New Professor at Hogwarts

Chapter 142 Announcement

"Another year, it's over!" Dumbledore said, looking at everyone.

The auditorium had fallen silent, and everyone's eyes were on Dumbledore.

Xia Ran also put down his knife and fork, but he was thinking about other things. The next year in the original time and space was Harry's fourth year - of course, it is still the same now - with the Triwizard Tournament.

This was a grand event in the European magic world in ancient times. The three major magic schools in Britain, Germany and France: Hogwarts, Durmstrang and Beauxbatons, will gather in a certain place to hold a grand event. The contestants are students from the three major magic schools. These people are called warriors and are the objects of admiration and admiration by their classmates.

The way to select warriors is the Goblet of Fire, which is a symbol of the major event of the Triwizard Tournament. Needless to say, Xia Ran can be 100% sure that the Goblet of Fire must contain a lot of Force points.

"If I could touch the Goblet of Fire once..." Xia Ran's thoughts were distracted, but he was not sure that now that Voldemort had been resurrected a year earlier, would the Triwizard Tournament be held as scheduled?

According to the current temper of the Ministry of Magic, there is no doubt that the Quidditch World Cup during this summer vacation and the Triwizard Tournament in the next school year will continue to be held to illustrate the peace and prosperity of the magical world. Although Dumbledore's prestige is high , Although powerful, he is only the principal of a magic school after all, not the minister of the Ministry of Magic, the top leader of this official organization.

Probably it can still be held as scheduled, right? !

Dumbledore was still speaking: "These are very difficult times!"

He stopped talking and looked at the Gryffindor table. Harry knew that Dumbledore was looking at him, because he and the principal looked at each other, and he had a premonition of what the principal was going to say next.

"We all know that last night, Harry Potter was taken away by a house elf. That elf was controlled by others and used the Imperius Curse. Many classmates may know this spell." Dumbledore said, "A black magic spell specifically used to control other people. It is listed as one of the three unforgivable curses by the Ministry of Magic!"

"And that person is the one we all know!"

Everyone stared at Dumbledore blankly.

"Harry Potter was taken away by the elves ordered by Voldemort!" Dumbledore decisively dropped a bomb, which is also true.

There was a nervous murmur in the auditorium, and everyone stared at Dumbledore in horror and disbelief.

Only a small group of people seemed calm. All the teachers, professors, and a small number of Gryffindor students such as Harry, Ron, and Hermione looked at the others and murmured quietly but gradually fell silent.

Xia Ran was listening to Dumbledore's speech while thinking about his own affairs and plans for the future.

"The Ministry of Magic doesn't want me to tell you this. Just like the newspaper you got, this news has been labeled as heresy by the Ministry of Magic." Dumbledore continued, "Some students, including their parents, may be suspicious of me. They were shocked by what I did - either because they couldn't believe that Voldemort was really back, or because they thought I shouldn't make this public and tell everyone so as not to cause panic in the wizarding world. After all, people like you The little wizards are still too young - however, I believe it is always better to tell the truth than to lie, if we try to say that Harry was taken away as an accident of his own making, or blame it on me The assignment is too foolish, and it is also an insult to my own intelligence!"

Everyone knew that Dumbledore was referring to the Ministry of Magic.

However, the Ministry of Magic seems to have merit, because many students are really scared and shocked. After all, Dumbledore really publicly announced that Voldemort was resurrected! That is the Dark Lord that almost everyone fears!

Of course, many Slytherin students seemed a little excited. For example, Harry saw Draco Malfoy whispering to his two followers, Crabbe and Goyle.

Harry instantly felt a burst of anger welling up in his heart, and he even forced himself to turn his gaze to Dumbledore.

"In light of what is happening now - in light of Voldemort's return from the dead - connections and understanding within the wizarding world are more important than ever!" said Dumbledore.

Dumbledore looked at the Hufflepuff table, then at Ravenclaw, and finally at Gryffindor and Slytherin. Most of the Gryffindor students were excited and proud, puffing up their chests, and Slytherin. Lin's students were just the opposite. Many young wizards were even a little scared, as if they thought Dumbledore would say some harsh words.

"Everyone in this hall." Dumbledore said, his eyes finally resting on the Slytherin classmates, "As long as you are willing to unite, you are welcome at any time. Let me say it again to all of you - In view of Voldemort's resurrection, we will only be strong if we are united. If we are divided, we will be vulnerable - Voldemort's methods of creating conflict and hostility are very clever. Only by showing the same unbreakable friendship and trust can we fight against him to the end. As long as We have the same goal, open minds, and differences in habits and language will not be an obstacle to our friendship!"

"I believe - and I sometimes wish I was mistaken - I believe that we are all going to face dark and difficult times. Some of you in this Hall have suffered at the hands of Lord Voldemort, and many of your families They were all torn apart.”

"Please remember those who died because of Voldemort, those innocent, friendly people, whether wizards or Muggles, they may have just seen Voldemort, or even done nothing, and were killed by Voldemort and suffered hardships. Imaginary doom. Please always remember those who tragically lost their lives!”

After the exam, without waiting for the results to come out, the students took the Hogwarts Express and all left Hogwarts in one trip.

Harry had tried to propose going to 12 Grimmauld Place during the summer vacation to live with his godfather Sirius, but in the end he was unable to do so due to Dumbledore's objections.

"Harry, you must go back to your aunt and uncle's house. You must go back there until you are an adult!" Dumbledore said in an irrefutable tone.

Harry finally had to board the Hogwarts Express in despair.

Thinking about the changes in the magical world in the next two or three months, he will know nothing about it, and may not even receive a letter - it will be difficult for the Dursley family to allow him to maintain contact with the magical world - haha Lideng became more and more depressed.

However, the professors had no time to take care of this child's temper. At noon the day after seeing off the Hogwarts students, members of the Order of the Phoenix once again gathered at No. 12 Grimmauld Place.

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