New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 137 Outbreak of anger

Opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared, Wesley agrees very much, staring at Dr. Bruce Banner back home, Wesley directly gave up continuing to monitor, but wrote a list, a The purchase list was then emailed to Evelyn Short.

Evelyn Salt, who was far away in New York, quickly received the list. She looked at the contents of the list in surprise, and at the same time, she was a little puzzled about her boss going to Brazil.

"Is it going to carry out the task? But why do you need such a list?" She didn't understand the content of the list, but she had to execute it immediately, but these items were required to be delivered to Brazil within a week, and the time was a little tight. , because purchasing is not easy.

He hurriedly called his superior and asked for assistance in purchasing. Only the power of CIA could collect the items on the list in the shortest possible time, and then send them to Barry Wesley.

Wesley took a fancy to this and asked Evelyn Salt to do it, because the things he wanted were not common in the United States. If he wanted to collect them in a short time, then CIA was the best choice.

A week later, one of Hydra's peripheral members has quietly come to the city, Sao Paulo Airport, an ordinary-looking white man walked out of the airport, sent a text message using his mobile phone, and received a reply shortly after.

The mission requirements are very simple, just buy some local gangsters and gangsters to make trouble with a black market doctor and provoke him.

Brazil was once a Portuguese colony, so proficiency in Portuguese is required to get around here, and this is the case with this outlying member. He came with a lot of money to complete the task, but he didn't think it would cost a lot because the task was too easy.

After finding a hotel to stay, he plans to go to the place on the address, but he needs a little makeup to cover up his appearance and figure. A wide teleportation suit, baseball cap and sunglasses will suffice, as he will only come once.

After packing up, take a taxi directly, then get off at a location one block away from the target, and slowly walk here.

Wesley was not at the monitoring point, but went to the airport. Today, he came here to collect the airlifted items. These items were specially prepared by Wesley to meet Bruce Banner.

An inadvertent coincidence gave Wesley an opportunity, but the appearance of the opportunity may not be a good thing. A huge crisis is about to come to the city, and only Wesley can save it.

He glanced at it casually, and the person sent by Hydra confirmed the address. He did not enter or wait, but walked over like a passerby. Neither the S.H.I.E.L.D. surveillance team nor the nearby mobile team found it.

The local ruffians and gangsters are easy to find, they are all around, as long as you want to find them, it is very easy, the Hydra people did not choose carefully, because there is no need, this task is simply too simple.

I found a few young people at random, told them the address, and then handed over a thousand dollars. After the event was completed, they came here to receive another thousand dollars. A few young people set off immediately. They didn't even think that when they came back, there were still anyone there?

The young people were very impulsive, and poverty made them a little irrational, and rushed to Bruce Banner's clinic in a hurry.

"Captain Gibson, a group of young people rushed to Bruce Banner's residence." The detective in charge of monitoring immediately reported.

Wesley, who was driving back, was stunned when he received the report, and then felt a little bad, "I ordered the roaming post to stay away from there as much as possible, and the monitoring team recorded the appearance of those people for me, and then sent it to the roaming post. Grab one of them, everyone is not allowed to move, and the rest is left to me." Wesley gave the order, and then stepped on the accelerator, the vehicle began to accelerate, he did not want to drive back, but to find a quiet place the place.

Parking the car in a parking lot, Wesley then quickly ran to a hidden alley, "Apple, activate 'Black Sir'." The black steel armor suddenly appeared on Wesley's body, fighting against him. Armor activated, and the part of his eyes lit up with blue light.

The thrusters were activated, the palms of both hands and the soles of the feet spurted golden sparks, Wesley rocketed into the air, the electronic equipment of the battle armor was activated, without the assistance of Jarvis, Wesley simply modified it himself, the helmet At the position of his temple, there are two films attached to his head, and Apple can use this to connect the armor.

After identifying the direction, then the thrusters turned on the maximum power, Wesley flew all the way to the sky above the target position, just a few young people ran out in horror, it seems that they caused a big disaster.

"Roar..." With a loud roar, a big green-skinned guy broke through the door, and then roared at a few young people, Wesley did not hesitate, "Activate the 'Sir Armor', Ezreal's wrist-arm weapon , using arcane shooting."

Although the technical requirements for the skills of the League of Legends mission are somewhat secondary to this point, Wesley also has high hopes for the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, hoping that one day he can use incredible power to complete it.

The energy weapon on the left arm and wrist was fired, and a golden-yellow energy shock hit Hulk directly from top to bottom. With a "bang", Hulk's huge body was directly beaten to the ground, and the ground was a little sunken. trace.

Several young people took the opportunity and started to escape, "Attention to the swimming post, those people ran to the north, pay attention to intercept."

"Roar..." An angry roar, Hulk was full of anger towards those who attacked him. He appeared out of anger, and the Hulk, who was powerful because of anger, jumped up, crawled on the wall with his limbs and started to climb to the top of the building, but the building didn't Not high, Wesley can leave at any time if he wants, but he needs to induce Hulk to leave with him.

Slowly let yourself fly farther, then look at the Hulk who climbed up the roof, it is preparing to run, "Want to jump? Then let me see how far you can jump!"

Pulling some distance away again, Wesley did not attack, but allowed Hulk to fully demonstrate its bouncing ability, and Wesley's direction to lure it was outside the city.

Hulk started running, then took off, and stretched his body in the air to ensure his balance. A little bit, Wesley asked Apple to calculate, Hulk couldn't reach him in the first jump, maybe the anger value was not enough, Wesley directly raised his left arm to "secret shooting".

The Hulk in the air had nowhere to dodge, and could only protect his face with his arms. "Bang" was hit again, his body lost the momentum to move forward, and then began to fall, and Wesley's attack was not blind. This place has not yet left the city. The roof of the building can't withstand the impact of Hulk's jump. If it falls on the top floor, it will directly penetrate.

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