New Professor at Hogwarts

Chapter 197 Level 6 Magic

"Every student who wants to run for a warrior must write his name and school name on a piece of parchment and throw it into this goblet." Dumbledore continued, "Those who are aspiring to become a warrior can do so in the second semester. Sign up within fourteen hours. Tomorrow night, Halloween night, the Goblet will select the names of the three students it thinks best represent the three schools. Tonight, the Goblet will be placed in the foyer. All who are willing It’s accessible to students who are running for office.”


As he spoke, he changed the subject and glanced around the auditorium, especially those students who were eager to try but had immature faces and were obviously underage. He said: "In order for students who are not old enough to withstand the temptation, wait until the goblet is placed in the foyer. I’m going to draw an age line around it that no one under seventeen can cross.”

"Finally, I would like to remind every student who wants to participate in the election to note that this competition is not a child's play. It is completely different from the Quidditch game. Do not participate rashly. Once the warrior is selected by the Goblet of Fire, he must Stick to the game to the end. Whoever puts his name into the cup actually forms a magical contract that must be abided by and cannot be changed! Once you become a warrior, you cannot and are not allowed to change your mind!"

"So please think twice before you put your name in the cup and whether you are serious about participating in the competition. Well, I think it's time for everyone to go to bed. Good night to everyone!"

Dumbledore retreated into his seat.

Xia Ran took another sip of wine and pretended not to notice the principal's gaze.

"Age line?"

At the Gryffindor table, Fred Weasley's eyes lit up and he said: "This is easy to handle! You can definitely be fooled by age-enhancing drugs, right? As long as your name goes into that cup, you Just laugh happily, it can't tell who is over seventeen and who is under seventeen!"

At this time, the students all stood up and walked across the auditorium towards the opposite door leading to the foyer.

"But I don't think it's possible for someone under seventeen to win," Hermione said. "We haven't learned enough..."

"You are talking about yourself, right?" George said impatiently. "You will also try to participate, won't you, Harry?"

Harry nodded deliberately, but he remembered Dumbledore's insistence that students under the age of seventeen could not register, but his mind suddenly recalled the glorious scene when he won the Triwizard Cup...

He thought to himself, if someone under the age of seventeen really found a way to cross the age line, Dumbledore would be so angry...

"Where is he?" Ron said, looking around for something. "Dumbledore didn't say where Durmstrang's people were sleeping, did he?"

He didn't listen to a word they said, and only focused on searching for Krum in the crowd.

His question was answered almost immediately.

At this time, they had reached the Slytherin table, and saw Karkaroff, the headmaster of Durmstrang, hurriedly walked up to his students.

"Okay, let's go back to the ship," Karkaroff said. "Victor, how do you feel? Are you full? Do you want me to send someone to bring some mulled wine from the kitchen?"

Harry saw Krum shake his head and put his fur cloak back on.

"Professor, I would like to drink some wine." Another boy from Durmstrang said with salivation.

"I didn't ask you, Polyarko." Karkaroff said sternly, his fatherly and gentle expression when facing Krum suddenly disappeared, "I noticed that you dropped food on the The front of your robe is up, you annoying boy..."

"Karkaroff, have you become so bad-tempered now?" Suddenly a deep voice rang out, and Moody came over on crutches.

Karkaroff's face suddenly turned pale, revealing a terrifying expression of anger and fear.

"It's you?!" Karkaroff said, staring blankly at Moody, as if he wasn't sure he really saw him.

"It's me!" Moody said calmly, "It seems that you lived a good life in Durmstrang. Karkaroff, your choice may have been right at the beginning, but I think those friends of yours - once Friends - maybe they don’t think so.”

"You..." Karkaroff seemed to want to say something, but due to Moody's power, he did not dare to refute directly.

Harry and the others looked at Professor Moody in surprise. Did he know Karkaroff?

"Okay, let's go, don't block the road." Moody said.

Indeed, half the students in the auditorium were waiting behind them, scrambling to look over the shoulders of those in front of them to see what was causing the obstruction.

Karkaroff didn't say anything more - and he didn't dare to say anything - he waved his hand and walked away with his students.

Xia Ran walked to the door at this moment, looked at Karkaroff, and said, "Did you catch him in the first place?"

"That's right." Moody nodded and walked away with the same cane, allowing the students behind him to leave the auditorium and return to their dormitories.

The two walked to the square outside the castle.

"I heard that you don't use the Unforgivable Curse, but use other spells to capture the Death Eaters?" Xia Ran said, shaking her head slightly and said, "To deal with these Death Eaters, it's better to use the Avada Kedavra Curse. Come clean.”

"That's your idea. It's my responsibility as an Auror to capture them in Azkaban Prison." Moody said, paused, "But I have retired now."

"There is no need to be merciful when dealing with enemies." Xia Ran did not agree with his concept and said, "As long as it is clear that the crime is serious, we will kill them directly. How can we give them so much sympathy? For those whose crimes are not that serious, we can leave them appropriately. Stay strong.”

Moody frowned and said, "Xia Ran, you are too murderous."

"Maybe." Xia Ran was noncommittal.

After chatting for a while, the two returned to their offices.


Xia Ran locked the door and concentrated slightly. A screen of light appeared on his pupils. He focused on the magic power.


A cool feeling swept through his body, and he could feel the wonderful feeling that the magic power was indeed increasing rapidly.

[Magic: Level 6 (elementary)].

Xia Ran's mind was agitated. The magic level was level 6, which was the top level in the wizarding world. Such as Moody, the dean of the four major colleges of Hogwarts, the second person in the Order of the Phoenix, and Skrein, the director of the Auror Office of the Ministry of Magic. People like Jie all have level 6 magic power.

He finally reached such a top magic level!

"Well, although I can't continue to improve my magic level, I can still improve my magic level." Xia Ran whispered.

He also upgraded his level of Charms, from level 5 (intermediate) to level 6 (elementary).

At this point, his combat prowess is truly at the top of the magic world!

The only ones who could completely overwhelm him were Dumbledore, the most powerful white wizard in the world, and the second-generation Dark Lord Voldemort. The first-generation Dark Lord Grindelwald, however, had been imprisoned for decades and was in a weak body. It was not too bad now. incredible.

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