New Professor at Hogwarts

Chapter 144 Meeting

"Hey, Xia Ran, don't you know Fudge's attitude?" Tonks said depressedly, "In Fudge's view, the Quidditch World Cup must of course be held as usual, so that it can show that everything in the magical world is peaceful and peaceful. And no mysterious person comes back."

Xia Ran shook her head and said: "Fudge is playing with fire. It's easy to go wrong, especially with so many wizards from all over the world gathered together. If Voldemort is causing trouble in secret, who will be responsible when something goes wrong? Fudge will definitely be the first to shirk responsibility. , looking for a scapegoat to take the blame.”

"But he is now the Minister of Magic." Mr. Weasley said helplessly, "Also, Ludo Bagman - he is the Director of the Sports Department of the Ministry of Magic, and he is also the direct leader of the Quidditch World Cup. ——Too much effort has been put into promoting the World Cup to be held here, and he will never allow the World Cup to stop."

"In other words, the senior officials of the Ministry of Magic basically believe that the Quidditch World Cup should continue to be held?" Xia Ran said.

"That's more or less the case." Kingsley shrugged and said, "Even Scrimgeour would not object to the Quidditch World Cup being held. You know, it will bring a lot of revenue to the Ministry of Magic. "

"Have they fallen into the eyes of money?" Sirius said dissatisfiedly, "For this reason, they ignored and ignored the dangers lurking in the dark."

Lupine smiled bitterly and said, "Well, Sirius, you have to know that there are still many people in this world who worry about money."

He himself is one of them. Although this year has been much easier because he has become a professor at Hogwarts, he still vividly remembers the difficult life of the previous ten years.

"It seems like we have to enter the Quidditch World Cup to do some protection, just in case." Professor McGonagall said. She actually wanted to take a look at the Quidditch World Cup. After all, she liked Quidditch very much. Diqi this sport.

Dumbledore thought for a moment and said: "Then let's do it, Kingsley, Tonks, Arthur, Remus, Sirius, Sharon, and Minerva, when the Quidditch World Cup is held , you enter the venue as spectators, and try to work in groups of two or three to avoid Death Eaters actually appearing."

"Okay." Several people responded.

"By the way, Dumbledore, Bill and Charlie may all come back this time, and they also want to join the Order of the Phoenix..." Mr. Weasley said.

Dumbledore smiled and said: "Of course, you are welcome at any time. Only with more like-minded people can we deal with Voldemort better."

"Charlie is coming back?" Hagrid was also overjoyed and said, "I want to ask him how he feels about raising dragons in Romania. Those are all cute creatures. I like them very much. And Norbert has been away from me for two years. too much."

Hagrid had a look full of emotion and nostalgia, while Norbert was a dragon he once raised. He won it in a bet with a wizard in the Hog's Head Bar, and was later picked up by Charlie Weasley and brought to Romania to be raised.

Snape suddenly said: "By the way, Dumbledore, what about the Triwizard Tournament?"

" Beauxbatons and Durmstrang are still determined to continue holding this event." Dumbledore said with a headache.

"Triwizard Tournament?" A group of people were shocked. Sirius quickly said: "Triwizard Tournament? Dumbledore, you mean Triwizard Tournament? That ancient event?"

"Yes." This time it was Kingsley who answered. "As far as I know, the Department of Magical Sports and Sports in the Ministry, in addition to preparing for the Quidditch World Cup, is mainly responsible for promoting the restoration of the Triwizard Tournament. Of course, Yes, there is also the Department of International Magical Cooperation, which also plays a big role in this."

"Originally, we have agreed to hold the Triwizard Tournament at Hogwarts, but now that something like this has happened, we are not willing to have the teachers and students of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang come all the way. There may be some serious problems, and the mysterious man probably won't let go of such an opportunity." Professor McGonagall said gloomily.

Seeing the surprised expressions of Xia Ran, Lu Ping and Hagrid, Lu Ping and Hagrid had no understanding at all, so they looked surprised.

Although Xia Ran knew that the Triwizard Tournament would be held in the next school year, he did not expect that the discussions were almost complete by now. He thought it would remain on paper and would be decided during the summer vacation.

Dumbledore specifically explained: "Only the deans of the four houses and I know about this matter, and other teachers were not notified until the matter was completely determined."

"The Triwizard Tournament is held once every five years. Although it was stopped due to too many deaths, it is really exciting to hold it again after several centuries. If I were still studying at Hogwarts, I would have How great?" Sirius sighed, with a very envious look on his face, "It would be great if I could become a Hogwarts warrior."

"Stop it, Sirius, we don't want to continue holding the Triwizard Tournament." Professor McGonagall said annoyed.

"Why not hold it?" Sirius said, "Is it possible for Voldemort to come to Hogwarts to take action? Don't be kidding, Dumbledore is here, he will never break into Hogwarts, and he still has The fact that he has not publicly announced his return shows that he actually has other plans and is happy to see the fight between the Ministry of Magic represented by Fudge and us. He will never easily stand in front of the stage and provide the best evidence for our claims. "

"Ignorance!" Snape said with a cold smile.

"What did you say, Snotlout?" Sirius suddenly became furious and stood up.

"Okay, stop arguing and sit down." Dumbledore said, his head hurt even more, "Sirius, sit down; Severus, please be quiet for a while."

Sirius stared at Snape and slowly sat on the chair.

Snape had a sneer on his face, but he didn't speak again.

No one else spoke. Everyone knew about the entanglement between the two and it couldn't be resolved - even Dumbledore couldn't resolve it - so they were unwilling to wade into this muddy water.

Xia Ran said thoughtfully: "In other words, the relevant parties of the Triwizard Tournament, Beauxbatons and Durmstrang agree, the Department of International Magical Cooperation and the Department of Magical Sports of the Ministry of Magic also agree, and even we Huo Huo agree. Gwarts agreed with his position at the beginning, but now he has changed his position. In general, we are the only ones at Hogwarts who oppose it now?"

"That's why it's so difficult." Professor McGonagall said, "Because we all agreed at the beginning, and now we suddenly disagree. The reason is naturally that the mysterious man has been resurrected, but..." She smiled bitterly and said: "Others No one wants to believe it!”

"Alas, we can only take it one step at a time." Dumbledore sighed. "The Triwizard Tournament will continue to be held, but by then we must strengthen the defense force of Hogwarts."

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