New Professor at Hogwarts

Chapter 129 Promotion

"Resurrection stone?" Xia Ran was slightly stunned. After thinking about it in his mind, he suddenly realized it.

Snape originally wanted to borrow the Resurrection Stone from him, so he gave him a bottle of potion as a Christmas gift, but why did he want to take the Resurrection Stone? Could it be to summon Lily's undead spirit?

"Resurrection Stone?!" Lupine was shocked. He didn't expect Snape to desire the Resurrection Stone.

Dumbledore had a thoughtful look on his face, and he might know the reason for Snape's move.

"How about it?" Snape seemed a little nervous and asked, "Can you lend it to me? I promise not to damage the Resurrection Stone and will return it to you in a few days."

Xia Ran spread her hands and said, "But the resurrection stone is still in the principal's hand."

Dumbledore borrowed the Resurrection Stone from him and has not yet returned it to him.

"I really don't need the Resurrection Stone now." Dumbledore said, "Xia Ran, then I will give the Resurrection Stone to Severus directly later?"

Xia Ran smiled and said: "Well, it's useless for me to ask for it anyway. Professor Snape, just remember to return it to me."

"I won't forget it, don't worry." Snape said while suppressing his excitement.

"By the way, what is the main purpose of the potion you gave me? What effect does it have?" Xia Ran suddenly asked.

Snape explained patiently: "A potion that can calm the mind and help wizards increase their magic power. It has a very significant effect on wizards who are adults but not particularly old. Of course, it is usually the first time. It’s effective, but if you use it too much, it won’t have any effect, but it will be a waste of this rare medicine.”

Xia Ran's eyes lit up instantly when she heard it. A potion to boost magic power?

"Thank you, Professor Snape." Xia Ran said.

"You and I each take what we need," Snape said, shaking his head.

Dumbledore had already walked up the stairs and said: "Severus, come with me. But I think I want to remind you that the undead summoned by the Resurrection Stone do not belong to our world of the living and live here. , will make the undead feel painful and tortured, just like the second child in fairy tales."

Snape nodded silently.

"By the way, Professor Snape, if you have time, you might as well improve the Wolfsbane potion." Xia Ran said, "I believe that with your attainments in potions, you should have the opportunity to improve the Wolfsbane potion."

"Wolfsbane potion?" Snape turned around, looked at Xia Ran, then glanced at Lupin, showed an ugly smile, and said, "What is our Mr. Werewolf's request?"

"No." Xia Ran shook her head and said, "It's just that the situation of many werewolves is indeed worrying, and they are also victims. If you really improve the wolfsbane potion, I think all aspects of praise, money and fame will follow. Come on. Well, it’s just a big pie, but if you’re interested…”

Snape looked indifferent, nodded slightly, and said, "I will give it a try."

"Thank you, Severus." Lupine thanked him with a complicated expression. After all, there was indeed grudge between him and Snape.

Dumbledore and Snape went up the stairs and disappeared around the corner.

"Xia Ran, thank you very much." Lu Ping thanked him again.

Xia Ran smiled and said: "Don't thank me. Whether it can produce results in the end depends on Professor Snape."

The two of them walked upstairs from the other side while chatting and laughing, and returned to their offices.


After the New Year, the students who left school returned to Hogwarts to start the next semester's courses. During this period, the Order of the Phoenix was also running at high speed, but there was still no information about Voldemort. It even made people doubt whether Voldemort was really alive. Has he returned to the British magical world?

However, the Ministry of Magic's smear campaign against Dumbledore remains the same. At least many of Dumbledore's titles have been removed by the Ministry of Magic, such as the Chief Magician of the Wizengamot and the President of the International Confederation of Wizards. These positions have all been removed. Dumbledore.

As a result, many people's views on Dumbledore have indeed changed, and they believe that Dumbledore is indeed, as the Daily Prophet said, a scheming wizard who is keen on power and fame.

Although everyone with a clear eye knows that this is a slander, after all, Dumbledore's reputation is the highest in the wizarding world, and if he had a desire for power, he would have served as the Minister of Magic decades ago and completely led the entire wizarding world.

But the Ministry of Magic kept making such statements, and the Daily Prophet slandered Dumbledore in almost every issue, and even mentioned some of Dumbledore's stupid things when he was young from time to time. This indeed made many people murmur in their hearts.

Could it be that... Dumbledore really hid himself?

When Dumbledore was discredited and the Order of the Phoenix made almost no progress, Xia Ran mainly stayed at Hogwarts to teach and increase his knowledge in various aspects. During this period, he even found an excuse to borrow After taking the invisibility cloak in Harry's hand, absorbing 50 Force points, and relying on the precious magic potion presented by Snape, Xia Ran's magic level increased by one level, reaching level 5 (advanced). , now it is only one step away from the top level of level 6.

As for Dumbledore and Voldemort, they are both legendary level wizards, at least powerful and terrifying wizards of level 7 or above!

Unfortunately, that magic potion no longer had any effect. Xia Ran verified this statement with the second bottle of potion obtained from Snape.

But at the same time, Xia Ran was lucky enough to improve her level of knowledge in other areas. Transfiguration, Charms, Potions, and Herbalism, the four major subjects, had made considerable progress.

[Name: Charan Fremont].

[Age: 27 years old].

[Magic: Level 5 (Advanced)].

[Force points: 0 points].

[Transformation: Level 5 (elementary)].

[Potion Science: Level 5 (Elementary)].

[Charms: Level 5 (medium)].

[Herbalism: Level 5 (Elementary)].

[Flying: Level 4 (medium)].

This is the data displayed on Xia Ran's current system panel. Since he awakened his memory and activated the system panel two years ago, his progress in the past two years has been very obvious.

Now in the Order of the Phoenix, apart from the legendary white wizard Dumbledore, the only people in the Order of the Phoenix who can firmly defeat Xia Ran are Alastor Moody, the second most popular figure in the Order and the former senior Auror, and two other members of Hogwarts. Headmasters: Professor McGonagall and Snape.

The three of them are all top wizards with level 6 magic power.

Professor Sprout, the head of Hufflepuff House, and Professor Flitwick, the head of Ravenclaw House, although they agree with Dumbledore's words and are willing to obey Dumbledore's orders, they are indeed not Phoenixes members of the society.

The time soon came to June, and the little wizards were facing the time point of various examinations. The little wizards were complaining about it. There were more people in the library instantly, and the professors were not so busy for the time being.

However, no one knew what happened in the underground kitchen of Hogwarts, and many house elves experienced abnormal changes.

Make up for yesterday’s arrears

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