New Professor at Hogwarts

Chapter 190 Neville’s Determination

"very good!"

Xia Ran held the wand in his right hand, raised it and tapped his head lightly. At this time, he used Occlumency to deliberately change the image of the thing he was afraid of into the appearance of a dementor, and then stood facing the big wardrobe. .

"Neville, stand up further."

"Gudong..." Neville swallowed and nervously took two small steps forward.

"So...are you ready?" Xia Ran asked with a chuckle.

"Okay, Professor." Neville said, clenching his wand so tightly that he was sweating. From the looks of it, he seemed to be trying to recall pleasant memories.

Xia Ran said with relief: "Don't be stressed, this is not a real dementor, it is just a transformation of a Boggart."

He said, grabbing the handle of the wardrobe and pulling hard.

A dementor slowly floated out of the cabinet. Its hooded face turned towards Neville, and a cold, mangy hand grasped the cloak. It seemed to appear in the classroom. A black hole, the light coming from the windows and doors was absorbed completely in an instant, as if it was the darkest night.

The dementors came out of the closet quietly, and only the rich darkness that swept over them showed the traces of the dementors' existence.

The group of students behind them all backed away, their faces showing fear.

All the happy memories in their minds dissipated, and only the most painful and heartbreaking memories surfaced in their minds. Many students turned pale and their legs trembled, as if they were suffocating.

Neville's pupils also dilated, showing a very frightened expression. He seemed to remember the tortured memories he had forgotten.

The dementors began to rapidly approach Neville, making low grunting sounds at the same time. A chill that penetrated the bone marrow enveloped Neville.

"Recall the happy memories and recite the incantation! Neville!" Xia Ran reminded loudly.

Neville woke up from a dream and shouted: "Call God for protection! Call God for protection! Call God..."

However, both the classroom and the dementors were disappearing, and Neville felt himself falling into a thick white mist. The painful screams of his parents echoed in his ears, as well as the wild and wanton laughter of several men and women.

"Look! Our Aurors and members of the Order of the Phoenix, can't they bear this little pain?" Neville remembered the maniacal laughter of a woman. This woman was called Bellatrix Lay. Strange, she once personally released the Cruciatus Curse on the Longbottoms, causing them to be tortured and crazy.

There were several other accomplices, also laughing wildly.

"What a disappointment!" A man's voice said disdainfully, "It seems that they have no chance of knowing the whereabouts of the master. Bella, kill them?"

"No!" the woman at the beginning laughed crazily, "continue to torture! I believe... to cut out the bones!"

"Heart-breaking and bone-cutting!"


Another very shrill howl.


Neville woke up suddenly. He lay on his back on the floor. The light in the classroom was bright again. He didn't need to ask what had just happened.

Yes, no need to ask, he obviously couldn't deal with the Dementor, even if it was just a Dementor transformed by a Boggart.

"I'm sorry." Neville whispered, sitting up and feeling his clothes wet with cold sweat.

"Are you okay? Are you okay?" Xia Ran asked, feeling a little guilty. When Neville was a child, he witnessed his parents being tortured and went crazy. This left him with too painful memories, just like baby Harry. During this period, he witnessed his mother being killed by Voldemort.

Even though they were just babies at the time and would normally not be able to remember those scenes at all, weird creatures like dementors can make a person recall the most painful memories. Even if those memories are forgotten by the person involved, they can still remember them. It makes the person involved think back instantly.

"Restore vitality!" Xia Ran thought.

Neville suddenly felt that his body was full of energy, and he was in a better state than he had been after breakfast this morning.

"Thank you, Professor." Neville said, raised his head and said, "Professor, I want to try again."

He stood up.

Looking at Neville, whose round face was full of tenacity, Xia Ran agreed and said: "Okay, don't think about the painful memories. Those are all in the past. We have to focus on the future. I think that That’s what they want to see.”

He also knew the Longbottoms.

Neville nodded.

"Don't be nervous, take your time. I actually didn't expect you to succeed in one go." Xia Ran said, facing all the students. They witnessed Neville's distorted face just now, and they all backed away again. They were leaning against the wall. If it weren't for the fact that they were not allowed to leave the classroom during class, they might have had someone run out of the classroom just now.

"Remember, happy memory, this is your only source of strength to fight against the dementors!"

"It's starting! Neville, pay attention!"

Xia Ran said and opened the big closet again. The Dementor reappeared in the classroom. The light dimmed instantly and the temperature dropped sharply.

"Calling for God's protection! Calling for God's protection!" Neville's expression was firm as he kept chanting the Patronus Charm.

"Memory, happy memory!" Xia Ran's reminder voice seemed to come from far away.

Neville thought of his mother's appearance two years ago when she could accurately pronounce his name, and his father's silly smile beside him...

"Call the gods to protect you!"

A huge, blurry silver-white shadow suddenly emerged from the tip of Neville's wand, hanging between him and the Dementor. Although Neville was exhausted - yes, the vitality he had just restored seemed to be far away in an instant. He left - his feet were weak, and he was not sure he could stand again.

"Funny!" Xia Ran strode forward, waved the wand, and with a snap, the dementor disappeared, and Neville's patron saint also disappeared - if that vague shadow can also be called a patron saint - He suddenly fell to the ground, exhausted, more tired than if he had run around the castle.

Xia Ran drove the Boggart back into the closet, and then said: "Yes, Neville, very good! A fourth-grade wizard can use the Patronus. Even if it is still very vague, it is already a very rare thing. Something happened!"

Neville scratched his head and smiled sheepishly.

"Rejuvenate!" Xia Ran chanted a spell and said, "Okay, Neville, go back to your classmates. Who else is willing to take the initiative to come forward?"

He looked at all the students.

There were still almost no people raising their hands.

The reason why I say it's close is because two people did raise their hands.

Harry and Hermione both raised their hands, even though they looked fearful.

"Well...Hermione, come up and give it a try first." Xia Ran said.

"Okay, Professor." Hermione gripped her wand, took a deep breath, and stepped forward.

"Come on, Hermione." Neville whispered, returning to the crowd.

Hermione forced a smile.

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