New Professor at Hogwarts

Chapter 181 Proposal

Bill smiled bitterly and shook his head, and said: "There are some rumors, but I think the goblins are mainly testing, and..." After a brief pause, he continued helplessly: "The mysterious man can provide the freedom that the goblins dream of. This It’s the most exciting promise for fairies, and it’s impossible for us to promise freedom to fairies!”

Bill works at Gringotts Bank and often interacts with goblins - most of Gringotts' employees are goblins - so he is best suited to spy on goblins.

"Yes, there were many wars between wizards and goblins in ancient times. We finally won, but we also paid a price of countless blood." Professor McGonagall sighed, "So, how is it possible that in the new era, we will bring our ancestors together again?" Are all our efforts in vain?"

Xia Ran nodded slightly. Indeed, the war between wizards and goblins was protracted. The wizards finally won, completely suppressing the goblins and restricting their freedom. Although they controlled Gringotts, the goblins actually had no other rights.

As the younger generation, how can they turn a blind eye to the struggles and bloodshed of countless ancestors?

Voldemort can do things regardless of the interests of wizards because in his eyes, only he is the most important. Other wizards and goblins are irrelevant, but Xia Ran and the others cannot.

Moreover, the goblins' desire for freedom has never stopped. This can be seen from the goblin rebellions that have occurred many times in history.

"Try your best," Dumbledore said. "However, Bill, you can't show your attitude too obviously. We must have our own personnel in Gringotts."

"Yeah, I understand." Bill nodded.

After talking about the regular tasks, it is now the turn of the most important topic of today's meeting.

The atmosphere in the room seemed to be a little more solemn.

"So, Dumbledore, what do you think about the Ministry of Magic and Fudge?" Sirius asked. He had previously talked to Xia Ran about the Ministry of Magic and agreed with Xia Ran's view. He decided Be the first to stand up.

"what about you?"

Sirius smiled and said: "The leadership of the Ministry of Magic has become corrupt, there is no need to keep them..."

"You want to kill them?" Tonks said in horror.

"How is that possible?" Sirius asked, "It's just that people like Fudge no longer have any need to stay in the leadership of the Ministry of Magic, and they should all step down!"

"I agree with Sirius' statement." Xia Ran said, "Fudge continues to serve as the Minister of Magic. Dementor attacks such as the Quidditch World Cup will only happen one after another. Instead of letting Fudge hold us back, we have to make There are many things that will make Voldemort happy, so why not just strike first and capture Fudge!"

He smiled coldly and said: "For those people whose souls were sucked at the World Cup camp, Fudge must bear at least 20% of the blame for their death! He should go to Azkaban Prison. That will be the most difficult thing for Fudge in the rest of his life." Great place to stay!”

"Isn't it a bit too much?" Lu Ping frowned.

"Passed?" Xia Ran sneered and said, "Then who are the more than 30 people who died to talk to? If Fudge took our reminder seriously, he would not even hold the Quidditch World Cup, or hand over the right to host it. If it were given to other countries, there would be a high probability that such a tragedy would not happen!"

"I think it's best to kill Fudge directly." Sirius said, noticing the eyes of everyone looking at him, he shrugged his shoulders and said, "It's okay not to kill him, sending him to Azkaban is a must!"

Moody gave his crutch a heavy tap and said, "I agree."

The blue magic eyes in his eyes turned, and he said in a deep voice: "At the critical moment, you can't procrastinate or be long-winded. Just do what you have to do. If Cornelius Fudge makes a mistake, then step down. We don't have time to give him a chance." He makes amends."

Now Xia Ran, Sirius, and Moody are supporting it, and no one else has expressed their stance yet.

Dumbledore said tiredly: "What do you think?"

Snape chuckled lightly and said: "Xia Ran's suggestion makes some sense. Indeed, Fudge, a pure politician with no ability, is not qualified to be the leader of the wizarding world. But the problem is...if Fudge Now that he has stepped down, who should come to power?"

Although he questioned it, he actually agreed to Xia Ran's proposal, and he gave Xia Ran and the others a chance to explain clearly their subsequent plans and intentions. Otherwise, others would inevitably be suspicious and hesitant, and they might not succeed in the end.

"It's very simple!" Xia Ran said, pointed at Kingsley and said, "Isn't Kingsley a very good candidate?"

"Me?!" Kingsley was stunned. He was still thinking, but the topic came to him? !

Xia Ran had his own reason for saying this, because after defeating Voldemort in the original time and space, the position of Minister of Magic was held by Kingsley, and Hermione finally succeeded him.

Hermione is too young and is still in the fourth grade at Hogwarts, so Kingsley is the best choice. He can serve as the Minister of Magic in the original time and space, which shows that Kingsley has this ability, but it is just a matter of time. Just a few years ahead of schedule.

Scrimgeour, the Minister of Magic who replaced Cornelius Fudge in the original time and space, is also within Xia Ran's reference range.

Scrimgeour spared no effort in combating dark magic crimes. Even though he had many conflicts with Dumbledore, the two sides had not changed their stance on fighting Voldemort, but the methods they used were different.

But since there is a choice, wouldn't Kingsley be the better candidate?

But the only shortcoming is that although Kingsley's official position is not low, he is not the director of the Auror Office after all, Scrimgeour is.

"I believe Kingsley can become a better Minister of Magic than Fudge!" Xia Ran said accurately.

After looking at Xia Ran, Kingsley was speechless.

I'm not even that confident in myself. Well, where do you get the confidence to support me in taking over the position of Minister of Magic?

Bill and Charlie looked at each other, then looked at their parents, raised their hands and said, "We agree with Xia Ran's proposal."

Snape clasped his hands and said softly: "Kingsley? It is indeed a good choice."

I also agreed to this proposal from a side perspective.

Mundungus, Hagrid, and Tonks also expressed their agreement one after another.

"I calculated that among the people present at the meeting, I, Xia Ran, Alastor, Bill, Charlie, Dunge, Hagrid, Tonks, and..." Sirius wanted to say Snivellus, but thought about it It is not easy to cause internal conflicts at this time, so he immediately changed his mind, "Who? A total of nine of us agreed. Dumbledore, only your opinion is left? Remus, what about you?"

Lupine nodded slowly.

"Okay, that's ten people." Sirius clapped his hands.

Professor McGonagall frowned. Judging from the current situation, only she, Dumbledore, and the Weasleys had yet to express their opinions.

Seeing that Dumbledore was still hesitating, Xia Ran said: "Dumbledore, the tragedy at the Quidditch World Cup camp happened once is enough. None of us want it to happen again, but if Fudge continues to lead the wizarding world, it will He comprehensively suppressed us and ignored Voldemort's strategy. Do you think this kind of tragedy will really only happen once?"

"I don't believe it anyway." Xia Ran said and shook her head.

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