New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 132 Summer travel plans

Wesley drove Natasha away, and he was relieved. The clothes on this woman were obviously not bought by herself. It seems that she was very dissatisfied with the clothes she bought.

In the evening, there were four people in the family again, "Brother, shall we go to Disney to play?" Mindy said suddenly while eating.

"Oh, does Mindy want to go to Disney? No problem, anytime, anywhere else?" Wesley looked at Mindy and smiled.

"I don't know, I heard from my classmates that some of them are going to Disney during the holidays, so I want to go too, I don't know about other places!" Mindy thought in distress, looking very cute, Carlos and Hannah I couldn't help laughing.

Annabelle wonders why everyone laughs? But it couldn't understand it. After taking a look, it continued to struggle with the cat food in the cat food bowl in front of it.

"Okay, then let's go to Disney first, and then let's talk about it, let's take a trip that says go, go wherever we want!" Wesley comforted Mindy.

"Okay!" Mindy was happy again.

The next day Wesley received a call, "Boss, your assistant has been selected, when do you need her to report?" Philip's work efficiency was really fast, Wesley thought for a while, "Let her Come to report now, come directly to my house, just as I am going to take my sister out to play, she needs to handle a lot of things."

"Yes, I understand boss!"

Wesley was waiting for his assistant at home. Mindy was choosing the clothes to bring, but she was obviously not very good at this. "Brother, which clothes should I choose?" In the end, she could only ask Wesley for help. .

Wesley himself is not very good at this, "Wait, I found an assistant today, let her help when she comes, or wait for Hannah to come back in the evening to clean up for you."

"Oh, well then, can we take Annabelle?" Mindy asked, raising her head and blinking her big eyes.

Wesley was a little embarrassed. If he wanted to take Annabelle, it would be a problem to get on and off the plane. After thinking about it, he said, "Yes, but I'll make a call first." He thought of Tony Stark's private plane and hurriedly took it out. The call came, "Tony, do you use your private jet?"

"No, you can use it if you want. The crew has been idle for a long time, and Pepper has been using the company's small business jet."

"Okay, lend it to me during the summer vacation. I'm going to travel with Mindy. It's much more convenient to have a private jet."

"I wish you all a good time."

A phone was borrowed from Tony Stark's private jet, and Wesley got the phone to contact the crew, but at this time the doorbell rang, Wesley did not expect his assistant to come so quickly.

When he opened the door, Wesley was stunned, because the assistant who came here looked exactly like the dead fox. Wesley almost blurted out, but he was sure that the fox was indeed dead, and this woman was just like her. Just the same.

"Are you Mr. Wesley Gibson?" the woman at the door asked.

Wesley looked at her carefully, a younger version of Angelina Jolie was standing in front of her, Wesley was curious, how could two people be so similar? Even if this place belongs to the Marvel Universe, it is not entirely the case when I think about it. After all, I am the Assassin League as soon as I came here. The reason why it is called the Marvel Universe is because of the existence of those superheroes.

"Yes, I am, so you're my assistant?" Wesley asked.

"Yes, hello sir, my name is Evelyn Salt, and I will be your personal assistant today." He reached out and shook hands with Wesley.

Wesley heard her name very familiar, "Apple search."

"You've seen the movie Agent Salt, but the other party is obviously much younger than in the movie. Shake her hand more." Apple responded.

Wesley held the other's hand with a smile, but he didn't mean to let go, "I'm glad that such a beautiful lady has become my assistant, so I can rest assured, at least I can guarantee my eyes and appetite. , I don't know what is Miss Evelyn Short's specialty? My personal assistant has a lot of things to do."

Using his 'specialty' again, Wesley talked endlessly, and he didn't let go or let the other person in, and started chatting at the door.

"Wesley, what are you doing? Is she your assistant?" Mindy's voice sounded from behind, Wesley only let go at this time, and Apple also completed the task, but the news was not good.

Because things are not the same as the movies Wesley saw, this Evelyn Short is indeed a CIA agent, but she is an authentic American, and she is not very old, only twenty-five years old, the plot and "Agent Short" is completely different.

What Wesley cares about is not the difference in the plot, but the fact that the CIA sent someone to him. This agency is mainly engaged in external intelligence work. The United States generally belongs to the FBI category, but this does not mean that the CIA does not care about domestic problems at all. Just the focus is different.

FBI and CIA are two famous intelligence agencies in the United States. They are often seen in movies and TV dramas. They are very powerful and mysterious, but they are not enough to watch compared to S.H.I.E.L.D. What exactly did the other party send people to come to him for? Wesley didn't show any more expression on his face, but invited him into the house.

"Come in, your job is to help me deal with personal issues, and now the first job is to help my sister pack her luggage, she's not sure what to bring." Wesley went to the living room and sat on the sofa, Start exercising your own boss rights.

"Yes boss, there is no problem." Evelyn Salt said with a smile, she really looks like a fox, but the color of her hair is different, she is blond, and Wesley knows that this is her The dyeing was a simple camouflage, but it had absolutely no effect in front of Wesley.

Mindy hurriedly dragged her to pack, while Wesley and Apple exchanged, "What's her purpose?"

"Her purpose, or the purpose of the CIA, is to investigate the internal information of S.H.I.E.L.D., you have exposed the boss. The specific situation is like this, what you did in Gilson Marbury was known, when he There is a CIA agent beside him, and Natasha Romanoff is a famous agent. The CIA has her information there. The two of you appear together for the same purpose, so the other party judges that you are from SHIELD. "

"Interesting, why is the CIA looking for news about S.H.I.E.L.D.?" Wesley asked again.

"S.H.I.E.L.D. can be said to attract wind. Intelligence agencies such as the FBI, CIA, and the U.S. military are very dissatisfied with S.H.I.E.L.D., especially in the competition for alien items, they have always been unable to compete with S.H.I.E.L.D. It's a notch lower, which involves a lot of interests, just look at the funding of SHIELD."

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