New Professor at Hogwarts

Chapter 146 Spider Tail Alley

"I will find time to ask Professor Snape later to see how the research on pharmaceuticals in this area is progressing. What if there is any breakthrough progress during this period?" Xia Ran chuckled.

Although his relationship with Snape could only be regarded as acceptable, Snape borrowed the Resurrection Stone a few months ago and took three or four months to return it to him. This led to how much Snape was willing to give him. To save face, not to mention that studying this kind of potion would be very beneficial to the people. For Snape himself, it was also a matter of fame and fortune, but he was not willing to waste time on it.

When Lupine was a student, he almost killed Snape when he transformed into a wolf - it was Sirius who deliberately guided Snape, causing Snape to get into the Shrieking Shack when Lupine transformed. , that was the place Dumbledore used specifically to transform Lupine into a werewolf - luckily Harry's father, James Potter, rescued Snape in time, which was a great shame for Snape. !

After all, James Potter is Snape's love rival, and both of them are suitors of Lily Evans.

Of course, Xia Ran guessed that it was also for this reason that when Sirius was wrongly accused of betraying the Potter family by Peter Pettigrew more than ten years ago, no one expressed any surprise or disbelief. Who is Sirius? Is he actually such a person who can be said to act wantonly?

After all, Sirius's plan when he was a student was actually to borrow Lupine's knife to kill Snape. Instead, James Potter noticed something was wrong in time. As for what Lupine was thinking?

No one knows, but at least he did not express much doubt more than ten years ago. Perhaps he also believed that there was indeed a possibility that Sirius would defect to Voldemort.

The same is true for Dumbledore and others.

You know, after Lupine was bitten by the werewolf leader Fenrir Greyback when he was a child and turned into a werewolf, he became a little inferior or sensitive. It is conceivable that Dumbledore was willing to accept him to study at Hogwarts. Lupine was so grateful and willing to die for Dumbledore, but if he caused a murder in school, what would Dumbledore and other professors and teachers think?

Earlier, the young Voldemort released a basilisk, killing Myrtle in the bathroom, and eventually it was Hagrid who was framed as a pet spider raised by Hagrid. Even so, Hagrid was still blamed by Hogg. Watts was expelled. If it weren't for Dumbledore's protection, and Hagrid indeed had no possibility or motive to kill someone - at the time, people thought the perpetrator was a spider - he would probably be imprisoned in Azkaban Prison. .

If Sirius's plan succeeds, then Lupine will kill Snape himself. He will be expelled from Hogwarts and imprisoned in Azkaban Prison. This is 100% certain.

In the end, Lupine was still friends with Sirius. Xia Ran guessed that it was mainly James Potter who played a role in preventing this incident from actually happening and easing Lupine's mood.

However, these things can only be guessed secretly. There is no need to speak out openly to destroy the atmosphere of unity in the Order of the Phoenix, especially when Lupine himself has long since stopped pursuing them.

"Thank you, Xia Ran." Lupine thanked him sincerely, "I think other werewolves would be grateful if they knew about it... Well, the exception is Greyback. His dream is to bite people all over the world and let everyone People turn into werewolves.”

"That crazy fool!" Sirius cursed under his breath.

Xia Ran raised her eyebrows immediately and said, "What's wrong?"

Sirius seemed to have some changes in his attitude towards the werewolf leader Fenrir Greyback.

Lupine smiled bitterly and said: "We met Greyback a few days ago and had a fighting conflict with him. Sirius was almost bitten by Greyback."

"He was also injured by me. Don't think about causing trouble in the past few months." Sirius said.

"Alas, the creatures in the dark world are now active. Perhaps many of them have received the news about the mysterious man's comeback, or even seen the mysterious man with his own eyes and made various promises to them." Lu Ping sighed helplessly. .

Many creatures in the dark world also yearn to walk in the magical world openly and further fulfill their dreams. For example, the werewolf leader Fenrir Greyback bit the wizard child to increase the power of the werewolves.

In addition, goblins pursue freedom that they have never had for centuries, and various dark creature races such as vampires and giants all have their pursuits and desires.

These pursuits are absolutely unacceptable to human wizards in the magical world - Voldemort doesn't care about these. He only cares about whether he can rule the magical world and enjoy eternal life, so he makes unscrupulous promises - this basically means It is impossible for these dark creatures to side with the Order of the Phoenix.

It should be noted that human wizards in ancient times spent countless efforts and sacrificed many lives to make human beings the leader of the magical world, and used the "Wizards' Statute of Secrecy" to distinguish the magical world from the Muggle world. How could future generations continue to do so? Give up the achievements of the forefathers?

Xia Ran has long suspected that the "Wizard's Secrecy" stored in the Ministry of Magic must originally contain Force points, but he has no chance to come into contact with that thing.

Sirius' head disappeared into the green fire for a few breaths, and then reappeared and said: "No more chatting, Kreacher said someone knocked on the door and woke up my mother... There is something going on later. Communicate again.”

"Pay attention to the Ministry of Magic's detection methods." Lupine also warned, and immediately disappeared into the fire, the green fire turned red again.

Xia Ran pondered for a while, grabbed a handful of floo powder from the box next to the fireplace, and sprinkled it into the blazing red fireplace. With a pop, the flames turned green again.

"Spider's End Alley!"

The fireworks engulfed Xia Ran in an instant. He seemed to be spinning in the drum of a washing machine, feeling a little uncomfortable both physically and mentally.

When he could see things again, he had appeared in a small living room. It felt like a dark cell with soft walls. Several walls were covered with books, most of which were old. Black or brown leather cover.

A candle-lit lamp hung from the ceiling, casting a dim circle of light in which a frayed and fluffy sofa, an old armchair, and a rickety table were crowded together.

This place has a desolate and deserted atmosphere, as if no one usually lives there.

"Xia Ran, what are you doing here? What's the matter?" Snape was holding up his wand and pointing it at a man who looked relatively pale and chanting a spell, that was Percy Weasley.

This is Snape's home.

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