New Professor at Hogwarts

Chapter 141 Discredit

Xia Ran said softly: "Dumbledore has his own considerations. Professor Trelawney, I think it's best for you not to leave Hogwarts, especially now that the mysterious man is back."

"I know." Professor Trelawney seemed a little restless.

"Tell me, Sharon, will the Dark Lord break into Hogwarts?" Professor Trelawney asked secretly.

Xia Ran glanced at the divination professor in surprise and asked, "Why do you ask that?"

"Well... you may not know that I made a prophecy about that child..." Professor Trelawney pointed to Harry at the Gryffindor table, "And the Dark Lord, to be honest - There's nothing shameful about it, who's not afraid of the Dark Lord? - I'm a little worried."

Xia Ran knew the prophecy and said: "As long as Dumbledore doesn't die and doesn't leave Hogwarts, the mysterious man will certainly not be able to break into Hogwarts. After all, Dumbledore is the only contemporary person who can compete with the mysterious man. A head-to-head confrontation with the legendary wizard!"

Xia Ran said with some regret. In the magic world, what matters in the end is strength. Without the strength that tops the magic world, how could Dumbledore have such prestige now? Without the top level of magic power and magical knowledge, how could Voldemort be followed by so many dark wizards and feared by so many wizards?

Although he already possesses level 5 (advanced) magic power and has considerable magical knowledge, he is still far behind the two legendary wizards.

"I think it's because of this that Dumbledore doesn't agree with you leaving Hogwarts." Xia Ran added at the end. In fact, this is the fact.

Professor Trelawney seemed to feel a little better, and suddenly said: "Hey, the owl is here."

At this time, countless owls flew into the auditorium, delivering the latest issue of the Daily Prophet.

Xia Ran also opened a newspaper and read it.

"Liar: Albus Dumbledore? Liar: Harry Potter?"

This is the title of the new issue of "Daily Prophet". Xia Ran frowned slightly after reading it, but she had already expected it. After all, Dumbledore had explained Fudge's attitude last night and this morning and refused to believe that Voldemort had returned. facts, then he ordered the Daily Prophet. It is also very normal to slander Dumbledore.

But this time, Harry was still involved, which made Xia Ran a little unexpected.

"According to reliable current reports and an official from the Ministry of Magic who did not want to reveal his name, in the early hours of this morning, our famous Dumbledore once again approached the Ministry of Magic, hoping that the Ministry of Magic would meet Dumbledore's personal request: to inform the Magic News of the return of the mysterious man from the world!”

"But we all know that the mysterious man has died long ago. He died more than ten years ago, leaving only a lightning scar on Harry Potter's forehead. How can a dead person come back?"

"Did Dumbledore hope that You-Know-Who would return to re-boost his personal prestige?"

Professor Lu Ping on the side read softly, his expression full of anger.

"Damn Fudge!" he cursed under his breath.

"You haven't finished reading it yet. There are also things related to Harry later." Xia Ran said, and he finished scanning the newspaper hastily.

Lupine skipped over Dumbledore's page and looked back.

"According to the information from the Ministry of Magic official, the news about the mysterious man's resurrection seems to have come from Harry Potter - yes, our famous 'Savior Star'. He seems to like this title very much, and He often calls himself the 'Savior Star' in school to win the sympathy of many little witches. For details, please refer to page 4, 'Is Harry Potter a talker or a romantic prince?' - I saw it with my own eyes."

"Yes, that's right, our 'Savior' witnessed and participated in the mysterious man's resurrection ceremony, and finally returned to Hogwarts unscathed!"

It ended with a sarcastic expression.

"If he really was a mysterious person, would he be so kind?"

"Oh, Harry Potter, thank you for your help and resurrecting me. To thank you, I will give you a thousand gold galleons and personally send you back to Hogwarts. I hope we have a good life." friendship."

"Is this something that a mysterious person can do? I believe that each of us has a deep understanding of how terrifying and terrifying that person who cannot even be named was. I believe that each of us has a deep understanding of it. Let me ask, a person who has just completed his third grade studies How could the little wizard escape from the mysterious man? Is it true that as I said before, the mysterious man personally escorted Harry Potter back to Hogwarts??"

"Ministry of Magic officials revealed that this was all to cater to Dumbledore's wishes. Harry Potter, the 'big talker' - please allow me to call him - knew how to cater to the teacher's preferences. In order to gain Dumbledore's favor, he Favored, he invited the house elves to perform a play to completely 'confirm' Dumbledore's information, or rumors."

"According to a respected wizard, our 'Savior' Harry Potter has always been in cahoots with the house elves, so he was not surprised at all that he could invite the house elves to perform with him."

Xia Ran thinks that this wizard is probably Lucius Malfoy.

"Each of us is full of wisdom - at least not stupid - I believe that each of us can tell whether the words of Albus Dumbledore and Harry Potter are true. Rumors stop with the wise, They still hope that we will be frightened by the news about the mysterious person, and that we will surrender to them and obey their orders. This is an absolutely impossible wishful thinking!"

"Absurd!" Lupine slapped the newspaper on the table, "Isn't it stupid? Anyone who believes it is a fool!"

Xia Ran smiled and said: "Fortunately, I didn't completely accuse Dumbledore of evil, saying that he is the third generation Dark Lord."

"Ha." Lupine sneered, "I think Fudge has this idea, but he doesn't dare to really push Dumbledore too far. He knows that we are tolerant like this to deal with Voldemort, but if he does this... …”

Judging from the look on Lupine's face, he wished Fudge would do this. After all, he was Sirius's best friend and he still had the rebellious gene in his heart.

Xia Ran always believed that at this moment, Fudge would step down directly and replace an Order member with the position of Minister of Magic. Even if there would be controversy, it would still be better than Fudge's behavior of constantly holding back.

However, Dumbledore did not agree with his proposal, so he had no choice but to give up.

After all, Dumbledore still had to come forward in person for this kind of thing.

"Liar Dumbledore? Is the Daily Prophet kidding? Are you talking about the big talker Harry Potter? We don't know what kind of person he is? This is just a rumor!" Someone was filled with indignation.

"But who knows this? No one has seen it with their own eyes. What if it is really just... you know." Some people also expressed doubts.

The teachers and students in the auditorium were talking a lot. It was not until Dumbledore stood up and knocked on the tableware that the sound spread throughout the auditorium, interrupting everyone's discussions. Everyone's eyes were focused on Dumbledore.

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