New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 104 Apple's Technology Upgrade II

The two of them have a tacit understanding and can make an appointment when they need it, but not talking about feelings, Wesley has really seen the way Americans get along this time. He needs to learn to adapt. He could have learned it earlier, but Tony. Stark went ashore after meeting Wesley, so Wesley missed his chance.

In the afternoon, Wesley continued to look at the information, and at the same time used the holographic equipment here to directly show the structure of the helicarrier, and then showed the lines from the command center to various positions of the helicarrier, which Apple was responsible for memorizing.

The development of intelligent systems is not so easy. Even in the Marvel Universe, the intelligence on Earth is not too advanced. The best Wesley has ever seen is Tony Stark's Jarvis.

However, Jarvis is just an intelligent system in the laboratory. At most, it assists Tony Stark to do some research and development work, and the other is to help with the operation of the steel armor, and the main body is Tony Stark.

Wesley researched the type of intelligent systems needed by the helicarrier, determined the main auxiliary flight, and then the safety system, especially for the control of the entire helicarrier, he wanted to prevent someone from bypassing the commander to give orders, such as the Battle of New York nuclear bomb launch. At the same time, Wesley also hopes to strengthen the combat part. In the Battle of New York, the SHIELD's air carrier did not participate in the battle. Although the destruction was carried out by Hawkeye, the response ability was too poor, which needs to be strengthened.

After letting Apple record its request, the afternoon was almost over, and Wesley received a call from Kyle Robert at this time.

"Boss, the league has started, and teams from all over the world have started the qualifiers. They will decide the top sixteen and then participate in the finals. I wonder if you will be there, boss?"

"Well, yes, let our partner companies send people to visit and study. They will start holding it next year. Is our e-sports hall completed?"

"It's about to be completed, and now all kinds of equipment are being installed, the plaza is completed, and the whole style is in line with the setting of our game."

"You did a good job, I will attend the finals, send me the specific time and process, and I will invite Tony to go with me." Wesley then put down the phone and received a text message shortly after, with the specific time arrangement. , Wesley just needs to attend the championship night on it.

After get off work, Wesley still ate dinner at the special restaurant, and then went home, it was too difficult for him to cook by himself as a bachelor. Back at home, Wesley closed the door, and then he chose the bathroom to upgrade, which is relatively closed, so there is no need to worry about being peeped, and take out a new element reactor.

"Apple, are you ready?" Wesley asked.

"Ready and ready to start."

Wesley took a deep breath, "Let's start." As soon as he finished speaking, a huge energy poured directly into the body from his hands, the same feeling as last time, but this time there was no need to strengthen the body, but to support apple sorting data, and then carry out technical upgrades themselves.

Under the control of Apple, the rolling energy continuously entered every cell of the body, and then supported Wesley's brain to continue to operate, like a sophisticated machine, and then Apple began to organize the data. These data are to be compared with Wesley's original parallel universe, and also to be synthesized with the technology obtained by Tony Stark.

Then Apple began to build a technology tree, yes, the technology tree. This is not a real tree, but is based on basic science, and then extends higher technology upwards, and so on.

Wesley did not understand why Apple did this. Although the energy was passing through the body, he still communicated with Apple, "How did you think of building a technology tree?" Wesley's current state is completely consistent with Apple's. , which is why he can do some technical work.

"The technology tree is convenient for us to integrate the technology we have obtained. At the same time, if we come into contact with alien technology, we can compare it, or establish another system. If you want to continue to be strong, then it is necessary to establish this. And , we may develop more advanced technology through the technology we have mastered.”

"Well, it is indeed possible, and some methodical absorption is also a good choice."

"Yes, if the plot does not change much in the future, then you can find an opportunity to go to God's Domain once, or go to other planets to see."

"Let's talk about it, the energy of the new element reactor is almost exhausted, have you completed your upgrade?"

"It's basically completed, and the last energy can be used to extend the technology tree."

The absorption of energy lasted for more than an hour, but Wesley did not feel tired at all, because a lot of energy was absorbed into his body, and the body received a small-scale strengthening, which was caused by excess energy.

"Huh, I have to say that this feeling is really cool, do you think my body can be improved unlimitedly?" Wesley asked.

"This kind of energy is not good. It requires the form of pure energy to be able to upgrade all the time. At present, it seems that only the Infinity Stones series has hope."

"Then why didn't this upgrade use a password?" Wesley was still very concerned about this. After all, although the two sides are now one body, they might be occupied by someone one day.

"Strictly speaking, this time is not an upgrade, but a data reserve. It is more about improving the high-end part of the technology tree."

Wesley thought about it for a while, and it was true. This time, it can only be regarded as a technology upgrade, not a system upgrade, and technology refers to reserve technology. Apple is a biological computer, which means a bit of alien technology. There is no hardware for its upgrade, and it seems that pure technology cannot be upgraded, only some energy upgrades.

Walking out of the bathroom, Wesley poured a glass of iced Coke and sat on the sofa to chat with Apple, "How is the development of the intelligent system?"

"It doesn't seem difficult now. The intelligent system of the air carrier has relatively few requirements. This can be developed first. Because of the limitation of energy, it will take about two weeks, so it will not affect your physical condition."

"And what about our own?"

"This is more complicated. The key is what level of intelligent system you want. If I am powerless like me, my thinking mode is basically borrowed from you, and my composition is not one and zero."

"What? So what are you made of?" Wesley was shocked, not ones and zeros, then a whole new computer program was born.

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