New Professor at Hogwarts

Chapter 130 The Elf Sparkles

On the basement level of Hogwarts, not far from the common room of Hufflepuff House, is the kitchen of Hogwarts. The house elves live in it and rarely appear there on weekdays. , only appears throughout the castle at night to clean up the castle's garbage.

There are about a hundred house elves in Hogwarts, making it the place with the most house elves in the world.

"Winky, where are you going?" an elf looked at Winky, who was about to go to Gryffindor Tower with a dull expression, and asked immediately.

Another elf said: "Twinkle, don't run around. Principal Dumbledore doesn't even know you came to Hogwarts. You have been expelled from Crouch Manor and want to find another job. We will help you." Yours, for us house elves, there is no place more suitable for working and dedicating our lives than Hogwarts. Tomorrow we will take you to see the headmaster. Dumbledore will definitely agree to your stay. He is Always very kind and friendly.”

Winky is a dirty house elf. She was once a house elf at Crouch Manor, and then disappeared. Now she suddenly came to Hogwarts. She must have accepted Voldemort's orders or control.

After all, upon closer inspection, Shining's expression was actually dull and sluggish, exactly the same as when he was under the Imperius Curse.

But the house elves didn't pay attention to these things, and they didn't know that Winky was now a missing person, and her appearance must have a deeper purpose.

"Thank you," Winky said sharply.

The first elf said: "Okay, you can follow, we elves are just cleaning up Gryffindor Tower."

So four or five elves went to Gryffindor Tower together, and Winky blended in without being noticeable at all.

After being separated from the other house elves, he suddenly stopped walking when he reached a deserted place.

"What's wrong, Twinkle?" The other four elves looked over in confusion.

The light of the waning moon shone in, lengthening the shining shadow. Her face was shrouded in the darkness of the backlight, and the elves could not see it clearly.

"Faint! Faint! Faint! Faint!"

Twinkle instantly raised her slender fingers, pointed at four of her own kin, and fired the stun spell at lightning speed.

The four elves were caught off guard and were all hit by the attack. They were knocked unconscious by a stun spell from Flash.

Twinkle's expression was still dull, and she stepped over the bodies of the four elves who were unconscious on the ground, and arrived directly outside the Gryffindor Tower.

"Password, elf!" the fat lady asked sleepily, yawning.

"Honey grapefruit wine!" Winky said without any fluctuation in her tone. She knew the entrance and exit orders for Gryffindor Tower from other house elves.

"Okay, let's go in." The fat lady's portrait rotated and opened, and she muttered at the same time, "You little elves can obviously enter the lounge directly, but you still want me to open the door. You really don't know how to understand the desire at one or two o'clock in the morning. I am resting.”

Winky entered the Gryffindor common room indifferently, as if she hadn't heard the Fat Lady's nagging.

There was no one in the lounge, and all the students had gone to bed long ago. Even though it happened to be exam time in the past two days, no one would stay up late reading, so it was also very important to keep up the energy.

Winky seemed to be already familiar with the layout of Gryffindor's lounge, and walked non-stop down the aisle of the boys' dormitory.

She finally stopped in front of a large door.


Shining touched the door lock with a long finger, and the door opened immediately. The dormitory was dark, and snoring could be heard.

"Who?" The sound of the door opening seemed to wake up a student in the dormitory. He half-sited up and asked, groping for the bedside. The man with a lightning scar on his forehead was none other than Harry Potter.

"Harry Potter?" Winky said word by word.

"It's me, are you?" Harry touched his glasses and quickly put them on his eyes. He looked up and looked over, and was stunned for a moment.


"Harry, who are you talking to?" The conversation between Harry and Winky woke up the other people in the dormitory. Ron, Neville and others opened their eyes one after another in a daze.


There was a sudden explosion in the air, and the shining figure disappeared in an instant, and then appeared on Harry's bed, grabbing Harry's arm tightly, making him scream in pain.

"Ah, it hurts! What are you doing? I..."


There was another explosion, and Winky and Harry disappeared at the same time.

"Harry? Harry?" Ron shouted, quickly getting up from the bed and rushing to Harry's bedside, but there was no one there.

"Harry is missing!"

Ron felt his hands empty and looked at the others blankly.

A look of horror appeared on Neville's round face, and he said in a trembling voice: "Quickly... inform the professors quickly!"

"Ah, yes, yes!" Ron woke up from a dream and ran out of the dormitory wearing only his pajamas, shouting as he ran, "Someone, help!"

Neville, Seamus, and Dean also ran out of the dormitory in a hurry.

"What's going on? Who's yelling? You're not letting anyone sleep in the middle of the night?" Dissatisfied voices came from other dormitories.

But Ron seemed to have grasped the backbone and said loudly: "Percy, Harry has been captured!"

"Capture Harry? Stop joking, Ron, this is not funny at all. This is Hogwarts, who will come to capture him?" Percy sneered, but still opened the door and came out, and immediately saw a face A terrified Ron.

He suddenly knew something was wrong.

"Were you really taken away?" He couldn't help asking again.

"Really!" Ron almost jumped up, "All of us saw it, everyone in our dormitory!"

Neville, Seamus, and Dean nodded, indicating that not a word Ron said was false.

At this time, more or less students from other dormitories came out, most of them with dissatisfied faces. They had exams tomorrow. They were sleeping soundly at the moment, but they were woken up abruptly. No one had a good temper.

Percy immediately shouted loudly: "Everyone, everyone, get up and gather in the lounge! Prefect, prefect, keep an eye on the order of the students. I'll notify Professor Dumbledore! Someone else is calling." Wake up girls, stay in the lounge, don’t run around, and don’t go back to the dormitory to sleep!”

A voice in the crowd responded loudly.

The students filed out and arrived in the common room in their pajamas, all looking surprised and a little confused.

At this time, the girls also came down. Most of them were wearing jackets outside their pajamas, and their faces were confused and a bit dissatisfied.

"what happened?"

"Someone was arrested? Who was arrested? And who did it?"

"Harry is missing and was taken away?"

"Who caught him?"

The little wizards were talking a lot, each putting forward their own guesses, which were all random. Some even said that trolls and goblins broke in and took Harry away. It was very outrageous.

However, many people still shrank back, as if they were afraid that the person who captured Harry would come back to arrest others.

Percy quickly called for the teachers.

Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall, and Xia Ran, all wearing only loose pajamas, crossed the passage and entered the Gryffindor lounge. The young wizards who were having a heated discussion suddenly fell silent, and all looked at the three of them. professor.

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