a room with Ron, and Hermione shared a room with twin brothers Fred and George. Room with Ginny.

"Be careful when you go in. Don't disturb them. They must have fallen asleep." Mrs. Weasley warned in a low voice.

Harry said in a voice that only Percy and Hermione could hear: "I bet 100 gold galleons that all of them are definitely not asleep yet, and they are all awake waiting for us to go back and tell them what we just talked about."

"This is a losing bet, Harry, I won't bet." Percy said quietly as well.

After sending off the three children, Mrs. Weasley returned downstairs. At this time, Xia Ran, Lupine, Sirius, and Mr. Weasley seemed to be arguing about something.

"Xia Ran, I agree with your proposal." Sirius expressed his position and said, "It's time for that idiot Fudge to step down. He must be replaced by a wizard who is more courageous and capable of fighting."

"It doesn't matter whether you can fight or not, but you must have the courage to resist Voldemort, otherwise you will be another copy of Fudge." Xia Ran said, they were talking about how to get Fudge to step down and how to choose who would come to power. The problem.

Mr. Weasley disagreed, saying: "Relying on Dumbledore's reputation, Fudge can indeed step down, but who can come to power now? And there can't be a big turmoil in the wizarding world, otherwise we will create it for the mysterious man. It couldn’t be a better situation.”

Lupine was not firm in his opposition, but he did not agree with it that much. He hesitated and said: "Maybe it is feasible to use this method to properly force Fudge to make concessions."

Xia Ran immediately shook his head and said: "Either you don't do this kind of thing, or you have to do it to the end. Don't pay attention to the scale, otherwise it will ruin the big thing."

The most taboo thing about a coup is to be merciless. Now that they have decided to take action, they must kill the current Minister of Magic as quickly as possible and replace him with someone they are satisfied with.

Of course, there are still internal disputes, the two sides disagree, and Dumbledore doesn't even know about it.

Mrs. Weasley was stunned.

"Oh my god, do you really want a coup to defeat Fudge?" Mrs. Weasley exclaimed, "Dumbledore won't agree to it."

"Okay, let's just talk. I'll ask Dumbledore what his opinion is later." Xia Ran spread her hands and said, "What if Dumbledore really agrees? Well, I admit there is no hope."

"Oh, you are really... too bold, aren't you?" Mrs. Weasley still felt that her heart was beating too fast. Is it the Order of the Phoenix's responsibility to fight against the Ministry of Magic?

Xia Ran deflected the question. Indeed, as the leader of the Order of the Phoenix, Dumbledore was the one who really made the decision. Xia Ran's current strength and fame were not enough.

"Okay, where is my room?" Xia Ran asked.

"I'll take you there. It just so happens that our rooms are next to each other." Lupine said. He had already stayed in the Black Mansion several times.


Early the next morning, when it was still windy and snowy outside, people in the house at No. 12 Grimmauld Place got up and got down one after another. From time to time, someone came to the door through apparation, rang the doorbell and entered the house.

"Mongrels, werewolves, pure-blooded scum, shame, and the evil offspring I gave birth to..."

But every time the doorbell rang, Mrs. Black's angry curses rang out in the foyer.

"Oh, how many times have I told you, don't ring the doorbell, don't ring the doorbell, why can't they remember?" Sirius said angrily, and went to close the curtain outside his mother's portrait again.

"Sirius, your mother is still as energetic as ever." Dumbledore said with a smile, shaking off the snow on his body on the steps outside the door. Following him, Professor McGonagall and Hagrid apparated. , and Snape.

Yes, Snape will also attend Regulus' funeral, or memorial service, this time.

Not long after, Kingsley, Tonks, Moody, Mundungus and others also arrived. The foyer was dark, but many candles had been lit. The atmosphere in the room behind the corridor became more solemn, and people no longer laughed. Gulus' deeds touched everyone's heart.

It was the first time for Harry and other young wizards to hear about Regulus's deeds, and the two little girls Hermione and Ginny were in tears and on the verge of tears.

"... Regulus Black, he is a true warrior, a true Slytherin. On the road against dark magic and dark wizards, he does not hesitate to do anything and is willing to pay the price with his life. I want Show respect to him." Dumbledore recited the eulogy, speaking in a straightforward manner, but it seemed to be eloquent, and it touched many people's hearts, because they also did not know when they would die among Voldemort and Death Eaters. in hands.

The feeling of precariousness that existed when Voldemort was at his peak more than ten years ago has now returned to everyone's mind.

The elf Kreacher cried so hard that his voice was almost hoarse later on.

Many people present had red eyes and sad expressions.

They thought of their relatives and friends and comrades who had died, and grief suddenly surged into their hearts, making their eyes wet. At the end, loud sobs could be heard. Without looking back, Xia Ran knew it was Hagrid's voice. He was also touched. After all, he knew Regulus, but he had not awakened his memory at that time.

After Regulus's memorial service, everyone had lunch together, and the atmosphere began to slowly recover again. After all, they had known that they were in danger ever since they fought against Voldemort unswervingly, especially after experiencing the first time more than ten years ago. The old people from the Wizarding War may be used to this kind of memorial service, even if they are extremely sentimental and sad every time they attend.

But life goes on, and one must look forward. Voldemort is now back, and the tests they will face will only become more and more cruel, and they must strengthen their will.

At this time, Sirius talked about Xia Ran's proposal last night.

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