New Professor at Hogwarts

Chapter 143 Argument

As soon as Xia Ran rang the doorbell, Lupine opened the door for him, stepped into Black's old house, and heard the sound of arguing coming from the kitchen.

"Dumbledore, I must..." Sirius' voice sounded a little annoyed.

"I know, Sirius, I know what you are going to say, but I also have to tell you that Harry must go back to his aunt and uncle's house every year before he reaches adulthood. This is because of a blood connection. "Sirius, although you are Harry's godfather and care about Harry very much, after all, you do not have the same blood as Lily." Dumbledore's voice was calm and calm.

Lupine spread his hands and said with a wry smile: "Harry wanted to come here during the summer vacation, but Dumbledore refused. Sirius was very angry when he knew the news."

"Sirius is reckless. Harry should really go back to his aunt and uncle's house." Xia Ran said. When Voldemort found the Potter family more than ten years ago because of Professor Trelawney's prophecy, Lily Potter The magic she cast could protect her child, Harry Potter, but only if Harry stayed in a place he could call home and share the same bloodline as Lily and Harry.

Naturally, it can only be the home of Harry's aunt and uncle. After all, his aunt is his mother's biological sister, Harry's aunt Petunia Dursley, and his cousin Dudley Dursley. They all share the same blood as Harry and his mother Lily Potter, which is the source of the magic that Lily Potter casts.

However, very few people know this. So far, only Dumbledore, Snape, and Xia Ran know about it. Xia Ran only learned about this because he knew the plot of the Harry Potter world. Dumbledore and Snape didn't even know he knew this.

Harry may be able to come to 12 Grimmauld Place at the end of the summer vacation, or go to the Burrow or somewhere else, but he must go back to the Dursleys to ensure that Lily Potter's magic is still effective Necessary means, especially now that Voldemort has been completely resurrected and the danger Harry faces has surged to its peak in an instant.

"But...Dumbledore, Harry is willing...I am also happy for Harry to come here. I am his godfather and I have the responsibility..." Sirius continued to talk.

Dumbledore said calmly: "I know, Sirius, you are Harry's godfather and Harry's relative, but after all, Harry's aunt has the same blood as Harry. This is an irrefutable fact. "

"But don't you know? They treated Harry very badly, very, very badly!" Sirius shouted loudly, "If the Dursleys were very nice to Harry, even if they were just average, then I wouldn't be so angry. But it’s obvious that the Dursleys don’t treat Harry as their own family member, and have a very bad attitude. This is Harry’s home, a place where he can be happy, free and comfortable!”

"After he reaches the age of seventeen, of course he can come here and live here forever, but he must return to the Dursleys before he reaches the age of majority." Dumbledore finally ended the topic and said, "Okay, this is There is no need to continue to struggle with the matter, Harry will at least have enough food and clothing there, and there will still be no problems in his life, otherwise he would not recognize it as his home."

Sirius seemed to want to say something more, but Dumbledore had already sat down on his seat, and most of the others had also taken their seats. Xia Ran was the latest to arrive.

Mrs. Weasley and the elf Kreacher brought several bottles of butterbeer, each with a glass in front of them.

The elf Kreacher followed and exited the kitchen, while Mrs. Weasley sat down next to her husband.

"Okay, let's have a meeting," Dumbledore said.

Sitting at the long table were more than a dozen adult wizards, including Dumbledore, the leader of the Order of the Phoenix, and Alastor Moody, the second-in-command, as well as Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, Sirius, Lupin, Kingsley, Don Max, Mundungus, Professor McGonagall, Snape and others, including Xia Ran.

There were also many members of the Order who were not present.

"Albus..." Moody glanced at Dumbledore.

"Voldemort... has indeed been resurrected!" Dumbledore said solemnly. "After his resurrection, Minerva, Sharon, and Remus, together with Voldemort and his loyal followers, the Death Eaters, Barty Crouch Jr. and a big snake had a fierce fight, but they eventually escaped, without much success."

Everyone had known the news for a long time, so they all acted very calmly.

"He has just been resurrected and can he fight with you?" Kingsley frowned.

"Yes, his resurrection was successful," Dumbledore said. "He used Harry's blood, and his relationship with Harry is somewhat special."

"Special?" Sirius asked, "What's the situation?"

"We'll talk about this later," Dumbledore said. "Shacklebolt, what's the current situation at the Ministry of Magic?"

Kingsley Shacklebolt replied: "Fudge has strictly ordered the Ministry to discuss any information about the mysterious man, and no one is allowed to stand up to support you. Anyone who supports you will be directly expelled from the Ministry of Magic by Fudge."

"He's crazy!" Hagrid slammed the table and said angrily.

"Yes, you are right, Hagrid, he is indeed crazy." Kingsley shrugged.

"We must be careful in the Ministry now and not show any tendency to support Dumbledore, otherwise we don't know who will report. We can't confirm everyone's details and thoughts, not to mention that the Ministry of Magic is already There are countless Death Eaters," Arthur Weasley said tiredly.

"Thank you for your hard work." Dumbledore also smiled bitterly, "I didn't expect Fudge to be so afraid of me."

Sirius wanted to say something, looked at Xia Ran, and finally gave up.

"But it's not without gain. At least Scrimgeour has been reporting to Fudge, hoping to recruit more Aurors to deal with the upcoming crisis. Fudge is still considering it. I'm going to add fuel to the fire and get Fudge to agree. Scrimgeour's request," said Kingsley.

Xia Ran knew that this person was now the director of the Auror Office of the Ministry of Magic. When Fudge stepped down in the original time and space, it was Scrimgeour who took over the post of Minister of Magic. Although he had a dispute with Dumbledore, he was still fighting against Voldemort. In terms of a big stance, the two of them are completely consistent, but the way they choose and the means they use to win confidently are different.

But Scrimgeour was eventually captured by Voldemort and forced to question Harry Potter's whereabouts. In the end, Scrimgeour did not leak the secret until his death. From a certain perspective, Scrimgeour was worthy of trust.

Xia Ran thought of the Quidditch World Cup incident during the summer vacation in the original time and space again, so she asked: "By the way, what is the opinion of the Ministry of Magic on the Quidditch World Cup?"

Kingsley, Tonks, and Arthur all looked at each other with helpless smiles.

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