New Professor at Hogwarts

Chapter 131 Resurrection Prologue

"Professor, Harry...Harry has been captured." Ron stood up immediately and said, he had always looked scared and nervous.

Dumbledore asked in a deep voice: "Have you seen clearly who it is?"

"It seems..." Ron, Neville, Seamus, and Dean looked at each other and said uncertainly, "...a house elf?"

"It looks pretty small anyway, Professor," Neville added.

"House elf?" Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall, and Xia Ran's expressions all changed.

Although Hogwarts has various protections and forbidden magic, they are all aimed at wizards, especially the dark magic commonly used by some dark wizards, but there is no target for the magic of house elves.

"Oh, by the way." Ron clapped his hands and said, "That elf - it should be a house elf - left by apparating! I heard a very loud explosion... No, two Voice."

"That's right, the first time the elf moved to Harry's bed, and the second time he apparated away with Harry," Neville also said.

"House elf... no wonder." Xia Ran turned around and walked out of the Gryffindor lounge, and asked the portrait of the Fat Madam, "Fat Madam, did anyone or an elf go in just now?"

People pricked up their ears and listened.

"Yes!" The fat lady admitted directly and said, "An elf entered the lounge through the password. Didn't she go to clean the room?"

Xia Ran shook her head and said, "Thank you very much."

He returned to the lounge and said: "Obviously, that elf is the one who took Harry away. The elf's magic is not subject to any restrictions at Hogwarts, and Apparition can also be used at will."

"Headmaster, I saw a few unconscious house elves on the way here."

At this time Lupine happened to come over with a few house elves.

"Headmaster." One of the house elves said in fear, "What went wrong? We...we seemed to have been knocked unconscious by Winky. Did she do something?"

"Winky? You said the elf who knocked you unconscious was called Winky?" Xia Ran asked quickly. He remembered that the house elf in Crouch Manor was named Winky.

"Yes, she came to Hogwarts this evening and said she wanted to find a new job and wanted to meet Principal Dumbledore. Because it was too late by then, we told her to take her to see the Principal tomorrow morning. "The four elves answered all at once.

"It's obvious." Xia Ran said in a deep voice, "Barty Crouch Jr. served Voldemort and was a loyal Death Eater. They controlled Winky and took away Harry through the special magic of the house elves. , He must be for..."

Although Xia Ran didn't finish his words, Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall and Lupine all knew what he wanted to say. It must be for Voldemort's resurrection ceremony!

"Get out first." Dumbledore said, "Percy, please go and inform other professors that Hogwarts is under martial law tonight and ask all students to stay in the common room and stop running around! Prefects are protecting Good order. Elves, please go back to the kitchen first."

"Yes, Professor Dumbledore." Percy immediately puffed up his chest and strode out of the lounge.

Snapped! Snapped!

The elves apparated directly back to the kitchen on the basement floor of Hogwarts Castle.

"Professor, what about Harry..." Hermione couldn't help but asked.

Dumbledore consoled him: "Don't worry, we won't sit idly by and do nothing. We will definitely rescue Harry."

Several people left the Gryffindor common room and walked quickly down the stairs. As they walked, they talked quickly: "Where do you think Voldemort will be resurrected?"

"Albus, do you think the mysterious man will ask the elf to take Harry directly to the place where he was resurrected?" Professor McGonagall asked.

"Yes, because we will definitely discover this matter soon. He must complete the resurrection ceremony as soon as possible to truly return!" Dumbledore said solemnly, "Even if Voldemort is resurrected, we can still deal with him. I am more afraid. It’s…”

Several people's faces darkened. If Voldemort killed Harry directly...

Hope it's not too late!

"Wait a minute!" Xia Ran clapped her hands suddenly and said, "I know where Voldemort is resurrected, if I'm not wrong."

Voldemort's resurrection place in the original time and space was the cemetery outside Little Hangleton, where old Tom Riddle, Voldemort's father, was buried. If nothing unexpected happens this time, Voldemort's resurrection place should still be in Little Hangleton. Among Hangleton Cemetery.

He happened to have been to Little Hangleton, so he could just Disapparate on his way, just like Winky did when he took Harry away.

"Really?" Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall, and Lupine's eyes suddenly lit up.

"It's almost the same." Xia Ran said, "Let's leave Hogwarts first. I can't apparate here."

"Okay!" said Dumbledore, "just a moment."

He immediately whispered something in a strange language. Xia Ran knew that it was Dumbledore who was undoing the protection and banning magic that he had set up on the outside of the castle, so that they could disapparate directly in the school. , without having to go outside the school.

"Okay, Xia Ran, you can recite the spell. Maybe so many of us are a bit heavy on you." Dumbledore said and grabbed Xia Ran's left sleeve. Professor McGonagall and Lupine both reached out and grabbed it. He picked up a corner of Xia Ran's pajamas.

"Please draw your wands, we may be facing a fierce battle!"

Xia Ran took a deep breath as she spoke, holding her wand tightly in her right hand, meditating on Little Hangleton in her mind, and shouted loudly: "Apparition!"

Snapped! !

With an unusually loud voice, he and several professors disappeared in an instant.

Harry suddenly felt a sharp pain on his forehead, and he couldn't help but cry out in pain again.

"Master, Harry Potter is here." A man's voice said.

Owner? Who is the master he is talking about?

The pain in Harry's mind became more and more intense. He reluctantly raised his head and looked forward. The elf who was holding his arm firmly at this moment had loosened his grip and stepped aside.

This is a cemetery, dark and gloomy, with only the glow of the bright moon shining overhead. It is overgrown with weeds and swaying in the night wind. Behind a tall yew tree on the right is the black outline of a small church, and on the left is a hill. Harry could vaguely make out an exquisite old house on the hillside.

A figure was walking towards him step by step among the graves. Harry couldn't see the man's face clearly, but judging from the way he walked and the movements of his arms, it seemed that the man was holding something.

Harry wanted to cast a spell, but he moved his hands and realized that he was taken directly out of Hogwarts by the house elf, and he did not have time to hold the wand in his hand.

Oh no!

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