New Professor at Hogwarts

Chapter 162 Big Event

"Hello Xia Ran." Jerome greeted Xia Ran first, and Xia Ran responded.

Jerome then cast his serious gaze on Mr. Weasley and said: "By the way, I have always wanted to tell you something, Arthur. Ali Bashir raised a provocation and he wanted to talk to you. Talk about your ban on flying carpets.”

Mr. Weasley immediately sighed heavily.

"I sent him an owl last week to talk specifically about this. I've told him a hundred times that carpets are classified as Muggle artefacts on the Prohibited Magical Items Register, but he will Do you listen?" Mr. Weasley said with a wry smile. He is the director of the Office for the Suppression of Misuse of Muggle Artifacts in the Ministry of Magic.

"I doubt he will." Jerome said still seriously. "He can't wait to export flying carpets here. He seems to think that Britain will be his next market."

"Haha, is he kidding?" Bagman laughed. "Flying carpets are good, but how can they replace flying broomsticks? This is something that will never happen, right?"

"Alibaba believes there is a niche in the family transportation market," Jerome said.

"Okay, let's not talk about the Bulgarians. How about it, are you busy enough, Jerome?" Bagman's tone seemed very relaxed and cheerful.

"Very busy!" Jerome said in a stiff tone, "It is not an easy task to organize and arrange door keys on five continents, Ludo."

"I take it you are all keen for this to be over soon?" Mr. Weasley asked.

Ludo Bagman seemed taken aback.

"Would you rather? Oh, no, I have never been so happy! However, there is no hope ahead, right, Jerome? Well, there are still many activities to be organized, right, Xia Ran?" Bagman laughed. chuckled.

Jerome immediately raised his eyebrows at Bagman.

"We promise not to announce it to the public until all the details - of course, Xia Ran is a professor at Hogwarts, he is an insider - are complete, Ludo..."

"Oh, details." Bagman waved his hand disapprovingly, as if to ward off a swarm of mosquitoes, "They signed, right? There is no room for regret, even if Dumbledore... you know, Gerald Hmm...but I'm willing to bet you that these kids are going to find out about this soon. I mean, this is going to happen at Hogwarts..."

"Ludo, you should know that we need to meet those Bulgarians!" Jerome said seriously, interrupting Bagman, "By the way, Percy, don't say hello to your family. ?"

He finally looked at Percy, who had been staying quietly beside him.

"No, Mr. Barton, I have nothing to do with them anymore!" Percy said stiffly, still not turning to look at the Weasley family.

The Weasley children: Bill, Charlie, Fred, George, Ron, Ginny, Harry and Hermione all showed angry looks.

Mr. Weasley looked solemn and said nothing.

"Oh, really?" Jerome seemed to be slightly startled, but then he didn't care anymore, but stared at Ludo Bagman, waiting for him to get up from the ground.

Ludo struggled to his feet and drank the tea in one gulp, the gold galleons clinking happily in his pocket.

"I just said how could Xia Ran... See you later, you are on the top box with me - I am the commentator of the game!" Bagman blinked and waved goodbye, while Jerome Barton just said calmly Percy nodded without any expression.

Following the three of them, they apparated and disappeared.

"That idiot!" George lowered his voice. He didn't name him, but everyone knew he was talking about Percy.

"George!" Mr. Weasley shouted sternly, glaring at George.

George turned his head away, but seemed to be still mumbling something.

"What's going on at Hogwarts now, Dad?" Ron changed the subject and asked curiously, "What did they just say?"

"You'll find out soon enough," Mr. Weasley said with a smile.

Fred looked at Xia Ran and asked hurriedly: "Professor Frémont, Mr. Barton said you also know that it is still held at Hogwarts. What is that? What kind of competition?"

Xia Ran smiled slightly. What Jerome, Bagman and Mr. Weasley were talking about was the restart of the Triwizard Tournament after hundreds of years.

Due to Voldemort's resurrection and return, Dumbledore originally intended not to hold the event anymore. Unfortunately, he had previously agreed to the event on behalf of Hogwarts and signed all the papers. The Ministry of Magic did not want to waste years of efforts in vain. The other two magic schools: Both Beauxbatons and Durmstrang expressed their willingness to continue participating in this intensive event.

There was no other way. Hogwarts had no choice but to continue participating in the Triwizard Tournament. Dumbledore had made special arrangements for this matter. By then, many members of the Order of the Phoenix might have to live in Hogsmeade Village. Strengthening Hogwarts Watts's garrison to prevent a surprise Death Eater attack.

"It's a top secret and you don't want to tell us, is it?" Ginny made a bitter look on her face.

"Haha, it's not top secret." Xia Ran smiled, "But you don't have to worry, Dumbledore will notify all students when school starts."

"Then Mr. Bagman said that Dumbledore doesn't seem satisfied, right?" Harry said hesitantly.

"Does Dumbledore disagree with this?" Hermione frowned.

"Don't agree?" Xia Ran shrugged and said, "He originally agreed, but didn't you hear that he had already signed it? It's just that something unexpected happened later, which caused Dumbledore to change his mind."

"Accident?" Several people were suddenly confused.

Hermione couldn't help but lost her voice and said: "Mysterious Man! It's because of Mysterious Man!"

"That's right." Mr. Weasley nodded and said, "The mysterious man has returned. Dumbledore is worried about problems, so he is unwilling to continue the event, but..." He smiled bitterly twice and continued: "It turns out that he The words have been signed, and it’s too late to regret it.”

"Dad, should we go there?" Charlie said suddenly and looked at the time.

"Oh, yes, it's time to go over for the meeting." Mr. Weasley said, after eating the last bit of food, he gave Fred and George a few words. After all, Bill and Charlie were also going over for the meeting. Fortunately, the children Already grown up.

Xia Ran patted his butt and stood up. He, Mr. Weasley, Bill, and Charlie quickly walked along the side of the camp.

Outside Professor McGonagall's tent, they also saw a witch with bright red hair, it was Tonks.

Tonks seemed to be talking to Lupine, with a happy expression on her face, but Luping looked more helpless and haggard. When she saw Xia Ran and the four of them coming over, it was like seeing a savior.

"Arthur, Xia Ran, you are finally here! And Bill and Charlie, when did you come back?"

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