New Professor at Hogwarts

Chapter 191 Coming

"Are you ready, Miss Granger?" Xia Ran asked.

Hermione nodded nervously.

He opened the big closet again, and the dementor walked out of it, bringing darkness and coldness. It made people feel cold all over, and they shivered with the coldness coming from the heart.

"Holy guard...guard!" Hermione pointed her wand at the dementors, her voice trembling as she recited the spell.

Xia Ran's voice seemed to resound in the sky and reminded: "Happy memory! It's just a creature that can be repelled and destroyed, calm down!"

Hermione shouted at the top of her lungs: "Calling the Guardians!"

A ball of silver-white light and shadow emerged, knocking over the Dementor.

"Very good! Very good!" Xia Ran praised, "Next, Harry!"

Harry stepped forward with a bold look on his face, and the dementors pounced on him like a shark that had seen the smell of blood.

"Guard!" Harry shouted loudly.

A blur of light and shadow stood between him and the Dementor. The Dementor seemed a little afraid of the silver-white light and shadow, even though the light and shadow were blurry and it was difficult to see its complete appearance.

"Ron!" Xia Ran shouted.

Ron nodded in disbelief. Did Professor Frémont call my name? !

He had no choice but to rush forward in helplessness and fear, but the moment he faced the approaching dementors, fear surged into his heart, his face turned pale, and he could hardly control his urge to turn around and run away.

Although he suppressed his impulse in the end, he was no longer able to recite the incantation. As for the act of summoning the patron saint to drive away the dementors, he had no chance of doing so.

Xia Ran's Patron Saint shot away the Dementor and stepped forward to pull Ron away.

"Rejuvenate! Take a rest first, okay, next, Malfoy!" Xia Ran temporarily stepped aside.

Ron returned to the crowd still trembling. Malfoy had no time to taunt Ron. He walked forward with a pale face and raised his wand tremblingly.

"Don't be afraid! Take courage!" Xia Ran reminded, at this time the Dementor came forward again.

" for the guards! Call for the guards!" Malfoy's hand holding the wand was trembling, his eyes were dilated, and he was sweating profusely. This was a sign of extreme fear.

Xia Ran had no choice but to pull him away.


Finally, after the bell rang, almost all the students in the class faced the Dementors once. To Xia Ran's expectation, four students among them successfully summoned the Patronus for the first time.

They are Neville Longbottom, Harry Potter and Hermione Granger, as well as Daphne Greengrass, a student of Slytherin House.

Hermione is not surprising, she is the best student in this class; Harry is also acceptable, although he is a bit partial, but he is indeed talented in some subjects; only Neville, he used to only study in herbal medicine class Great job, who would have expected that this time he would successfully summon the patron saint? !

Daphne also surprised her classmates. She looked weak, coughed frequently, and had a pale face with almost no blood even when the dementors appeared.

At first, the students were worried that she would faint when facing the Dementors. Who would have expected that Daphne would successfully summon the Patronus in the end? And the clarity and completeness of the Patronus is second only to Hermione? !

"Okay, this lesson is over. Because Mr. Longbottom, Mr. Potter and Miss Granger successfully cast the Patronus Charm, Gryffindor gets fifteen more points; Miss Greengrass also successfully summoned the Patronus Charm. , plus five points for Slytherin!" Xia Ran said, "get out of class is over!"

The students filed out of the classroom, all discussing their inner feelings when they faced the dementors.

Daphne Greengrass walked away with a similarly weak and pale girl who was waiting for her outside the door. The two looked quite similar. Xia Ran knew the name of the other girl - after all, they were all his students - As Tolia Greengrass, as you can tell by her name, she and Daphne are two sisters, one year younger than Daphne.

Malfoy walked out of the classroom, saw the Greengrass sisters walking away, and suddenly ran after them, not even paying attention to Pansy, Goyle, and Crabbe who called him from behind.

"The Greengrass family..." Xia Ran's eyes flickered. There was a curse flowing in the blood of this family, which caused all members of this family to be weak. He was quite interested in this.


This kind of mysterious and weird thing often makes it impossible for people to effectively defend and resist.

"By the way, why don't you guys leave? Are there no classes below?" Xia Ran asked as she looked at Harry, Ron, and Hermione who were still lingering in the classroom.

Ron looked at Harry, Hermione looked like it had nothing to do with her.

Harry could only sneer and say: "Professor, that's it." After a pause, he whispered: "Professor, the referee... do you know anything? The impartial referee of the Triwizard Tournament."

Xia Ran understood immediately and smiled and said: "So you stayed here for this reason."

He spread his hands and shrugged: "I don't know! Even if I knew, I couldn't explain clearly! Didn't you hear Dumbledore's rules? Underage wizards are prohibited from participating! Registration is prohibited!"

"What, you want to cheat?" Xia Ran said with a half-smile. Although he knew the true identity of the fair referee, there was no need to tell Harry and the others at this time. He was not like the minibus disguised as Moody in the original time and space. Ty Crouch, who wanted nothing more than to get Harry to compete.

"Well, just ask, just ask." Harry said with a smile.

"Okay, let's go to class. I also have another class." Xia Ran said.

The trio had no choice but to walk out of the combat class classroom.

"It seems there is no hope. I just hope that the fair referee will not be so fair." Ron sighed.

"Ron, what are you talking about?" Hermione said dissatisfied, "Referees must be fair and impartial, how can they cheat?"

Ron and Harry looked at each other and saw the same thought in each other's eyes. If it was possible... then how could they not cheat?

In addition to Xia Ran's combat class, for the young wizards, the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor - "Mad Eye" Alastor Moody, is also a very experienced and powerful wizard.

The experience in combating black magic is particularly rich!

Although Moody's class was a bit intimidating, the results were generally good. Moody became the second best Defense Against the Dark Arts professor among the students. The best was Professor Lupine. As for Professor Lockhart and Professor Quirrell... don't mention them.

The next month or so was relatively calm, with members of the Order of the Phoenix visiting various places, including Lupine, Sirius, and Mundungus, and sometimes even abroad.

"Fortunately, it's not too difficult." Lupine said this during communication one day. "Maybe it's because the mysterious man has not publicly announced his return, so those werewolves and vampires have not completely fallen to the dark wizard camp. A state of hesitation.”

But life at Hogwarts began to become restless.

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