New Professor at Hogwarts

Chapter 137 Return to Hogwarts

"Minerva, how do you feel?" Snape asked, taking out a bottle of potion from his pocket and saying, "I brought this here specially to restore vitality. Drink it first."

Professor McGonagall's hands were still trembling and she was unable to take the potion bottle.

Professor Sprout hurriedly opened the cap of the potion bottle, fed Professor McGonagall, and rubbed her back.

"Minerva, are you feeling better?"

At this time, Dumbledore had solved the terrifying fire that was cast by Voldemort himself and burned the cemetery and the woods - otherwise it might have spread to the villages on the side - and came over and asked with concern.

"It's okay." After Professor McGonagall drank Snape's potion, she finally calmed down and no longer trembled so much. "Thanks to Severus' potion, and Xia Xia at the last moment. Ran helped me block the Dark Lord."

"Oh my God, the Dark Lord...did he really appear?" Professor Sprout covered his mouth.

"Yes, Pomona, he just apparated away." Dumbledore replied, his expression was extremely solemn.

"Dumbledore, Sharon, are you not injured?" Professor Flitwick asked.

Xia Ran shook her head and sighed: "No injuries, but we still worry too much. After all, the black wizard starts with Avada Kedavra, so we often have to fall into a passive situation."

"Dark magic needs to be used when necessary." Snape said calmly. He had an in-depth study of dark magic.

"Alas, the mysterious man was finally resurrected." Lupine sighed.

Dumbledore rubbed his forehead and said: "There is no way around it. After all, Voldemort can always find his enemies, but Harry is special."

Looking at Dumbledore, Xia Ran felt that he might be happier because Voldemort used Harry's blood to resurrect, which deepened the close connection between the two.

This was the sound of people shouting from the side yard of the woods, and it seemed that the villagers of Little Hangleton had finally arrived.

"Okay, let's leave here first and return to Hogwarts. We must inform Cornelius, the entire magical world, and the Muggle world," Dumbledore said.

"By the way, take this house elf away with us." Xia Ran said. The house elf Winky fainted at the edge of the woods nearby. He quickly walked over and caught Winky.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

Several people apparated one after another and returned to Hogwarts. When the villagers of Little Hangleton came up, they only saw a white ruins burned by fire.


Hogwarts, the magic school is destined not to be peaceful tonight. Originally, Harry was taken away by the house elf in the school dormitory, which surprised the students and teachers. Then Lupine came back and brought Harry back, even louder Claiming that Voldemort has been resurrected, Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall, and Professor Frémont are fighting to the death against Voldemort and his henchmen? !

All the students and teachers were shocked and looked at each other, wondering whether they should believe what Professor Lu Ping said.

Snapped! ! !

Xia Ran and the others apparated back to Hogwarts. The moment Dumbledore returned to school, he pointed his wand in the sky and said some strange words. He was rearranging the protective magic of Hogwarts. .

In front of the auditorium, there were only a few teachers standing waiting, and Harry was the only student among them.

Except for Harry, all the other students were safely in the common rooms of their respective houses under the supervision of the prefects and some professors, but they were quite restless.

"Dumbledore, you... Hey, Minerva, you..." The professors came up to meet him, and immediately noticed Professor McGonagall's unusual expression, and all of them felt nervous.

"Fortunately, the potion taught by Snape is no longer a serious problem." Professor McGonagall waved her hand weakly and said.

Dumbledore said: "Poppy (the name of Madam Pomfrey, the school nurse), I hope you can take Minerva to the school hospital for a detailed examination. I hope she has no sequelae."

"Yes." Madam Pomfrey looked solemn and worried, supporting Professor McGonagall and quickly left the Great Hall.

"Professor, what happened? The mysterious man..." Hagrid asked, holding an umbrella in his hand, which was actually his wand.

Lu Ping smiled bitterly and said: "Resurrection, the mysterious man has finally returned."

Everyone's expressions changed, they instantly became solemn, and their brows all furrowed tightly.

"His magic is very powerful, not inferior to Dumbledore." Xia Ran sighed, "Anyway, Professor McGonagall and I, as well as Barty Crouch Jr. who was present at the time, are far from Voldemort or Dumbledore." Lido’s opponent.”

He said as he put down the house elf Winky he was holding in his arms.

Several people did not express surprise. After all, Voldemort, the Dark Lord and the mysterious man, did not get his reputation for nothing. It mainly relied on his strong strength.

As long as Voldemort returns, people will be afraid and even unwilling to accept and believe it. The reason is also because of the terrifying magic power and terrible black magic knowledge that ranks first in the wizarding world.

"Is this the elf who took Harry away?" Ms. Huo Qi, the flying course professor, looked at Xia Ran's Twinkle on the ground.

Harry nodded and said, "That's her. She seems to be called Winky. She is the house elf of Crouch Manor. She just wanted to take me there to resurrect Voldemort and use my blood."

He stretched out an arm, and there was still blood on it. The wound had been treated, and judging from his expression, it seemed to be fine.

The eyes of several teachers suddenly showed a hint of disgust.

"Okay, Xia Ran, please take Winky to the campus hospital first, and ask Poppy to treat this unfortunate house elf." Dumbledore said, "Harry, you'd better go and let Poppy take a look. Let’s sleep one night in the campus hospital.”

"But Professor..." Harry couldn't help but retorted.

But he was interrupted by Dumbledore, who waved his hand and said, "Harry, you are indeed too young to participate in what will happen next."

"Harry, let's go."

Xia Ran picked up the unconscious Shining again and went to the school hospital as well.

Harry followed Sharon dejectedly.

Xia Ran said: "Harry, if you want to really do your part..."

"Professor, I am willing to try my best. I am willing to fight against Voldemort. He killed my parents and killed so many innocent people." Harry said excitedly.

"Listen to me, Harry." Xia Ran said, "You are young..."

"I am already thirteen years old and will soon turn fourteen." Harry wanted to say that he is not too young anymore. Each of you should not say that you are too young to participate in the great cause of fighting against Voldemort.

"Yeah, almost fourteen, but are you an adult, Harry?"

Harry was speechless. Although the wizarding world was better than the Muggle world, he still had to be seventeen to reach adulthood.

Xia Ran softened her tone and said: "You have to know, Harry, we are fighting the Dark Lord. Even if he himself is extremely powerful - only Dumbledore among all of us can confront him head-on - still He is not alone. He has an equally evil and powerful team of Death Eaters. Even creatures such as goblins, giants, vampires, and werewolves may join Voldemort's camp. Do you think you are strong enough to deal with these dangers? Don't be impulsive and take your time. Think back and answer me, I don't want to hear a false answer."

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