New Professor at Hogwarts

Chapter 128 Snape’s real intention

Neither Xia Ran nor Lupine expressed any surprise that Dumbledore was in the Pig's Head Bar. After all, they knew who the owner of the Pig's Head Bar was, Aberforth Dumbledore. Not only was he also a member of the Order of the Phoenix, he was also Dumbledore. His younger brother, his biological brother, it is absolutely normal for the two brothers to reminisce about old times.

The grumpy-looking old man behind the bar, who was tall and thin with a lot of long gray hair and a beard, was very dissatisfied when he saw that Dumbledore didn't go out and close the door for a long time after opening it. Look up and see the general coming.

"Oh, Aberforth, you are still so impatient." Dumbledore chuckled.

"You are disturbing my customers." Aberforth Dumbledore, the owner of the Pig's Head pub, said viciously. The relationship between him and his brother has never been good, especially after the death of Ariana when he was young. Aberforth even broke Dumbledore's nose at Ariana's funeral.

"Okay, okay, it's up to you." Dumbledore said with a smile, and closed the door of the Pig's Head Bar to block the blizzard outside.

Xia Ran pretended to complain: "Principal, we are all here, and you don't invite Professor Lu Ping and I in for a drink."

"Yes, Dumbledore." Lupine nodded in agreement.

"Haha!" Dumbledore laughed and said, "Next time, definitely next time, definitely next time!"

The three of them braved the severe cold, wind and snow, left Hogsmeade and headed straight for Hogwarts.

"How was Christmas and New Year at the Black House?" Dumbledore asked as he walked.

Lu Ping smiled and said: "It's pretty good. I haven't had such a beautiful and warm feeling in many years."

He is a werewolf who is not favored by wizards in the magical world and has no stable job, so he has a lot of gray hair at a young age and his expression is even more haggard. In the past six months, he has had a stable professor at Hogwarts. Only after working hard did my overall complexion improve significantly. Otherwise, I would still be as tired and tired as ever, worried about life.

In that case, how could Lu Ping think about spending various holidays?

"Wolfsbane potions have appeared, and perhaps further improvement potions will appear soon." Dumbledore said comfortingly. This is true. Wolfsbane potions can suppress the ferocious and violent habits of werewolves, making the werewolves less so after their transformation. Bloodthirsty is an advancement in potion science, and it is also good news for many werewolves. With the research of potion masters, perhaps a more effective wolfsbane potion will not be far away.

"I hope so." Lupine said with emotion. The wolfsbane potion he is drinking now is all prepared by Snape. This is the top potion master in the wizarding world today. The wolfsbane potion he prepares is better than the wolfsbane potion sold on the market. The effect of the poison is at least 30% better.

So Lupine was indeed very grateful to Snape.

Xia Ran smiled and said: "Professor Snape is a master of potions. Professor Lupine, why don't you ask Professor Snape to improve the wolfsbane potion? I think Professor Snape has this level of knowledge. "

Lupine suddenly laughed bitterly, shook his head and said: "Xia Ran, you don't know the grudge between me and Severus. I am especially grateful that he can help me prepare the wolfsbane potion."

He was talking about the enmity between him and Snape when he was a student, especially Snape's relationship with James Potter and Sirius, which was extremely bad. Of course, he and Snape were not friendly either. To be precise, he is also extremely stiff, the kind that wouldn't make people feel weird if they started fighting each other.

"It's okay to mention it, right?" Xia Ran spread her hands and said, "If Professor Snape really developed such a magical potion, then it would be a matter of course for him to win the Order of Merlin and make a lot of money. Full, more relaxed, his name can also remain in the history books of the magical world."

Xia Ran blinked and smiled: "What if Professor Snape is moved by this?"

"I'll give it a try." Lupine was the first to be moved, because Snape's abilities, especially his attainments in potions, did have the possibility of improving Wolfsbane potion.

Of course, Snape must have spent an unknown amount of time on this, so no one can be sure whether he had this idea. Even though Dumbledore was the principal, he also respected Snape very much, especially when Snape was willing to After risking his life as an undercover agent - perhaps the danger is not very clear and obvious now, but both Dumbledore and Snape know that danger is everywhere, and it follows them everywhere, and they don't know when it will fully erupt. , killing people, and maybe not even a scrap of ashes can be left.

Although Snape's death in the original time and space was not due to Voldemort discovering his identity as a double agent, Dumbledore and Snape's previous plan - misleading Voldemort about the ownership of the Elder Wand - also directly led to Snape's death. Nep later died and was eaten by the big snake Nagini.

Dumbledore's respect and regard for Snape was probably second only to Harry and Moody, and more than any other member of the Order of the Phoenix.

Harry is the only person in his eyes who can truly and completely kill Voldemort, and Moody is the only member who Dumbledore believes can firmly support the overall situation of the Order of the Phoenix after his death. Snape is second only to the two of them. , one can imagine that Dumbledore valued him more than he respected.

Of course, it does not mean that Dumbledore thinks that other people are not worthy of respect, such as the Weasleys, Lupin, Sirius, Kingsley, Tonks, etc. They all deserve Dumbledore's respect and deeply appreciate it. He is trusted by Dumbledore, but his level of importance is undoubtedly lower than that of the first three.

They are the backbone of the resistance against the dark wizards, there is no doubt about this, but as for the key points of the war - mainly towards the victory of the white wizards - after all, someone has to do something that can affect the direction of the situation, and Dumbledore Lido thought that person was Snape, Harry Potter, or even himself. He and Moody were just supporting the White Wizard's banner.

Xia Ran suddenly said in surprise: "Look, Professor Snape is waiting for us on the road."

They had entered Hogwarts now, and Snape was waiting for someone to arrive at the castle gate, looking as if he was looking forward to seeing someone.

Snape first looked at Dumbledore, then turned to Xia Ran and asked: "Professor Xia Ran, have you received the Christmas gift I sent?"

"I got it. Thank you Professor Snape. I didn't send anything. I'm really sorry." Xia Ran said apologetically, not embarrassed to ask what the bottle of potion was in the first place.

Dumbledore and Lupine looked at Snape strangely, with astonishment in their eyes. How could he give Christmas gifts to someone with such a temperament?

Snape then revealed the real reason why he was waiting here.

"The Resurrection Stone...Professor Frémont, can you lend it to me?"

I drank some wine and my head feels dizzy. I only have 1 chapter left. I will make up for the missing chapters tomorrow.

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