New Professor at Hogwarts

Chapter 161 Goodbye

Xia Ran coughed lightly and said: "Fred, George, are you betting too much? Gambling should be done in moderation. There is no need to spend all your savings on it."

He knows the outcome of this Quidditch World Cup - if nothing unexpected happens, after all, Voldemort is completely resurrected this time, and there is no guarantee that something unexpected will happen during the World Cup. Sirius, Lupin, Moody, etc. Therefore, people are on call at any time. He, Mr. Weasley, Bill, Charlie, and Professor McGonagall are also members of the Order of the Phoenix within the scope of being on call - but he is not interested in gambling, so he is unwilling to participate in Bagh. Mann's bet.

Moreover, according to the original process of time and space, Ludo Bagman was completely defeated in the end, and even losing almost no money was not enough. He even had to disappear for a period of time.

From Xia Ran's point of view, it was acceptable for Mr. Weasley to gamble for fun, but the twin brothers were too impulsive and erroneous in considering all their savings.

But if they were not allowed to participate in the bet directly, Xia Ran was not the parents or elders of the twin brothers - not to mention that what their father, Mr. Weasley, had just said was refuted - so he decided to persuade the Weasley family in a subtle way. twin brothers.

"It doesn't matter, we are confident. We have been studying this for a long time this summer." George said with a smile.

"Okay, Fred Weasley, George Weasley..."

Ludo Bagman quickly took out a notebook and quill from the pocket of his yellow and black robe, and scrawled the names of the twin brothers, as if he was afraid that they would regret it.

Mr. Weasley looked on helplessly.

Xia Ran also shook her head and simply said no more. Anyway, the twin brothers were still at Hogwarts and had not yet graduated to find jobs on their own, so the Weasleys would not be cut off from their pocket money supply.

In daily life at Hogwarts, house elves are busy in the kitchen, and all kinds of food, snacks and drinks do not cost the teachers and students a penny.

If it doesn't work, just spend money to buy a lesson!

"It's done!" George took the small strip of parchment handed to him by Bagman and stuffed it into the front of his robe.

Bagman turned back to Mr. Weasley with great joy.

"Can you do me a favor, Arthur? I've been looking for Jerome Patton. My equal in Bulgaria is giving us advice, but I don't understand a word he says. Jerome Tom will solve this problem. Although he is not as good at speaking one hundred and fifty languages ​​as Barty Crouch was before, he can still speak about forty or fifty languages."

Barty Crouch was the former Director of the Department of International Magical Exchange and Cooperation of the Ministry of Magic. He later died at the hands of his son, Barty Crouch Jr., and his body was not found. The Ministry of Magic promoted another person with background. A meritorious wizard came to power and served as the director of the Department of International Magical Exchange and Cooperation. His name was Jerome Barton, and Percy was now working under Barton.

So Mr. Weasley's expression became subtle and he said, "I'll try, but I haven't seen Jerome Barton today either."

"Please give me a grilled sausage...Thank you, Xia Ran." Bagman sat down on the grass next to them and said while eating the sausage handed over by Xia Ran, "It seems that one of your children is here Under Barton, right? I saw his red hair, and I think except for your Weasley family, the red-haired wizards from other families are not so conspicuous."

"Uh, yes, yes." Mr. Weasley said a little uneasily.

Family scandals should not be made public. He couldn't just say that Percy and I had severed our relationship, right?

Bagman said carelessly: "What's his name? He seems quite capable. I heard Barton talk about him, and he had many compliments."

"Really?" Mr. Weasley forced a smile.

Bagman suddenly looked around, lowered his voice and said, "Arthur, I have to say something about you. With the current situation in the Ministry of Magic, I think it's best for you to distance yourself from Dumbledore... You know , you are pure blood, you should not be limited to such a small department... You can go to larger departments and platforms to develop..."

This time Mr. Weasley just smiled without comment and did not answer.

"Okay, it's up to you." Bagman said casually.

At this time Bill handed Bagman a cup of tea.

"Xia Ran, how is your career as a professor? How do you feel about teaching children?" He suddenly looked at Xia Ran and asked with a smile, "I was really taken aback when I heard that you resigned to apply for the Hogwarts professorship. I'm surprised, I didn't expect you to actually become the combat professor at Hogwarts."

"It's okay." Xia Ran smiled, "It's two completely different feelings from working in the Ministry of Magic."

"Alas!" Bagman sighed, his round eyes widened a little, showing a regretful expression, "I'm so sorry that I'm too old, otherwise I would really have to enter Hogwarts to listen to you. lecture."

"Haha, do you see what I'm capable of?" Xia Ran laughed.

Snapped! Snapped!

There were two sudden snaps on the ground, and the two wizards apparated and appeared beside their campfire.

"Ha, just as I was talking about you, here you are! Jerome!" Bagman laughed.

This middle-aged male wizard formed a very sharp contrast with Ludo Bagman, who was sitting lazily on the grass wearing the old robes of the Hornets.

Jerome Barton is a man in his fifties or sixties. His waist is slightly stooped, but his face is very serious and unsmiling. At first glance, he looks like a very strict and self-disciplined person.

However, the Weasleys all looked unnatural and felt extremely awkward.

Because next to Jerome Barton there is a tough-looking wizard, who seems to be imitating Jerome Barton, with the same unsmiling expression and the same serious expression, turning a blind eye to the Weasley family who are standing in front of him.

He is none other than Percy Weasley.

After looking at Jerome Barton, the newly appointed Director of the Department of International Magical Exchange and Cooperation, and making a vague look at Percy, Xia Ran focused on the barbecue food again. He was not full yet.

Several members of the Weasley family also pretended to be busy with their own affairs.

Harry and Hermione looked at each other and pretended not to see Percy.

"Sit down and rest, Jerome." Bagman said happily, patting the grass beside him.

"No, thank you, Ludo." Jerome said, with a hint of impatience in his voice, "I've been looking for you everywhere, and the Bulgarians insisted that we add twelve more seats to the top box."

"Oh, it turns out that's what they want." Bagman suddenly said, "I thought that guy wanted to borrow a pair of tweezers from me. His accent was too strong."

He shook his head as he spoke.

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