New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 118 Charity Reception Part One

"If the evidence is conclusive, then just go to the door to arrest people and seal them up? Why send us to steal?" Wesley didn't understand the significance of this action? Why do you need to steal? Instead of going straight to the door and arresting people? That's cool, isn't it?

"Idiot, let's not talk about whether the intelligence issue is really accurate. Even if it is accurate, then it is easy to catch people by going to the door. Arms dealers are not so simple. They have countless profit nets, and they will flee if they are not careful. Drop. Or do you think agents are so easy to do?" Black Widow laughed at Wesley, she finally spoke, but for the purpose...

Naturally, Wesley wouldn't scolded and didn't retaliate, "Haha, isn't it? I'll do it myself if it's so difficult, and I'll protect you in case you go."

"You better protect yourself. I have done this kind of task countless times, and I have no problem with it. What qualifications do you have as a novice to say protect me?"

"Okay, the two of you don't fight, now I'll arrange the mission." Nick Fury stopped Wesley, who wanted to continue, "This mission is not easy, the first one with alien weapons The name is Gilles Marbury. He is a real estate businessman, and the arms business is only carried out in secret. At the same time, he is also a philanthropist, and the reception is a charity reception. There will be some auction items. All funds will be donated.”

"Then I'm not going to spend money?" Wesley said suddenly.

Black Widow glanced at Wesley with contempt, "You're still a billionaire, and it hurts to spend a little money?"

Wesley also responded with a look of contempt, "Of course, I only have more assets now, and the cash is left with wages. Stark Industries' dividends continue to buy stocks, and Alliance Games will continue to build when it makes money. Headquarters building, I haven't recovered a penny until now, unless the company goes public soon, then I will really be rich, and now... I have no money!"

Wesley is telling the truth, he really doesn't have a lot of money to do charity work, especially in the United States, he has no such thoughts anymore. You are the boss of the world, why do you want me to use the money for charity? Even tax avoidance Wesley was reluctant to do it, he would rather invest.

Nick Fury looked at Wesley and said, "Of course we know your situation. This time we have prepared a million-dollar fund for you. You can decide when the time comes."

"That's a good feeling, but with such a large cost invested, is S.H.I.E.L.D. so rich?" Wesley looked at Nick Fury strangely.

"We have a lot of extraterrestrial objects in our hands. Do you think we will not study them? After some civilian technologies are developed, we will apply for some patents and then sell them. A lot of SHIELD's expenses are self-raised, Otherwise, do you think that such a huge organization only relies on grants?" After Wesley listened to Nick Fury's explanation, he realized that part of the source of funds for S.H.I.E.L.D. was really fat.

Once there is a problem with S.H.I.E.L.D., the various intelligence agencies and the military in the United States will inevitably rush to take a bite. It is really a crisis-ridden place. Wesley stopped talking and quietly listened to Nick Fury about the mission.

"Okay, that's the way it is. You two are going to go directly to New York. Wesley, you have to get the invitation letter for the charity reception as soon as possible. Natasha, you are responsible for doing it. After the auction starts, it is your chance, but the security system is somewhat tricky."

"Don't worry!" Black Widow said confidently. She does have capital self-confidence, because she has lived for decades. Wesley does not know exactly how many years, but it seems to be only about ten years younger than Captain America, and she did not spend these decades in a deep sleep. , She is all too familiar with things like stealing information or items.

However, the relationship between the two has basically dropped to a freezing point. It is still unknown whether the action will go smoothly. Nick Fury also has a headache. He really wants to execute it with another person, such as Tony Stark, but his personality is too bad Now, it's not as good as Wesley, and if there is any danger, Wesley is more suitable, after all, Tony Stark can't wear steel armor!

"You hurry up and set off. The charity reception is scheduled for three days. Wesley hurry up to get the invitation." Nick Fury simply out of sight and out of mind, let the two of them leave.

After the two walked out of the office, they didn't say a word, and they didn't even decide the time and place of a meeting, so they walked in one direction and left. Wesley thought he could do this too, just go in and get something out? If it really doesn't work, I'll go grab it out, can they still block themselves?

The name Natasha Romanov is indeed famous, and her nickname 'Black Widow' has made many people afraid to steal something. Do you need to cooperate with a nasty guy?

At the beginning of the mission, the two people who accepted the mission had the mentality of parting ways. Wesley went directly to the parking lot. Anyway, Nick Fury gave him one million, and he just got an invitation card and went there and took out the things directly. Enough.

The target of this mission is an alien weapon, a ring-shaped weapon that emits an energy beam, which is not too powerful or too small. It stands to reason that such a weapon can be manufactured by Tony Stark. The slightest problem is on the steel armor, although it can only be fired once, and then the parts are directly burned. But this ring is different. It will not be damaged in the slightest after it is launched, and the energy replenishment is also very convenient. It is solar.

Recharging requires 72 hours of sunlight, and can be fired three times after each recharge. This weapon is not very useful for large-scale battles, but it is difficult to guard against assassinations. Its manufacturing materials are not available on earth. , or has not yet been synthesized. Whether it is used for assassination or researching its material composition, it can be sold for a big price.

And S.H.I.E.L.D. is very jealous of such weapons that cannot be found by modern equipment. Maybe they will be used at any time, and it is possible to cause a world war.

It's a bit mysterious, but it's the truth. Arms dealers like war the most. The destructive power of this ring is limited, and it can't be used in the frontal battlefield. If you want to understand its production materials, you may not be able to copy it, because it is not on the earth. Things are more like some aliens' self-defense weapons, but they are dangerous on Earth, and if someone goes to assassinate some national dignitaries, it will be troublesome.

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