New Professor at Hogwarts

Chapter 192 Welcome

A notice was posted in the foyer outside the auditorium.

"Representatives of the Triwizard Tournament: Beauxbatons and Durmstrang will arrive at six o'clock in the evening on Friday, October 30th, and the afternoon classes will end half an hour early!"

A large group of students crowded in the foyer to watch and discuss enthusiastically.

"The day before Halloween?"

"I wonder what the students at Beauxbatons and Durmstrang are like? I heard that Beauxbatons has many beautiful girls."

Xia Ran glanced twice, Beauxbatons, Durmstrang? He shook his head slightly and went straight into the auditorium to eat.

He is a professor, so there is no way he can compete.

Besides, the Triwizard Tournament was ultimately just a duel between three magic school students. He felt that it would be more reliable for him to target the Ministry of Magic and dark wizards.

However, the announcement in the foyer clearly had a very significant impact on other people living in the castle.

In the next week, no matter where Xia Ran went, she could hear people talking about one topic: the Triwizard Tournament!

At the same time, rumors arose, spreading rapidly among students like super-contagious germs.

Who will compete to be the Champion of Hogwarts? What other events will there be in the Triwizard Tournament? How will the students of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang be different from them?

Xia Ran also noticed that the castle seemed to be undergoing thorough cleaning, and several dirty portraits had been scrubbed clean. The characters who were scrubbed were very dissatisfied with this. They often sat huddled in the picture frame and muttered gloomily, Every time he touched the newly exposed pink flesh on his face, he grimaced in pain.

The originally dark and dirty armor suddenly became shiny, and no longer creaked when moving.

Xia Ran also discovered that Argus Filch, the castle administrator of Hogwarts, would get furious whenever he saw a student forget to clean their shoes, scaring two first-year girls into hysteria.

Other faculty and staff also seemed extremely nervous.

Once when he was passing by the corridor outside the Transfiguration classroom, he heard Professor McGonagall's stern voice scolding him.

"Longbottom, please be kind and don't reveal your secrets in front of the people in Durmstrang and let them see that you don't even know a simple transformation spell!" Professor McGonagall yelled, at that time get out of class was almost over, and Xia Ran happened to go to her combat class classroom.

On the morning of October 30th, when Xia Ran went downstairs to have breakfast, she found that the auditorium had been decorated overnight.

Huge silk banners hung on the walls, each one representing a house of Hogwarts: red with a golden lion for Gryffindor, blue with a bronze eagle for Ravenclaw, yellow with a The one with a black badger is Hufflepuff, and the green one with a silver boa constrictor is Slytherin.

Behind the staff table where Xia Ran and the others were working, hung the largest banner with the Hogwarts crest on it: a lion, an eagle, a badger, and a snake joined together, surrounding a large letter H.

"Xia Ran, would you like a piece of pancake?" Hagrid was leaving the auditorium with a basket of pancakes. He greeted Xia Ran and motioned for him to have two pieces.

Xia Ran immediately waved her hand to refuse and said, "No, thank you!" He knew Hagrid's cooking skills, and the pancakes could be used as stone slabs.

"By the way, you know, right? Xia Ran." Hagrid seemed to be unable to control his excitement, "The Beauxbatons representative is coming today."

"Of course I know." Xia Ran rolled her eyes and said, "There is a notice in the foyer, I can see it."

Suddenly realizing something was wrong, he looked at Hagrid suspiciously and said, "The school here is not just Beauxbatons, but also Durmstrang. You... Hagrid, do you know Ms. Maxim?"

"I don't know you, I really don't know you!" Hagrid waved his hands repeatedly, but his face covered by his big beard seemed to be a little red. Faced with Xia Ran's suspicious eyes, he finally gave in and said, "Okay, I am indeed I really don’t know her! But I have heard of Ms. Maxim’s name. She is a...well, how should I put it..."

He said and giggled.

A hybrid giant like you? !

Xia Ran thought to herself, but didn't say it out loud. It's no wonder that Hagrid is so obsessed with Beauxbatons. After all, it is related to his lifelong happiness.

Hagrid walked out of the Great Hall happily.

That day, the air was filled with a sense of joy and anticipation. In class, almost no one was paying attention to the class. Everyone was thinking that people from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang would be coming tonight.

Xia Ran had no choice but to talk about something casually in the afternoon class. Even if she couldn't bear the enthusiasm of the students, she talked about Beauxbatons and Durmstrang.

Because get out of class had to end half an hour early, the bell rang earlier than usual this time.

Xia Ran also returned to her office, casually changed into a clean and tidy wizard robe, and then walked slowly to the foyer outside the auditorium. At this moment, the place was basically full of students and teachers.

The deans of the four colleges are ordering their students to line up.

"Weasley, put your hat straight," Professor McGonagall said sternly to Ron, "Miss Patil, take that ridiculous thing off your hair."

Parvati Patil frowned unhappily and took off a large butterfly headdress from the end of her braid.

"Please follow me," Professor McGonagall said to the Gryffindor students. "The first-year students are in front...slow down, don't crowd..."

Xia Ran and the professor team filed down the steps. They did not line up and stand in front of the castle neatly like the students. Instead, they stood casually, a little distance from the student squares of the four colleges.

It was a cold, fresh evening, night was falling, and a white, translucent moon was already hanging over the Forbidden Forest.

After looking at the students in the phalanx, Xia Ran whispered: "The two school representatives who came here probably set out several days in advance."

"Do you think... what method will they use to arrive at Hogwarts?" Professor Sinister asked in the astronomy class.

"Flying broomstick?" Ms. Huo Qi replied immediately, then shook her head, "No, the distance is too far!"

"I guess..." Xia Ran chuckled lightly and said, "...I'll come here by boat or car."

He remembered that Beauxbatons arrived at Hogwarts in a carriage in the original time and space, while Durmstrang took a boat.

"It's almost six o'clock, are they almost here?" Caredi Bubbaji, who was in the Muggle Studies class, said as she looked at her watch.

Professor Bubaji was wrong, because after six o'clock, the two magic schools still had not arrived. The students excitedly scanned the darkening venue, but there was no movement.

Everything was silent and quiet, no different from usual. Many people began to feel cold. After all, it was the end of October, and Hogwarts was located in the north of England. At this time, the weather had begun to get cold, especially when the sun went down. after.

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