New Professor at Hogwarts

Chapter 177 Interview

Xia Ran said: "The price paid by so many people is already heavy enough."

"I know, but... well, we'll talk about it later." Mr. Weasley said uneasily.

"Dad, what are you and the professor talking about?" Ron couldn't help asking.

Mrs. Weasley shouted: "Adults speak, children don't interrupt!" She also guessed what point Xia Ran was going to put forward at the next meeting, and it was really best for children not to get involved in this kind of thing.

Xia Ran suddenly frowned and said: "What I want to know is that the Dementors rioted collectively and invaded the Quidditch World Cup camp. Why is there no news about Azkaban Prison? Are the prisoners just peaceful like this? This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for them!”

"Let me take a look." Mr. Weasley said, unfolding the newspaper and flipping through it, shaking his head, "No, except for mentioning the Azkaban prison when telling the news about the dementor riots, there is nothing There was a reference to Azkaban Prison."

Charlie looked solemn and said: "As Xia Ran said, will the prisoners and dark wizards in the prison ignore the dementors who have left the prison and not do any unnecessary actions? For example... jailbreak !”

"It seems that Fudge ordered the Daily Prophet to conceal relevant information again." Xia Ran rubbed her forehead and said.

"Confused!" Mr. Weasley slapped him hard, startling several children, "How can such a thing be concealed and not reported? Those are extremely vicious criminals, dark wizards with bloody hands! Fugui's brain is in trouble Is there water?”

He looked furious.

"In order to reduce the harm of the Dementor incident as much as possible, it seems that Fudge has resorted to any means. Even things that happened under his rule will be treated as if they have never happened." Xia Ran sneered, "The dark wizards ran out , have reunited under the mysterious man, everyone in the magical world is bound to be in danger, Fudge has to step down because of his stupid behavior in the past few months, and he will definitely not allow this to happen!"

"But a dark wizard would kill innocent people?!" Harry asked in disbelief.

"Do you think Fudge will care?" Bill said coldly, "He will always only care about the power in his hands. As long as he can guarantee his position as Minister of Magic, I think he might even be able to surrender to the mysterious man."

"Is he crazy?" Hermione asked.

Xia Ran said coldly: "Yes, Hermione, you are right, Fudge has gone crazy for the power in his hands!"

"No!" Mr. Weasley said suddenly, "I have to go back to the office to confirm the situation in Azkaban. I hope there is nothing...sigh."

He said with a sigh.

"Arthur, but you are still on vacation." Mrs. Weasley was slightly surprised and said, "And this matter has nothing to do with your department. It is the task of the Aurors and the Department of Fantastic Beasts. Without you, they It can be handled well, right?”

"I have to go back, Molly." Mr. Weasley said. "It's best to return to work at this time. I believe Dumbledore will agree with my decision here. Well, I will go upstairs and change my Just put on your robe and leave.”

"Eat something before leaving. You must be hungry." Mrs. Weasley said, "You haven't worked overtime since the day You-Know-Who lost power."

"I'll eat while walking later." Mr. Weasley walked up the stairs in three steps at a time.

Mrs. Weasley glanced at her husband's back worriedly, looked away, and said: "Xia Ran, and the children, let's eat something, don't get hungry." She brought a few eggs and sausages up, and gave each person a Everyone has a glass of milk.

After Xia Ran had breakfast, Mr. Weasley came downstairs to leave the Burrow, and the two of them went out together.

"Be careful, Mr. Weasley, don't reveal your position too much, even if Fudge may have already guessed." Xia Ran said.

"Well, I will ask Kingsley and Tonks first." Mr. Weasley nodded and disapparated with a snap.

Xia Ran followed the Apparition back to her Fremont Manor.

"Fuji...ha..." Xia Ran smiled coldly.


In the following days, the dementor attacks began to cool down rapidly. As for the situation in Azkaban Prison, no one mentioned it, not even a word was mentioned in the Daily Prophet.

This is obviously abnormal. Such a bad incident happened on such an important occasion, and the associated effects were extremely serious. As a result, the newspaper only published it for two days and then stopped publishing? !

Anyone with a discerning eye knows who is behind this. Apart from the Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge, who can put such pressure on the Daily Prophet?

But just because there was no report in the newspapers, it doesn't mean that there was no news circulating privately.

After all, the situation in Azkaban Prison spread in a small area, and spread rapidly. Finally, almost the entire magical world knew about it. For this reason, people in the magical world were panicked, and trading places such as Diagon Alley and Hogsmeade Village , everything suddenly became deserted. Even if people had needs, they would come in a hurry, buy what they needed, and then leave quickly.

Rumor has it that dozens of dark wizards escaped from Azkaban Prison!

More and more people are beginning to believe Dumbledore's words. Although the Daily Prophet is still continuing to smear Dumbledore, what is the reality? Such a big bad incident has happened, and the Ministry of Magic has continuously They couldn't come up with any countermeasures or methods. They only knew how to smear Dumbledore and blame Dumbledore. Almost everyone was extremely disappointed with the Ministry of Magic.

However, Dumbledore's voice could not be heard by people in the wizarding world. After all, newspapers were controlled by the Ministry of Magic. Fortunately, there was still a newspaper called "The Quibbler" that openly stood up to support Dumbledore and reported on the Azkaban prison break. and the dementor attack on the World Cup camp, which seemed to make Fudge very angry, and strictly banned the "Quiet" and did not allow the newspaper to continue to operate.

But at this time, there are so many wizards who are willing to buy "The Quibbler". Almost all wizards in the British wizarding world have ordered "The Quibbler". It is said that Mr. Lovegood, the editor-in-chief of "The Quibbler", is still troubled because it appears in their newspaper. The amount of space devoted to the harassment rogues and other creatures whose existence is unknown is inevitably reduced.

"Yes, I admit that I am annoyed." Mr. Lovegood said to Xia Ran, "But to a certain extent, it is indeed a good thing, isn't it? After all, the sales volume has increased several times."

This is located in the Burrow. Xia Ran was invited to be a guest and accepted an exclusive interview with "The Quibbler" magazine.

"Hello, Mr. Lovegood." Xia Ran shook hands with the white-haired wizard.

He is Xenophilius Lovegood, the editor-in-chief of "The Quibbler" magazine. He looks a bit like each other, with marshmallow-like white hair hanging on his shoulders, the tassel on his hat hanging straight in front of his nose, and wearing a The egg-yellow robe is dazzling in color, and a gold chain hangs around his neck, with a strange symbol shining on it, much like a triangular eye.

Xia Ran knew what it was, the symbol of the Deathly Hallows. The Resurrection Stone was in his hand, and he also knew the whereabouts of the Elder Wand and the Invisibility Cloak.

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