New Professor at Hogwarts

Chapter 159 Lively

"Here you go!" Ginny angrily pushed the telescope into Fred's arms.

"But his look is too gloomy." Xia Ran shook his head. Countless Klum blinked and frowned, and the people in Bulgaria could bear it. There really is no limit to chasing stars.

"Gloomy?" George smiled, "Professor Frémont, who cares what Krum looks like? He is amazing! As long as he can ensure that his level does not decline, and because he is particularly young, he can at least maintain There are still more than ten years of peak golden period. If he can lead the Bulgarian national team to win the Quidditch World Cup again, the Bulgarians will really worship him like a god!"

"Oh, what a pity, Krum is not from our country." Fred said sadly, "The England national team didn't even get out of the group line. It's so embarrassing!"

When they heard about this, Ginny and George also looked like they were sighing.

"Okay, kids, don't just chat. The sun has risen. Quickly collect some firewood and go back. I think Ron, Harry, and Hermione should have returned from fetching water soon." Weasley said Mr.

They each carried a bundle of firewood back to the camp. When passing by the surrounding tents, Xia Ran found that many adult wizards had just gotten up at this time, yawned and came out of the tents, and started to make breakfast. Some were looking around furtively. When they saw that there were no Ministry of Magic employees around, they immediately lit the fire with their wands; some were still striking matches with doubtful expressions on their faces, as if they thought it would definitely not work.

Seeing the way they were using matches, Xia Ran almost couldn't help laughing. He tightened his cheeks and hurried over.

In the camp, wizards came from all over the world. There were male African wizards sitting there chatting and laughing loudly from time to time. There was something like a hare roasting in the purple bonfire. There was another group of middle-aged American witches who were talking in a low voice. A shiny banner hung high between their tents: Salem Witch Academy.

That's a magic school in another country.

Xia Ran also saw some yellow people speaking various prophecies. When he passed by an ancient tomb-shaped tent, he heard familiar voices coming from the tent. He stopped briefly and then left again.

After all, he didn't know the wizard in this tent at all.

When they passed a square tent, a familiar figure of a witch suddenly emerged from the tent. She was wearing a wizard hat and a pair of glasses on the bridge of her nose. Her eyes were no longer as serious as before.

It was Minerva McGonagall, the transfiguration professor at Hogwarts.

"Professor Frémont, Arthur, when did you come?" Professor McGonagall said hello. She has always liked Quidditch games. When she was in school, she would attend almost every Quidditch game, such as Of course she couldn't miss the Quidditch World Cup finals.

"Professor McGonagall," Fred, George, and Ginny called.

Xia Ran smiled and said: "I just came here not long ago, I just arrived this morning."

Professor McGonagall nodded, looked around, and lowered her voice: "You guys come over here after lunch, Xia Ran, you and Arthur, Bill and Charlie, then Sirius, Remus, Alastor and the others will be there."

Xia Ran and Mr. Weasley nodded immediately. They had not forgotten how dangerous things were lurking in the dark. The Quidditch World Cup was not a time to completely relax.

They then returned to their tent, and the trio of Ron, Harry, and Hermione had not yet returned from fetching water.

"Okay, let's start making a fire. I have matches here." Mr. Weasley took out a box of matches from his pocket and said enthusiastically, "Can this gadget really light a fire?"

He took out a match and eagerly slid it on one side of the matchbox.

"Ouch!" Mr. Weasley struck a match, screamed immediately, and threw it away.

Xia Ran held her forehead and said, "Mr. Weasley, don't throw it away after lighting it."

As he spoke, he took a match and lightly struck it on one side of the matchbox. With a snap, the match ignited immediately. He placed the lit match under the firewood pile, and the dry firewood and weeds ignited immediately. got up.

"How amazing!" exclaimed Mr. Weasley.

Xia Ranxin said that if Muggles saw the wizard's actions, they would think it was magical!

After they lit the fire, they waited for a long time before Ron, Harry, and Hermione came back, all carrying water.

"Why have you been there for so long?" George couldn't help complaining.

"I met a few familiar people." Ron replied, putting down the water, "What's for lunch? I'm a little hungry."

"Then it took you so long?" Fred rolled his eyes.

By this time, the fire was already quite strong, so they started cooking rice, frying eggs, and cooking sausages. The aroma immediately filled the air, and the stomachs of several children were growling.

"Wait a little longer, it will be ready soon." Xia Ran said, flipping the other side of the eggs to avoid burning them.

Mr. Weasley looked at his watch and said, "Why haven't Bill and Charlie arrived yet?"

"It's okay, we can still eat more if they don't come. Anyway, they must have eaten enough at home before coming," Ron said.

"Who said we were full?"

At this time, two figures in the woods walked over quickly, it was Bill and Charlie.

"Apparated just now, Dad." Charlie said loudly, "Ah, great, there is delicious food! I'm so hungry!"

"Didn't your mother give you anything to eat?" Mr. Weasley said, taking out a plate and filling it with Xia Ran's baked eggs.

Bill smiled bitterly: "She said we got up too late and had nothing to eat, so she asked us to come over and make something to eat."

"Then you come here and eat it directly." Ron rolled his eyes and said.

"Okay, brother, step aside and make a place for the second brother." Charlie said, and a group of people crowded together and sat down together.

However, while they were grilling sausages and eggs and eating, there were many ministry officials coming and going from time to time on the road nearby - their tent was located next to a road leading to the stadium - those officials enthusiastically greeted Wei Mr. Sly greeted Xia Ran.

Mr. Weasley and Sharon kept making introductions, mainly for Harry and Hermione. The Weasley children were very familiar with the people in the Ministry and could not arouse their interest.

"That's Cuthbert Mockridge, the director of the Goblin Liaison Office... This is Gilbert Whymper, who works on the Experimental Spells Committee. Ah, you mean those horns on his head? It was an accident while experimenting with a spell, but it was nothing serious. It had been going on for a while, and they seemed to want to see what the subsequent effects of these horns would be..."

"Hello, Arnie...Arnold Peacegood is a memory canceller and a member of the team that reverses accidental magical events...That's Bode and Crocker, they are the Silent People..."

"The Silent People? What are the Silent People? What do they mainly do?" Harry and Hermione asked curiously.

Xia Ran replied: "They are from the Department of Mysteries, top secret! I don't know what they are doing, but the Department of Mysteries is the most mysterious department of the Ministry of Magic. What they do may be quite meaningful!"

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