New Professor at Hogwarts

Chapter 136 Retreat

"Master, the werewolf left, taking Harry Potter with him." While fighting with Professor McGonagall, little Barty noticed Lupin's movements and said loudly.

"You stupid old woman...Avada Kedavra!"

The tip of Barty Jr.'s wand shot out a green light, which passed through the twenty or thirty meters between the two people and hit Professor McGonagall directly.

Avada Kedavra, as the strongest spell among the three Unforgivable Curses, has the ability of a law of cause and effect. The person hit will inevitably die. Perhaps the only exception in history is Harry Potter, but that mainly relies on Lily. ·The powerful magic cast by Potter.

Although Professor McGonagall is old, she is still very agile in her movements. She immediately dodged aside and waved her wand to change the image of the surrounding trees and rocks, like a swarm of ligers and tigers. The roar was so loud that even the small children in the distance were The villagers of Hangleton were all awakened.

"All petrified!"

On the other side, Xia Ran's magic hit the big snake Nagini, and the snake scales made a clanking sound, shattered and fell, and the snake blood eroded and polluted the soil.

The big snake's eyes flashed with anger. Although it did not suffer much trauma, it was already in pain. The snake's body twisted wildly and bit Xia Ran with a sudden bite. Its bloody mouth was bigger than Xia Ran's head.

"There are many obstacles! Protect yourself with armor! It's impregnable!"

Xia Ran recited three protective spells in succession, and moved his steps back. The magic hindered the speed of the big snake Nagini, as if it hit an invisible wall. With a bang, the big snake hit the ground.

"Ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ever,, then from where it..." The big snake's vertical eyes were cold and devoid of any other emotions at all. Like the most cold-blooded and cruel animal, it stared at Xia Ran closely, looking for his flaw in order to kill him with a fatal blow.

"Fire is raging!" Xia Ran recited the fire spell, and a large stream of red flames erupted from the tip of the wand, burning the grass and trees, and then attacked the big snake Nagini, intending to burn the big snake to death.

Xia Ran even secretly chanted the Fire Curse after the Fire Curse. The red flames suddenly swelled and the color changed slightly. The color became deeper and more ferocious, just like the fierce fire from hell. , came to the human world just to burn all living things!

The cold and cruel vertical pupils of the big snake Nagini finally changed, and a hint of fear appeared.

Although the Fire Curse is an evil black magic, Xia Ran has never been afraid of these things. As long as it can be used in battle, no matter what kind of magic it is, she will use it.

However, Xia Ran also has his own bottom line. It is too unreasonable and he must kill innocent lives to meet the requirements of magic. He will never perform this kind of black magic - even if he knows the spells of this kind of magic - such as the method of making Horcruxes. .

"Xia Ran?" Suddenly, a cold voice sounded in Xia Ran's ears. Xia Ran's heart suddenly pounded, and she immediately pulled away without having time to think about it.

"Avada Kedavra!" A bright green light swept across a distance of several hundred meters and headed straight for Xia Ran. Xia Ran hid behind a big rock in embarrassment and just escaped the death curse.

Voldemort's black robe floated, and he flew high in the sky without the help of a broomstick or other external objects, passing through most of the cemetery, and came to the place where Xia Ran and Nagini fought. He waved his hand to break Xia Ran's fire curse. She knows these black magic better than Xia Ran.

call out!

The big snake Nagini's body bounced slightly, jumped up, and got into Voldemort's wizard robe.

"Xia Ran, how do you feel about the Fire Curse? Come and try it yourself!" Voldemort said softly, lowering his wand a little, and fierce fire spewed out from all over the sky, burning the earth and stones, the bones and bones in the tomb. The tombstone outside was burned to ashes in an instant.

"The water is as clear as a spring!"

Xia Ran escaped from the shelter of the big stone. He knew that Voldemort's magic power was unfathomable and his magic skills were extremely superior. He could only save his life by retreating while fighting and waiting for Dumbledore to arrive.

Because among the people present, the only one who could confront Voldemort head-on was Dumbledore, the most powerful white wizard of our time!

The water he summoned was already quite large. After all, it had level 5 (high-level) magic power. There was no problem filling a pond. However, in front of the fierce fire unleashed by Voldemort, it was like a cup of trace spring water, only emitting a small amount of water. With a few pops of sound, it was completely evaporated.

"So strong!"

Xia Ran's expression changed, and she turned to using the Fire Curse to break the curse. However, this was a spell used by Voldemort himself. With his current level of magic, how could he break Voldemort's magic?

"Tom!" Dumbledore broke the trap cast by Voldemort on him and rushed over as quickly as possible. He also cast the Clear Water Spring Curse, but this time what came out was river-like water. Even though the fire was fierce No matter how ferocious it is, it still cannot completely evaporate this large amount of water in a short period of time.

Voldemort seemed to be about to say something sarcastic, his expression suddenly changed. As he waved his wand, the fire became more fierce, and the green light of Avada Kedavra shot out in all directions like rain.

Taking advantage of the moment when Dumbledore and others were on guard, he moved to Barty Jr.'s side in an instant. He grabbed Barty Jr.'s collar with his left hand and aimed the wand at Professor McGonagall in his right hand.

Professor McGonagall's expression suddenly changed.

"Avada Kedavra! Cut out the heart and bones!"

Xia Ran stepped aside when Dumbledore was helping him to block Voldemort. At this time, seeing Professor McGonagall in danger, she immediately used two unforgivable curses, the Avada Kedavra and the Cruciatus Curse.

Faced with the unreasonable Avada Kedavra, Voldemort, no matter how powerful his magic power is, still needs to retreat or use some object to block it, instead of forcefully intercepting it.

He pulled little Barty back, dodges Xia Ran's green light magic, and finally looked at Dumbledore and Xia Ran, his eyes were cold and his murderous intent was not concealed at all.

Bang bang! !

He cast the Apparition spell and left the Little Hangleton Cemetery, and Little Barty and the big snake Nagini were taken away by him.

Snapped! !

There was another explosion, and several figures in pajamas appeared in the field. It was Lupine who arrived with several professors from Hogwarts.

"Where is the Dark Lord? Dumbledore, Minerva, and Sharon, are you okay? Are you not injured?" Professor Flitwick is small, but when he picks up the wand, he is very intimidating. .

Snape and Professor Sprout also drew their wands and carefully looked around.

Xia Ran helped Professor McGonagall come over - Professor McGonagall was hit with a curse by Barty Jr., his face was very pale at the moment, and his body was shaking slightly uncontrollably - He said: "Professor McGonagall is injured. ”

"Oh, my God, Minerva." Professor Sprout quickly took Professor McGonagall's wand and gave it to Professor McGonagall.


Professor McGonagall's face improved slightly.

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