New Professor at Hogwarts

Chapter 175 Leaving

It didn't take long for the doctor from St. Mungo's Hospital to apparate over. After witnessing the scene, he could only sigh.

St. Mungo's doctors took away the wounded who were in a daze, as well as the "dead" who could not be revived at all.

The conversation between Dumbledore and Fudge also ended in a dispute. Fudge left with a livid face and a group of wizard officials from the Ministry of Magic.

Amelia Bones, Ludo Bagman, Jerome Barton, Kingsley and others said hello to Dumbledore before leaving.

Mr. Weasley left without him.

"I'm still on vacation, Fudge has no control over me, and Amelia is my immediate boss." Mr. Weasley said, looking at the back of his third son Percy as he followed the others away, his expression slightly grim. Sentimental.

"That's it for today. Nothing will happen in the future. We'll have another meeting in a few days." Dumbledore said, and with a snap, he apparated away.

Xia Ran and the other members of the Order of the Phoenix looked at each other, their faces solemn, and they looked worried.

After saying good night to each other, Sharon, Mr. Weasley, and Bill separated from Moody, Lupin, Sirius, Mundungus, and Professor McGonagall.

"I hope nothing happened to the children. It was so chaotic just now..." Mr. Weasley said worriedly.

Xia Ran comforted: "Don't worry, Charlie is here, nothing will happen."

Indeed, as Xia Ran said, when they returned to the tent, Charlie, Fred, George, Ron, Harry, Hermione, and Ginny had already returned first, and they were all fine. Several children except Charlie seemed a little frightened.

"Dad, are you okay?" Charlie asked.

Mr. Weasley waved his hand and said: "It's okay, it's just... alas!" Thinking of the innocent people whose souls were sucked by the dementors, he couldn't help but sigh.

"What's wrong?" Several children, including Charlie, looked confused.

Bill sighed and talked about the situation just now.


"The soul...was eaten by dementors?!"

Several people were immediately shocked. Harry couldn't help but said: "How is it possible? Aren't the Dementors controlled by the Ministry of Magic? Why..."

Bill smiled bitterly and said: "As a dark creature, how can Dementors really obey the orders of the Ministry of Magic? Especially at this moment, the mysterious man has been back for several months."

Harry and the others understood what Bill meant.

"You mean, the Dementors are controlled by a mysterious man?" Ron said in disbelief, "Does the Ministry of Magic have no means at all?"

Mr. Weasley said tiredly: "Fudge can't give the Dementors too good conditions, but the mysterious man can, and that's enough."

Seeing that Harry, Ron and others still looked confused, Xia Ran explained: "Dementors feed on human happiness. How many people can there be in Azkaban Prison? They are all extremely vicious prisoners." , it doesn’t matter whether they have any too happy memories, and if they come to the outside world, billions of people will become their food source!”

After saying that, Xia Ran shrugged again and said: "Of course, this is too alarmist. If we really go to this step, the confidentiality regulations and the package of wizard regulations will have no effect. Dementors They can only be killed and eliminated by wizards! But it is true that the outside world is a richer hunting ground for dementors!"

"Why weren't the dementors eliminated?" Hermione asked puzzledly. "Since the dementors are such a threat, and the dementors are not creatures like dragons and unicorns anyway, it shouldn't matter if they are eliminated, right?" ?”

"Who knows?" Xia Ran spread her hands and said, "Maybe it is a race of life after all. It would be too cruel to eliminate it directly."

While several children were still confused and surprised, Mr. Weasley clapped his hands and said: "Okay, children, too many things happened today. Let's go to bed early and leave here early tomorrow morning. If Molly hears She must have been worried to death after hearing these things. We took the time to sleep for a few hours, then got the door key and went back early to reassure her."

Xia Ran lay down on the bunk bed. When he closed his eyes, the faces of the victims reappeared in front of him. They were dumbfounded and in a trance. They had no reaction to any movement from the outside world, as if they had lost their souls. .

They have indeed lost their souls.

He knew that he was already very sleepy. After all, it was late at night and he was exhausted after so many things in the night, but he just couldn't fall asleep and even felt very awake.

If you persist, Fudge will step down...

Xia Ran took a deep breath and stopped thinking about these things. It seemed that it was no longer helpful.

However, he had an idea, but it had to be supported by Dumbledore, and he decided to bring it up at the next meeting at the Order's headquarters.

He finally fell asleep.

After only sleeping for a few hours, Xia Ran woke up. He was not the first to wake up. Mr. Weasley was already dressed.

The two woke up the others, and the two girls crawled out of the girls' tent. Mr. Weasley used magic to close up the tents and put them into backpacks, and then the group left the camp as quickly as possible.

On the way, I saw Mr. Roberts standing at the door of his small stone house. Mr. Roberts looked equally strange, in a daze, but his brows were furrowed, as if he was thinking about something.

"The Ministry of Magic must have cast a forgetting spell on him! So that he could forget what happened last night. After all, Dementors are not something Muggles should know about." Mr. Weasley whispered.

"Is he going to be okay?" Hermione asked worriedly.

Xia Ran said softly: "He will be fine! But sometimes, when a person's memory has been modified, it is inevitable that he will be a little confused, but it is only temporary and he will recover after a while."

As they approached the place where the portkey was kept, they heard many people making an anxious noise. A large number of wizards surrounded Basil, the portkey keeper, and they were all clamoring to leave the camp as soon as possible.

Many people were frightened by the dementor's attack on the camp last night.

Mr. Weasley and Basil discussed it in a few words, and then everyone stood in the queue and finally received an old tire just as the sun was rising, which they could rely on to return to Stoat Mountain.

Although Xia Ran can apparate, he would find it unbearable when there are too many people. After all, apparation and apparation consume very much magic power.

In the faint breeze of the early morning, the group passed through the village of Ottery St. Catchpole and walked along the wet path towards the burrow. They rarely spoke along the way because everyone was extremely tired and full of stomach problems. Hungry again - they had set off straight away when they woke up, without eating anything at all - and were looking forward to returning to the Burrow for a good meal.

Xia Ran just went along with the past.

When they turned the last corner, the Burrow appeared in front of them, and there was a shout from the end of the path.

"Oh, thank God, you are finally back! Thank God!"

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