New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 117 Sudden Hearing II

"So what if Iron Man handed over his iron suit? Can we fight head-to-head on Earth?" asked one of the commissioners.

"Hehe, I doubt it. It may be the fight on Earth. I have no doubts about it at all." Wesley said contemptuously, "Look at your thoughts, once you get the steel battle suits. , then it is mass production, and it is foreseeable who will be handed over to the production, and new energy will definitely be used infinitely for profit.”

"Mr. Wesley Gibson, I can't agree with your point of view. If there are a large number of Iron Man, then the earth can completely guarantee its own safety." The female commissioner spoke again.

"Hehe, you only saw one God's Domain, have you seen other aliens? Is God's Domain the most powerful? Or can you guarantee that after getting the steel battle suit, the earth will not fall into war? You Can you guarantee that the earth will not launch aggression? Can the words of politicians be trusted?”

"I have deep doubts about this. Don't try to control anything. You are not gods. Even the gods in the past didn't think about control, because they understand more than you. The final result of control is resistance."

"Look at what happened to Dr. Bruce Banner, the military wanted to replicate Captain America's potion, but what happened in the end? Why wasn't General Ross being court-martialed, he was just stopped from the program. But he caused What about sabotage? My father's adopted girl was one of the direct victims of this incident, why is there no way for her to prosecute, why would anyone want to include 'Abomination' in the Avengers?"

"This is your thinking and thinking, it just makes me feel sick, even if these people join the Avengers, it is for the earth, not some people, and I also remind you, what is within your means, don't always think about it Control what? This world is huge, this universe is also huge, and we are just a tiny individual in the universe.”

Nick Fury stood by and kept looking at Wesley, now it's time for him to speak, "Commissioners, although Agent Wesley Gibson said something ugly, what he said is also the truth, some people are not We can control it, everyone has seen Thor's combat strength assessment, and although the Destroyer of God's Domain has weaknesses, it is not something that ordinary people can defeat."

"Now Saul is very friendly to the earth, I want to continue this friendship, and at the same time absorb him into the Avengers, of course not the kind that controls him, I hope you can clearly understand this, if there is any other If you think about it, then it will easily lead to war, and the outcome of the war is almost doomed.”

"As for the guarantee or control, it is impossible. I hope you will pay attention to the power balance between the two sides when considering these, and put forward some more realistic suggestions or questions."

The four committee members suspended the hearing. It is noon now, and they need to discuss it later.

"Wesley, your speech today is wonderful." Nick Fury said when he came out.

"Didn't you just ask me to play this role?" Wesley asked, looking at Nick Fury.

Nick Fury didn't deny it, "Yes, that's it. I know what these people think, so I let you come. You can say what I'm hard to say. But it's unclear how the effect will be, these people are not so easy. Sober."

Wesley agreed with Nick Fury. The Avengers is really difficult to set up. According to the normal way, Nick Fury knew there was no hope at all, so he pulled Wesley to come, according to Wesley's The character must be fierce, and now we will see how it works, but don't expect these people to be really scolded by you.

After lunch at noon, the two came to this room again, and the four committee members quickly took their places, "After our discussion, we believe that the Avengers is not necessary for the time being, but as a precaution, S.H.I.E.L.D. can Keeping an eye on these people, keeping their position on top of them, and calling them together when needed, we think it's more resource efficient."

The enthusiastic and great speech was over, and Wesley and Nick Fury didn't see any expressions of disappointment on their faces, because they had long thought about saving resources, but they still wanted to control, otherwise they would do it by mastering the position. What? Or unphased surveillance?

Wesley didn't care and Nick Fury left, neither of them were depressed. If it really needed, the Avengers could easily be formed. Tony Stark is now a consultant, Hawkeye, Black Widow and Wesley, the 'Sir', is a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, and Captain America must be a good recruit.

"Wesley, there is a task for you to complete next." Nick Fury said suddenly.

Wesley was stunned, is there another mission? "What mission, I just want to go home and spend a summer vacation with my sister!" Wesley was not very willing.

"This task is not long, and the location of the task is in New York. You and Natasha completed it together."

Wesley was also speechless when he heard the name, "Don't you know that my relationship with her is a little stiff? Women's psychology is terrible, especially when they say they are not beautiful."

"I've heard Phil talking about this, but don't worry, she's a professional agent, and she's very professional when it comes to work, just so you can experience the real agent mission."

"But I'm not an ordinary detective. My identity is very eye-catching. I think I'm more suitable for some combat missions."

"Don't worry, this time I will use your identity to attend a reception in New York. Natasha is your female companion. We will talk about your tasks after you enter."

The two talked and came to Nick Fury's director's office. Black Widow was waiting here. When she saw Wesley walk in, she turned her face away and didn't even say hello. Wesley was not embarrassed at all, and sat directly on the sofa. The two had no intention of communicating at all, and Nick Fury didn't seem to see this situation, and started talking about the task on his own.

The three people in the office seemed to be very unfamiliar with each other, and it was impossible to see that they had any communication at all, and the tasks described by Nick Fury were very easy to understand.

One of the responsibilities of S.H.I.E.L.D. is to prevent alien weapons from being used by private armed forces on Earth. Some arms dealers want to make a lot of money, but they themselves have nothing to show off, so some people find ways to do it by some means. Get alien weapons.

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