New Professor at Hogwarts

Chapter 145 Lupine’s situation

As Dumbledore spoke, he looked at several members of the Order of the Phoenix in the kitchen conference room and said: "Sirius, Mundungus, and Alastor, I may ask you to stay at Hogwarts when the time comes. Nearby, in the name of watching the Triwizard Tournament. Kingsley, if the Ministry of Magic can send some people..."

Kingsley nodded immediately and said: "I know, Dumbledore, I will try my best to fight for Fudge. Amelia will agree to my request - she believes in our message and is willing to believe that the mysterious man has returned. ——If she comes forward, it is impossible for Fudge to disagree. After all, the Auror Office is a subordinate department of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement commanded by Amelia, and she is the direct leader."

After a pause, Kingsley continued: "However, maybe the number of Aurors that Fudge will finally agree to is not too many, at most three or five."

"It would be a pleasure to have me," said Dumbledore.

Amelia Bones is the director of the Magical Law Enforcement Department of the Ministry of Magic and Xia Ran's former boss. She is a wizard with a very sense of justice and courage. She is also from Hufflepuff like Xia Ran.

"By the way, news about Voldemort..."

After the meeting of the Order of the Phoenix, Xia Ran returned to Fremont Manor. He was thinking about how to improve his magic power. The situation was now turbulent and Voldemort had returned. Naturally, the higher the level of magic power, the safer it would be. If his The magic power was stronger than Voldemort's, so what else did he need to be afraid of?

Unfortunately, it is too difficult to improve the level of magic. Many people are stuck at level 3 for their entire lives, and even level 4 is not available. Xia Ran can have level 5 (advanced) magic, which is better than 99% of those in the magic world. There are many wizards who can compete with him, or better than him. In the entire magic world, whether white wizards or black wizards, there are never more than fifty in total!

This is still an exaggeration.

However, this afternoon Xia Ran received a message from Sirius through the fireplace floo network, and she felt angry.

"Have you read today's Daily Prophet, Xia Ran?" Sirius asked with a particularly gloomy look as his head appeared in the green fireworks.

Xia Ran came over and asked, "No, what's wrong?"

Because the "Daily Prophet" has been completely controlled by the Ministry of Magic and has become a mouthpiece of the Ministry of Magic, he almost doesn't read the "Daily Prophet" now. Reading a lot of false news actually affects his mood.

"I have a copy here, take a look." Sirius threw out a copy of the latest "Daily Prophet" and said viciously and dissatisfiedly, "Fudge is such an idiot! If he dares to stand in front of me, I will definitely Give him a hard blow as soon as possible and make him kneel down and surrender, let him understand what it means to keep a secret!"

Xia Ran was surprised. He knew that Sirius was disgusted with Fudge. Almost all members of the Order of the Phoenix were disgusted with Fudge and turned a blind eye to the facts that were happening. Anyone who came to him would be disgusted and disgusted.

But this is the first time to this extent.

He was a little curious about what the Daily Prophet said.

"Shocked! Hogwarts blatantly hires ferocious werewolves as professors. Is this a distortion of morality? Or is it the loss of humanity?"

Xia Ran understood everything after just reading the title.

It turned out that it was Fudge who signaled the Daily Prophet to make Lupine's identity completely public. How could a werewolf be treated well in the magical world? In particular, Lupine is a professor who teaches and educates people. He often comes into contact with young wizards who go to school. Even if Dumbledore, other professors, and some students stand up to support Luping and say that he is a competent professor, many students' parents do not think so. , many parents cannot rest assured that a werewolf serves as their child's teacher.

Even though many people know that the werewolf Lupine is harmless, he is not a truly vicious werewolf like the werewolf leader Fenrir Greyback.

"It's no wonder other people are involved." Lupine's head appeared next to Sirius, and he smiled bitterly, "I understand the concerns of those parents. If my child's teacher was a werewolf, I might not be worried, so I Understand them.”

"There is always a way. We already have wolfsbane potion, right? It can suppress the ferocious habits of werewolves after transformation. Professor Snape is also researching more effective potions." Xia Ran said with relief.

"That snot-nosed guy? Hmph!" Sirius snorted disdainfully.

Xia Ran said: "Professor Snape is the truly top potions master in today's magic world. He told me earlier that he may have some ideas, but there have been too many things during this period, which has delayed the research."

"Really? I'll have to thank Severus again next time we meet." Lupine chuckled.

"Too many things? He didn't take it to heart at all. It was just an excuse." Sirius said disdainfully.

Xia Ran can testify to this. Snape is indeed very busy. He not only has to deal with the Death Eater gathering held by Voldemort, but also discusses with Dumbledore how to trick Voldemort - this is something they thought only they knew, but Xia Ran knew Snape's identity as a spy and had guessed a lot from his whereabouts. In addition, Snape also had to train and teach Percy. He really couldn't spare any extra time in the past two months. do research.

Sirius had indeed wronged Snape.

"Professor Snape may have some results in two months if he has time." Xia Ran said for Snape.

"I hope." Lupine sighed, "I'm going to live here temporarily with Sirius. I don't have anywhere to go, and I have to find another job. Alas, being a werewolf is sometimes... I can't say it's discriminatory. After all, werewolves are indeed dangerous, and they are uncontrollable dangers."


Seeing Xia Ran's confused face, Lu Ping explained: "I have resigned to Dumbledore. I can't make it difficult for him, especially when Fudge is vigorously smearing Dumbledore. I can't give Fudge an excuse." You can accuse Dumbledore."

Xia Ran sighed slightly in her heart. The werewolf would transform every full moon and become a ferocious wolf. When it encounters people, it will bite and attack. This is indeed a time bomb.

But to be honest, most of the werewolves in the magical world did not want to become werewolves. Almost all of them became werewolves like Lupin, who was bitten by another werewolf. As a result, they were ostracized by the magical world and had to seek life in the dark shadows.

Sometimes a werewolf hides his identity and gets a good job, but the transformation once a month cannot be stopped. Over time, clues will always be discovered, and then he can only resign and leave, just like Lupin now As has been done many times before.

But are werewolves like Lupine bad people?

The answer is obviously no. There are many such werewolves. They themselves are victims. In the end, they become the objects of contempt and rejection by the magic world. They need to control themselves and not hurt others.

Xia Ran hopes that Snape's potion research will produce results as soon as possible.

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