New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 131 Alien Weapons

Wesley stood up and put his hand over the scanner. "Jarvis, one scan."

"Yes Mr. Gibson." Jarvis scans again, "Scan complete." As the scan completes, the hologram appears, Wesley takes the ring, and Tony Die can stand by and look at the structure inside .

"I really didn't expect that the internal structure of this ring is so complicated and much more advanced than our technology!" Tony Stark exclaimed.

"Yes, its manufacturing materials are not on the earth. It is estimated that Jarvis can't analyze it. Without reference and comparison, we can only study its internal circuit board and energy circuit." Wesley said with a frown, the material is very Importantly, if it can be imitated, then the steel suit can be equipped with laser weapons, which is very helpful for the improvement of combat effectiveness.

"Yes, and I couldn't scan it just now. It should be caused by the internal equipment. I didn't expect such a technology. By the way, when will you hand in the ring, can we study it for more time?" Tony Stark said to The ring is very interesting in the future, and I hope to study it for more time.

"I don't know, this depends on Natasha's opinion. Let Jarvis compare the materials first, and study the molecular structure of the materials to see if we can imitate them. If there are no problems with the materials, then the ring is not important. already."

"Okay, Jarvis, analyze the molecular structure, then compare the acquaintances, find alternative materials, and record the internal structure of the ring." Tony Stark told Jarvis to go into battle himself, with his hands on the holographic image. Start the operation on the top and start to disassemble the internal structure of the ring.

Wesley watched while Apple started recording, and the two got busy.

Natasha went out of Wesley's house, and the clothes on her body made her feel very uncomfortable, whether it was the style or those folds, she took a taxi directly to the mall, and then chose a new set to put on, which made her Much more comfortable.

Take out the phone and call Nick Fury directly, "Director, the mission is completed, but this time it is Wesley."

Nick Fury's voice came, "Tell me about your action process carefully." Natasha began to tell, but after she finished speaking, Nick Fury roared angrily: "Natasha Roman Detective Nov, you are an old detective, how can you treat the mission so willfully? I will let you both complete it together, even if you have opinions on Detective Wesley Gibson, but you should not bring anything into the mission. Emotions."

"What if the mission fails? Obviously, Agent Wesley Gibson has been exposed. Of course, there is no problem with his exposure, but the mission is obviously a failure. How can the loss of the two agents be recovered?"

Natasha could only listen, and then said, "Sorry Chief."

"Forget it, fortunately it's Wesley, and he's not suitable for sneaking and sneaking at all. But I hope you understand that he is a newcomer, but you are an old man, and even if you are dissatisfied with him, you should follow the instructions with him. Act, otherwise how can you fall into the trap, if there is him to answer you, then even if the door is closed, you can still come out, I hope you remember the lesson this time."

Putting down the phone, Natasha calmed down her anger. Although she was wrong about this matter, why did the director just scold her alone? She put the bill on Wesley again, and Wesley doesn't know yet.

Wesley and Tony Stark are enjoying lunch. "It seems that it is a matter of materials. The internal design is almost understood. Can we imitate the anti-scanning equipment?" Wesley asked.

"It's a little difficult. Alien's technology is really good. It's impossible to completely imitate it. We need to enlarge the equipment and use it. We can't make it so small." Tony Stark shook his head.

"That's okay, anyway, it's on the steel armor, and their mental connection system is good. If you can join it, then there will be great progress in operation."

Tony Stark shook his head again, "This is not necessary, the reaction speed of the human brain is not as fast as that of an intelligent system, and even I am not as fast as Jarvis' computing speed, the steel armor is better to use the artificial intelligence system, connecting the human body Nerves are more than worth the loss, especially when injured, and there is a high potential for damage to human nerves."

What he said is not wrong, but it depends on the situation. Wesley has an apple, and he needs to connect the nervous system so that the effect of the apple can be maximized. As for the damage, Wesley is not worried, and the apple can prevent this kind of damage. of.

But he can't say these words directly, Apple is his biggest secret, not even a friend, not even his best friend, so Wesley decided to build his own laboratory, which now seems to be a must, but Where to put the laboratory is a problem, and Apple is still developing an intelligent system with hardware as the carrier. It will take a certain amount of time. Take your time.

"Wesley, S.H.I.E.L.D. should have a lot of extraterrestrial weapons or technologies. Can we come up with some and let's study it. If it can improve the combat capability of the steel armor, that would be great." Tony Stark asked. .

"This is very difficult. Although I have been promoted to the sixth-level agent, the authority still does not have much effect. The old fox Nick Fury must be guarding me." Wesley said helplessly.

"That's right, the two of us must be guarded against, otherwise those technologies will be easily broken by us, and then the power in our hands will be even stronger, S.H.I.E.L.D. will not allow us to be stronger. , then they will be very passive, government agencies are all the same, they would rather waste it than take it out." Tony Stark said dissatisfied.

"Forget it, I'll talk about it later when I have a chance. I'll go back first. Natasha must have reported it. I'll go back and see if I need to hand in the ring. Anyway, I've recorded everything that should be recorded, and now the comparison of the molecular structure of the materials is left. already."

"Okay, I'll let you know when there is news. Just give them the ring."

Wesley left the Stark Building and drove all the way back to his home, where he saw Natasha watching TV and Mindy not there. Wesley listened carefully. Mindy was yelling in the room. She must be talking to her classmates. "Have you reported it? Is the ring to the branch or to the headquarters?"

"Send it to headquarters, when do we leave?"

"I won't go back. You can set off immediately, and bring the ring directly to your hand. I will teach you how to use it. You will be very safe with it."

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