"Dumbledore, what do you think?" Xia Ran asked at the end.

Dumbledore remained silent, with a thoughtful look on his face.

No one spoke anymore, everyone was equally silent, only looking at Xia Ran or Dumbledore.

Kingsley felt very strange, why did my client have no sense of existence at all?

Xia Ran didn't say much. He had already said what he needed to say. Now he just had to wait for Dumbledore's decision. So, what would Dumbledore make in the end?

After a long while, Dumbledore smiled bitterly and said, "Okay, you win, Xia Ran, yes, I agree."

As soon as this statement came out, many people present were slightly surprised.

If Dumbledore was behind this matter, it would be almost foolproof, but it still had to be guarded against the dark wizards being aware of it.

Many people were thoughtful.

Xia Ran smiled and said: "Dumbledore, you won't regret it. Fudge must not see the future of the magical world as clearly as we do!"

He was quite sure of this!

After all, Fudge only cares about fighting against Dumbledore - he is a pure-blood wizard anyway - so how can he care about the dangerous state of the wizarding world?

"I hope so." Dumbledore was a man who had gone through many storms after all. He quickly regained his composure, looked at Kingsley, and said, "Kingsley, you may need to pay more attention in the future, try your best... sigh , now you’d better keep a low profile to avoid getting into other people’s eyes.”

He also has great trust and respect for the candidate chosen by Xia Ran for the Minister of Magic - Kingsley Shacklebolt. He is a member of the Auror Office and is directly under Tonks. He is far away from the Auror Office. The position of director is only one step away.

It can also be seen from this aspect that Kingsley's personal ability is indeed outstanding.

After all, Auror is not something that ordinary wizards can serve, let alone a leader and general of the Auror office?

"You are thinking of me now?" Kingsley glanced at Xia Ran resentfully. As the person involved, he hadn't even had time to say a word.

"Haha! Okay, Kingsley, this is a great thing, be happy!" Sirius laughed.

Xia Ran just spread her hands.

Kingsley was very depressed. Indeed, this was a great good thing for him. Even though the risks were not small, as an Auror, he was faced with risks. It was a common occurrence and it did not scare him. Withdraw.

But, why didn't Xia Ran and Dumbledore think of asking me first?

Of course, he also knew the temperaments of Xia Ran and Dumbledore, what rights and prestige they had. In fact, neither of them valued it at all. Dumbledore valued peace and tranquility, while Xia Ran seemed to value her own strength very much?

Kingsley is not sure. Although he has known Xia Ran for more than ten years, he really doesn't know Xia Ran too deeply.

Anyway, he only needs to be sure that if he really becomes the Minister of Magic, neither Dumbledore nor Sharon will interfere too much with his governance.

Xia Ran indeed values ​​his own strength more. His biggest goal is to advance to level 7 and become a powerful wizard at the legendary level!

Minister of Magic? Can it help him increase his magic level?


"Eh, that's not right!" Xia Ran suddenly had a thought in his mind. There are a lot of good things in the Ministry of Magic. After all, it is the official organization of the British magical world. If he had the opportunity to come into contact with many ancient objects that have gone through history...

Xia Ran's heart suddenly pounded.

To him, those are all Force points! This means that his magic power and knowledge level have increased!

But now that the proposal has been passed, there is no way he can withdraw it again. Besides, he really doesn't want to be the Minister of Magic, which is a waste of time, effort, and unflattering!

With that time and energy, wouldn't it be better if he spent it on meditation and reading magic books?

Anyway, he doesn’t necessarily need to be the Minister of Magic to get access to those things. Can he just find an excuse and ask for a approval slip?

He only needed to touch the ancient magic item containing Force points for one second to absorb the Force points. There was no way to pluck the wool back and forth for this kind of thing. The Force points were certain and would be gone after being sucked away.

"This matter cannot be rushed and must be carefully planned." Lu Ping said, "Mysterious people and Death Eaters are lurking in the dark. If our methods are too rough, it will easily lead to an unstable situation and give the dark wizards too many opportunities. Take advantage of the opportunity."

"Yes, let's take a long-term view." Professor McGonagall spoke up and said, "It is best to keep people's perception of Fudge to the lowest point, so that when the new Minister of Magic comes to power, it will be welcomed by everyone, and no one will have any objections!"

"His prestige has almost dropped." Sirius sneered. "The Dementor incident and the Azkaban incident have caused many people who originally supported Fudge to return to a wait-and-see state."

"not enough!"

Xia Ran shook his head and said: "After all, Fudge has been the Minister of Magic for more than ten years. People are accustomed to Fudge appearing as the Minister of Magic, unless... there is another major mistake!"

"No!" Dumbledore said, "The price of everything is the lives of innocent people. We cannot use this as a threat to coerce the people to force Fudge to abdicate. Otherwise, how will we be different from the dark wizards?"

This is something that the members of the Order of the Phoenix are unwilling to do. Even if they may not be required to take the initiative to do anything, they just stand by and watch at critical moments, but this is not their philosophy!

Why do they want Fudge to step down? Isn't it just to better integrate the power of the magical world to fight against the dark wizards under Voldemort's leadership?

Of course, Xia Ran couldn't agree with this approach.

Without the same philosophy, they cannot become comrades in the same trenches.

"There is no need to stand by and let the dark wizard run rampant." Xia Ran said with a smile and said, "We just need to pretend."

"You mean..." Sirius's eyes lit up, "We pretend to be a dark wizard to create an incident? But what if there are casualties..."

Xia Ran immediately waved his hand and said, "No casualties are needed."

Seeing the confused expressions on everyone's faces, he smiled and said, "What do you think would happen to the magic world if the mysterious man appeared in public?"

Everyone's expressions suddenly became strange.

Voldemort? The second generation Dark Lord, the super dark wizard? Impersonate him?

"Anyway, we are not alarmists." Xia Ran shrugged and said with a smile, "We all know that the mysterious man has indeed been resurrected. Pretending to be him will only remind people in the magic world that the current situation is not safe. There is no peace and stability, and there are terrifying dark wizards lurking in the dark, waiting to riot and kill at any time!"

"We don't think this is fake, do we? The mysterious man will be angry when he finds out, because someone dares to impersonate him."

Xia Ran glanced around and said: "What do you think of this idea? The person pretending to be the mysterious man does not need to do anything more, or even say a word. He only needs to be dark and cold. He will appear with Dumbledore. The imposter can just disapparate immediately, and no one will be able to find out the clues!"

"Well, of course, except for the mysterious man himself!" he added.

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