New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 105 The Language of the Universe

"At present, I am composed of elemental language, and this mutation process should have occurred when crossing parallel universes. I don't know exactly how, and I don't understand. There are no records of these symbols in all materials. , but according to some fantasies in film and television works, these symbols should be element symbols."

"Elemental? Unknown elemental symbol? Why do you think so?" Wesley became curious.

"In the original universe, there was an American drama "Stargate". You have seen it. The conjecture about the language of the universe is the element. The advanced universe civilization used the element to develop a language that can be used in the universe. Language."

"When I think about it, there is indeed such an American drama. This American drama has been broadcast for ten years, divided into several parts, and there are also movies released. It is really good, and there are conjectures about the language of the universe. It seems that, When we traveled through parallel universes, we found something amazing."

"Yes, so if we can figure out this elemental language, then the possibilities are endless."

"It's true, but there doesn't seem to be such a language in the Marvel universe. God's Domain is already considered a developed civilization, but they haven't mentioned it?" Wesley was a little worried.

"It's really not mentioned, but they haven't mentioned anything about the text either, we can go and see if you can find an opportunity."

"Well, it's worth a try, but can you use these symbols to match our list of element periods?"

"It can't be compared, there are no basic conditions, it is two completely different language systems, and no two similar symbols can be found." Apple's words disappointed Wesley, but there is no way to do it, they are now getting it Treasure, but can't be opened, this feeling is really depressing.

"That's it, first complete the intelligent program of the air carrier, but can you leave a back door for yourself? This will also make it easier for me to enter at any time in the future."

"Yes, I can leave a back door that only my door can enter."

Wesley laughed. "Yeah, that's it, as long as they can't find it out, and we're not going to share it with anyone."

At night, when Wesley slept, Apple began the development of smart programs, but because of energy problems, its progress was very slow, stretching the entire workload to two weeks.

The next day, Wesley went to work on time, had breakfast in the restaurant, and then entered his studio, where he was still working on the structure of the air carrier. The intelligent system requires hardware support. After the command is issued, the hardware needs to be able to execute the command, so the air carrier needs a lot of internal modifications.

Wesley studied for a whole morning, and there are many areas that need to be improved, but the project is not big, mainly changing to electric equipment, but he still has to ask Nick Fury for the specific requirements.

Picking up the landline in the room and calling the director's office directly, "Director, there are a lot of questions now, I hope you can come to my studio."

"Is there a problem?" Nick Fury asked.

"For the specific modification problem, which step do you need the intelligent system to do? There is no problem with the main body assisting the flight, but other branches need your opinions, such as controlling some doors, etc., and how much assistance is needed. The problem, the amount of modification is proportional to your requirements."

"Okay, I'll go right there." Nick Fury put down the phone and hurried to Wesley's place.

After Wesley waited for a long time, Nick Fury walked in as soon as he pushed the door, and then came to Wesley's side, "Tell me about it in detail."

Seeing Nick Fury walking in, Wesley directly activated the holographic equipment, and the exploded view of the helicarrier appeared, "The main body of the intelligent program is the flight assistance, there is no problem with this, whether it is the four anti-gravity engines, Or the collection of flight data, the command center can collect and control it, so there is no problem with the intelligent program. The key is other functions.”

"For example, the gate of the internal hangar, the isolation belt of the area, the attack system of the weapon, etc. What are your specific requirements? I need a detailed list of requirements, and then you can modify them now. The procedure takes about two weeks. development can be completed.”

Nick Fury listened carefully, then nodded and said: "We have never been able to develop an intelligent control system, but now we can, I will let the engineers discuss it, and give you specific requirements in three days. You still have Do you need anything?"

"Yes, I need a high-density metal, the stronger the better. Doesn't S.H.I.E.L.D. have a lot of extraterrestrial objects? Some metals that fell to the earth with meteorites."

"Are you going to use it yourself?"

"Yes, Tony and I have specially developed a set of steel armor for me, which is in line with my fighting habits and abilities, but lacks melee weapons and needs to make a pair of flying axes."

"Don't worry, I'll find it for you, you just need to focus on the smart program." Nick Fury walked away in a hurry, and Apple asked in Wesley's mind: "Why don't you ask about the symbol? "

"We can't explain the origin of things like elemental language, and we must keep everything about you absolutely confidential. Once someone knows your existence, I will be very dangerous."

"That's right, but it's a waste not to use such a wealth of information about S.H.I.E.L.D.," Apple said emotionally.

"Hehe, don't worry, we will get in touch, but the exact time is uncertain. Let's talk about it when the time comes. We need to go step by step, and what height will we reach, this can only be left to fate."

Wesley continued to work on the Helicarrier, and from time to time Apple put some basic knowledge into Wesley's brain areas that Wesley could use. Over time, Wesley himself would become a polymath, and at the same time Wesley can also gradually take over the 15% of the newly developed brain domains.

Three days later, Nick Fury took the requirements researched by the engineers and came to Wesley's studio again, "This is a requirement for intelligent programs, see if you can achieve it."

Wesley entered it into the studio's computer, and then showed it, "It's a lot to ask for, so the interior needs a lot of modifications, is there any problem?"

"No problem, it's our pursuit to be the best, isn't it? In addition, we have some of the metal you need. I have already sent someone to pick it up and send it to you. This is a kind of metal carried in meteorites."

"How does it compare to Captain America's shield?"

"It's different. Captain America's shield is a sound-absorbing metal, which is more suitable for defense, and this metal is suitable for use as a weapon. This is the conclusion given by experts."

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