New Professor at Hogwarts

Chapter 198 Becoming Stronger

Xia Ran concentrated on looking at the data on her panel again.

[Name: Charan Fremont].

[Age: 27 years old].

[Magic: Level 6 (elementary)].

[Force points: 15 points].

[Transformation: Level 5 (elementary)].

[Potion Science: Level 5 (Elementary)].

[Charms: Level 6 (Elementary)].

[Herbalism: Level 5 (Elementary)].

[Flying: Level 4 (medium)].

"Well, there are still 15 force points left. Save them first. If there is a chance to absorb the force points later, it will be just in time to push the magic power up a level again." Xia Ran touched his chin and whispered.

Level 6 (elementary), just entering the top ranks for the first time. He estimated that he might be the same as Professor Sprout, the headmaster of Hufflepuff House, and Professor McGonagall, the headmaster of Gryffindor House.

As for Professor Flitwick, the dean of Ravenclaw College, he was the champion of the Duel Club when he was young, so he must be very powerful!

Severus Snape, the dean of Slytherin House, needless to say, is the strongest among the deans of the four major houses!

"Mad-Eye" Alastor Moody, as the second-in-command of the Order of the Phoenix, is even better than Professor McGonagall and Snape. Needless to say, he is powerful, but now he is older and has hidden old wounds. Less becomes more, and the strength may decline slightly.

But in any case, Moody is definitely not a top wizard with ordinary level 6 magic!

Thinking about it this way, Xia Ran has begun to possess level 6 (elementary) magic power, which is similar to Professor McGonagall and Professor Sprout, "Mad-Eye" Moody, Professor Flitwick and Professor Snape. Even though he has made such great progress, he is still a little behind.

Dumbledore and Voldemort are not the characters he can consider now. Level 7 legendary horror wizards, those famous wizards in history, such as the Big Four of Hogwarts: Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw, Godric Gryffindor, Salazar Slytherin, and the wizard who cultivated the terrible dark magic creature Basilisk-"Despicable Herbo"...

These legendary wizards who have left their names in the annals of history, regardless of whether they are black or white, good or evil, all have magic powers as deep as the ocean, and knowledge as vast as the stars in the sky, which is difficult to predict.

"It's not even close!" Xia Ran whispered, and the pride in her heart dissipated in an instant.


The next day is Saturday. Generally speaking, students go to have breakfast very late.

However, when Xia Ran went downstairs to have breakfast, there were already more than twenty people gathered in the foyer, some of whom were still nibbling bread, and they were all looking carefully at the wooden goblet of fire.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione were also there.

The cup was placed in the center of the foyer, on the stool where the Sorting Hat usually rested. A thin gold line was drawn on the floor, with a radius of ten feet, surrounding the cup.

"Has anyone put a name in?" Ron asked a third-grade girl eagerly.

"Yes, the Durmstrang group." The girl replied, "But I haven't seen anyone sign up for Hogwarts yet."

"I guess someone must have put the name in while we were sleeping last night." Harry guessed, "If it were me, I would do this... I don't want everyone to see it, you know, if the cup touches you How embarrassing would it be to crumble his name into a ball and throw it out!"

"Professor," Ron shouted, "Professor Frémont, do you know how to break the age line set by Dumbledore?"

"Of course." Xia Ran nodded.

With a sigh, more than twenty students all focused their attention on Xia Ran.

"Professor, really?" a fifth-grade Slytherin girl said with eyes shining.

"Professor Frémont, can you teach us?" Harry couldn't help but ask, wondering if Cho Chang would look at him differently if he became a Hogwarts warrior?

Xia Ran raised her eyebrows and said, "What do you think?"

The group of people suddenly became speechless.

Suddenly someone burst out laughing. Xia Ran looked back and saw Fred, George and Lee Jordan hurriedly walking down the stairs. All three of them looked extremely excited.

"Professor, are you here?" Fred seemed surprised.

"What potion did you drink? Are you planning to cheat?" Xia Ran asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Professor has a keen eye." George smiled and said, "Okay, just drink it!"

"What?" Ron asked blankly.

"Fool, age-enhancing agent!" Fred whispered in a proud tone, "One drop each, and we only need to grow up for a few more months."

"If any of us wins the Triwizard Tournament, your thousand galleons will be divided equally among the three of us." Lee Jordan said with a happy smile on his face.

"The professor won't stop us, right?" George looked at Xia Ran and said.

Xia Ran took a step back and said with a smile: "If you don't use the right method, you won't succeed. Go ahead and try."

"I also don't think this will necessarily succeed." Hermione reminded, "I'm sure Dumbledore will take this into consideration."

Age-enhancing agents are of course within the scope of Dumbledore's consideration. The method used by Barty Crouch Jr., who disguised himself as Moody in the original time and space, is actually feasible. He released a confusion spell to make the Goblet of Fire think there was something wrong. If more than four schools participate, then just write the name of any school and you will be able to successfully become a warrior!

Anyway, in the eyes of others, when the names of Hogwarts students appear, it naturally represents Hogwarts.

Fred, George and Lee Jordan ignored it, hoping against hope.

"Are you ready?" Fred was shaking with excitement and said to the other two people, "Then, come on... Okay, I'll go in first..."

Except for Sharon and Hermione, everyone watched with fascination as Fred took out a piece of parchment from his pocket with the words "Fred Weasley - Hogwarts" written on it. .

Fred walked right to the edge of the age line and stood there, swaying on his tiptoes like a diver preparing to jump from a fifty-foot platform.

Then, with every eye in the foyer watching, he took a deep breath and crossed the line.

Many people thought Fred had succeeded, and George thought so too. He shouted triumphantly and jumped forward after Fred.

People opened their mouths to cheer.

Xia Ran knew the outcome and just shook her head lightly.

boom! boom!

The twin brothers were thrown outside the golden coil, as if that place was a layer of springs. The twins flew ten feet away, hitting the cold stone ground. While feeling physical pain, they also received another shock. humiliation.

With a loud cracking sound, identical long white beards appeared on the chins of the two people at the same time, like two old men in their seventies and eighties.

Everyone in the foyer burst into laughter. Even Fred and George couldn't help laughing when they got up and saw each other's white beards.

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