New Professor at Hogwarts

Chapter 176 Big News

Xia Ran opened her eyes and saw Mrs. Weasley, who was pale and nervous. She was holding a rolled-up copy of the Daily Prophet in her hand. She was still wearing the slippers she wore in the bedroom. At this moment, she saw a group of people. When I came back, I finally seemed more relaxed.

"Arthur... I'm so worried, so worried... I'm afraid of you... The newspaper said that the World Cup camp was attacked by dementors... When I saw the news, I was just... oh, thank God, You are all back safely!"

She hugged Mr. Weasley's neck, and the "Daily Prophet" slipped from her weak hands to the ground. Xia Ran lowered her head and saw that the title was: "Horrifying Scenes at the Quidditch World Cup!"

There are also flashy black-and-white photos of dementors gathering to create large areas of darkness.

"You are all fine, great!" Mrs. Weasley was still in shock, murmuring, letting go of Mr. Weasley, and looking at the others one by one with a pair of red eyes, "You are all alive, nothing happened to anyone. …Oh, son!”

To everyone's surprise, she grabbed Fred and George and hugged them hard. She seemed to use too much force, and the twin brothers' heads slammed together with a thud.

"Ouch! Mom, you are going to strangle us to death!" the twins protested loudly.

"I was yelling at you before you left." Mrs. Weasley couldn't help crying as her tears fell. "I've been thinking about this. If you unfortunately encounter a dementor, And the last thing I said to you was that your O.W.Ls test scores were not satisfactory? Oh my God...Fred...George..."

"Okay, okay, Molly, we are all safe and sound." Mr. Weasley comforted him, deciding not to mention the innocent victims. He pulled out a pair of twins from her arms and led the She walked toward the house.

"By the way, Bill, pick up that newspaper, I want to see what it says." Mr. Weasley said in a low voice.

"Xia Ran, come in quickly, I'll let you see the joke." Mrs. Weasley wiped away her tears and said sheepishly.

Xia Ran smiled slightly and said: "How could it be? I will continue to trouble you, Mrs. Weasley, I'm here to eat again."

"Welcome, welcome! Sharon, you are always welcome to the Burrow!" Mrs. Weasley said.

"You guys sit down first, things will be ready soon. Children, make a cup of tea for Dad and the professor." Mrs. Weasley looked at the children and said, turned and walked into the kitchen.

Xia Ran followed the others and squeezed into the small kitchen. Hermione first made Mrs. Weasley a cup of strong tea - "Oh, thank you, Hermione." Mrs. Weasley said movedly, Hermione didn't She smiled sheepishly - and then she poured Mr. Weasley and Sharon a cup of tea, which was not that strong, but Mr. Weasley insisted on pouring a little Ogden aged firewhiskey into his teacup.

Bill came in at this moment with the newspaper.

"Bill, what did the newspaper say? What lies did Fudge tell the Daily Prophet to tell?" Xia Ran said while sipping tea.

Bill immediately laughed and said, "Xia Ran, you didn't even look at it, so you said it was a lie?"

He opened the newspaper, glanced at it a few times, frowned tightly, and hummed: "But I have to say, you are right, Xia Ran."

He handed the newspaper to Mr. Weasley.

Mr. Weasley hurriedly browsed the first page of the newspaper, Xia Ran peered in and looked around, and several children stood behind Mr. Weasley and looked over his shoulder.

"...In the 422nd Quidditch World Cup, the Irish team won the championship. Viktor Krum caught the Golden Snitch. Moran and Mallet performed well and deserved to be the world's strongest chasers..."

News related to the World Cup was at the bottom of the first page, occupying less than one-sixth of a small space. It was not at all what the Quidditch World Cup should have been.

Most of the first page was devoted to last night's dementor attack!

Xia Ran looked up.

"Shocked! Dementors appear at the World Cup camp!"

"The World Cup is over, and when people - mainly supporters of the Irish team - are celebrating, the Dementors who were supposed to be on the prison island of Azkaban suddenly appear at the World Cup camp and cause a very unusual situation. Huge casualties!”

"It is reported that more than 4,000 people were attacked by dementors, more than 700 of them were seriously injured, and 35 people suffered from the dementors sucking their souls..."

"Oh, my God!" Hermione and Ginny immediately covered their mouths, "How could..."

Harry also looked embarrassed and asked, "Mr. Weasley, Professor, are so many people really... dead?"

Xia Ran looked solemn, but shook her head and replied: "Probably not that many."

"Should it?" George even asked, "Does that mean someone was indeed kissed by a dementor?"

Xia Ran nodded and sighed.

"Oh my God!" Several children looked sad. Originally, those people came to watch the Quidditch World Cup, but in the end they lost their souls and lives in the Quidditch World Cup camp. If their families could get Got this sad news...

"...According to this newspaper's understanding, Dumbledore showed up at a critical moment. Why couldn't he show up earlier? Is it to increase his reputation? After all, gratitude in desperate moments is more real and intense!"

"The Ministry of Magic is panicking and has lost control of the Dementors. Our Minister also had a fierce quarrel with Albus Dumbledore. For this reason, we boldly guess that maybe this matter is Both parties had known about it for a long time? But in the end the situation got out of control, and both Fudge and Dumbledore wanted to shirk their own responsibilities and let others take the blame!"

"The facts are unknown, but this incident has brought shame to the country and sadness to the people. Who will be responsible for this? Fudge? Or...Dumbledore"

Mr. Weasley read a paragraph from the newspaper and said angrily, "That's nonsense! Are there no limits to getting attention? Who wrote this...ah, Rita Skeeter, no wonder!"

"Dumbledore also arrived at the World Cup camp last night?" Several children were surprised.

Bill nodded and said, "Yes, otherwise it may take a while to drive away the dementors, and we don't know how many innocent people will be killed."

He sighed in tone.

"Dumbledore was very angry about this and had a big fight with Fudge," Mr. Weasley said.

"It seems that some things must be put on the agenda. I have to bring it up again at the next meeting." Xia Ran said softly.

Mr. Weasley glanced at Xia Ran uneasily and guessed what his proposal would be.

"Okay, Xia Ran...well, I won't comment too much..."

Mr. Weasley looked embarrassed; he was, after all, an official of the Ministry of Magic.

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