New Professor at Hogwarts

Chapter 158 Traceless Stretching Spell

"Fortunately, I have been busy for almost an hour and finally successfully set it up." Xia Ran sighed, it was not easy.

Everyone took a few steps back to admire the fruits of their own hands.

Harry thought to himself that no one who looked at these tents would guess that they were built by wizards. However, the problem was that once Bill and Charlie arrived, there would be ten people in total. How could two tents like this be used? Maybe it can fit ten people?

Hermione also discovered this problem, and she looked at Charlie and Mr. Weasley with doubtful eyes.

Xia Ran smiled slightly and said, "You'll find out when you get in."

At this time, Mr. Weasley got on all fours and got into the first tent.

"It might get a little crowded," shouted Mr. Weasley, "but I think everyone can squeeze in and have a look."

Harry, Hermione, Ron, Ginny and the twin brothers Fred and George all got in. Xia Ran heard the exclamations coming from the tent outside, and he immediately smiled.

Xia Ran bent down and got under the tent curtain. What he walked into was an old-fashioned three-bedroom apartment with a bathroom and kitchen.

This tent is impressively cast with a traceless expansion spell, which is a kind of space magic that can expand the space inside an object by chanting a spell and casting a spell. For example, this tent looks like it can only accommodate two or three people, but in the end it doesn't. It became a three-bedroom apartment.

The Invisible Stretch Charm is very useful in many cases, but the Ministry of Magic also controls this spell very strictly, and the use of the Invisible Stretch Charm for private purposes is strictly prohibited.

Of course, the production of tents and other items like this is licensed by the Ministry of Magic.

Well, the car that Mr. Weasley once modified also used the Traceless Stretching Charm, but it was not licensed by the Ministry of Magic, so it was actually illegal. That's why Mrs. Weasley said that if Mr. Weasley If he leads a team to search his home, he will definitely take him to Azkaban Prison.

But the only strange thing is that the layout of the tent room is more suitable for the elderly, and there is even a pungent cat smell in the air.

"Well, the smell is a bit strong, but it's only temporary. We can go back tomorrow." Mr. Weasley said awkwardly, then looked at the four bunk beds in the bedroom, shook his head and sighed, " I borrowed it from Perkins in the office, poor old guy, he had a bad back and can't camp anymore."

Xia Ran picked up a dusty kettle from the side, opened the lid and looked inside, and said, "We need some water..."

"On the map that Muggle gave us, there is a water tap marked on it." Ron said, taking out the map and looking at it carefully, "On the other side of the field, who wants to come with me to fetch water?"

He looked at the other people in the tent.

"Okay, then you, Harry and Hermione will go get us some water, and then..." Xia Ran handed the kettle in her hand to Ron, "...well, the rest of us need to pick up some. Get firewood and prepare for life, it will be noon soon.”

"But we have a stove, why..." Ron asked.

However, his question was interrupted by Mr. Weasley. Mr. Weasley said happily and eagerly: "Ron, don't forget the safety regulations for Muggles. Real Muggles always stay in the wild when camping." I’ve seen people lighting fires outdoors, but I’ve never experienced it myself, so it’s just right!”

"Okay." Ron said helplessly. He knew his father's love for Muggles. This could be seen from the pile of Muggle items in the Burrow's warehouse.

"Let's go visit the girls' tent." Mr. Weasley suggested. They exited the three-bedroom tent and got into another tent. They found that this tent was only slightly smaller than the boys' tent. A little bit, but it doesn't smell like cat at all. Instead, it smells fresher, giving people a relaxed and happy feeling.

Afterwards, the trio of Harry, Ron, and Hermione set out across the camp to fetch water, carrying the kettle and the two stewpots handed to them by Mr. Weasley.

Xia Ran and Mr. Weasley, as well as the three brothers Fred, George, and Ginny, entered the woods nearby and began to collect firewood.

At this time, not long after the sun had risen, the mist gradually dissipated, and Xia Ran saw tents in all directions, as far as the eye could see.

"So many people!" He couldn't help but sigh.

"This is the Quidditch World Cup, Xia Ran, one of the most important events in the wizarding world in the world!" Mr. Weasley said with a smile, having picked up a bundle of dry firewood and hugged it in his arms.

"Quidditch World Cup, I really hope I can participate in this kind of event one day." Ginny said with bright eyes.

George laughed and said: "Little girl, you are still early, and there are very few female players in the teams that can enter the Quidditch World Cup, let alone teams like the Irish team and Bulgaria that have reached the World Cup finals."

When Xia Ran and the others arrived, the Quidditch World Cup had already reached the finals, and the two Quidditch teams participating in the finals were the Irish national team and the Bulgarian national team.

"Just watch, George, I'm going to surprise you, and I hope your jaw won't drop to the floor by then." Ginny said calmly.

"I'm waiting to watch your game, sister." George said with a smile.

At this time, several people had arrived on a hillside in the woods.

"Ah, is there something wrong with my eyes? Why did everything in that place turn green?" Fred rubbed his eyes.

In the camping area further away, all the tents were covered with a thick layer of clover. From where Xia Ran and the others stood, it looked like countless strange green hills had emerged from the ground.

"The logo of the Irish national team - the clover!" Mr. Weasley said, "I also support the Irish national team. Of course, Krum of the Bulgarian national team is also a genius, a truly top Quidditch genius!"

"I think the people in the ministry must be unhappy." Xia Ran smiled.

"Haha, that's for sure." Mr. Weasley laughed and said, "But at this moment - it's already the finals - what's the big deal about decorating your own tent? We should always Allow Ireland national team supporters to express their support boldly!"

"And you see, the Bulgarians also have their tents fully hung."

Mr. Weasley said, pointing to another camp.

Xia Ran looked over and saw that the tents in the camp were filled with flags. The Bulgarian flag—white, green, and red—fluttered in the breeze.

However, there are no plants covering the tents here. Each tent has the same poster on it. It shows a very gloomy face with thick black eyebrows. Xia Ran used a telescope to see clearly. He He handed it to Ginny again - of course, the wizard's pictures are all movable, they are not dead things, but this person's picture is very gloomy, and his face only blinks and frowns.

"Krum!" Ginny shouted excitedly, "Viktor Krum, the Bulgarian Seeker, one of the most powerful Seekers in the world! And he is still very young!"

"Well, my dear sister, it's time to give me the telescope to take a look at," Fred said lazily.

It’s on the shelves. I hope everyone supports genuine subscription. There will be more updates in the next few days. jinliangduoxiedian

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