New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 138 Opportunity to Contact

Wesley's attack made the Hulk change his location and smashed directly on the road out of the city. There were few vehicles on the road at this time, and a huge green guy was enough to scare them away. Wesley also changed his position, allowing the Hulk to pursue him along the road, as long as Wesley kept attacking.

After lowering his height, Wesley began to use 'secret shooting' continuously, but it was not easy to hit now. On the ground, Hulk's body began to be flexible, and Wesley's attacks began to fail.

The two moved out of the city so chasing after each other. Because the speed was too fast, they had already left the city, and the dense population had disappeared. Wesley was no longer worried about the possibility of accidental injury, and the frequency of attacks began to increase. He wanted to see himself. How big is the gap between the combat power and the Hulk.

"Apple, 'Jazz Armed' Catelyn's sniper rifle is deployed, and the helmet is raised to a safe height." Wesley used his own abilities to attack, and by the way, looked for Hulk's weakness.

The 'Black Sir' took off directly, the red weapon bag on the right back began to unfold, the super-long sniper rifle was assembled, the helmet was turned on, Wesley's heart began to beat rapidly, and the roaring Hulk below was trapped. in the scope.

Although "Bang" is an energy weapon, the sound of the launch is still loud, which is completely different from the speed of the bullet. The energy projectile takes the shape of a water drop and shoots out, and the rapid friction with the air makes the surrounding of the projectile very bright. The speed of breaking the sound barrier is like a miniature meteor.

The Hulk's movements below also became slow in Wesley's eyes, and time seemed to pass slowly. The Hulk was hit with a 'boom', and Wesley's second shot also sounded.

Hulk's body was out of balance by the first blow, and it was impossible to avoid it. Wesley used this to attack again, and the third shot remained the same.

"Sir, we caught those people, where are you now? Do you need our support?" A voice came from the intercom.

"Interrogation, I don't need support here. You contact the local police, block the news, and contact me after the interrogation results." Wesley said while firing.

The continuous attacks made the Hulk's anger continue to rise, but it still couldn't get rid of Wesley's rhythmic attacks, each shot accurately hitting its body.

"The weapon can't hurt it, the energy level is insufficient, the power is insufficient, and the destructive power cannot reach the critical point of the opponent's defense." Wesley frowned when the apple's voice came, and it was indeed useless at all, "Retract' Sir Arm 'Caitlyn's sniper rifle, and we'll steer it farther."

Wesley began to lure Hulk again, but this time Hulk's jumps increased a lot, Wesley was almost caught by it, and Wesley didn't dare to think about the end of it. It attacks once every time it jumps, making it unable to complete the full distance of the jump.

The two left the city, and the intercom sounded again, "Sir, we have already interrogated, and someone specially hired them to provoke Dr. Bruce Banner."

"I don't need to tell you what to do? I hope you've already started."

"Yes, we have already begun to act, but it is estimated that it is difficult to find each other." Wesley agreed with the subordinate's words, but this did not mean that he could not find it either.

"Turn on that laptop of mine and do whatever it takes to calm things down as soon as possible and don't let the local police go to Dr Banner's house."

Feeling that the distance to be taken away is almost the same, Wesley suddenly accelerated into the sky, directly disengaged from the Hulk, and rose to a very high Wesley, Wesley stopped, and then used the equipment of the battle armor to observe from a distance With Hulk.

He suddenly lost his target, which made Hulk very angry. He began to smash the ground with his fists continuously, and then turned around in place. It was looking for a target to vent his anger. After about ten minutes, the Hulk lost weight. After calming down, he walked aimlessly and lay down on the beach near the sea.

"Apple, connect the laptop, inquire about suspicious people, identify Dr. Banner's home, go to the location where the young people traded with each other, and look for acquaintances between them." Wesley identified two places where suspicion must arise. , of course, this can not be determined, only by chance.

Fortunately, his luck was good. There was only one suspicious person who appeared in both positions. "Search for him in the whole city and see where he went back after he left."

He ordered Apple to do business. Now his body can use the energy of the battle armor, so he doesn't need to worry about the consumption in the past. Then he glanced at the Hulk lying down. Its body began to shrink slowly, and finally recovered for the sake of Dr. Bruce Banner. , Wesley flew away.

This time the fight made Wesley understand a problem, the lack of attack, his weapons basically have no effect on the Hulk, and he dare not use the 'rotating axe', if it is useful, it will be troublesome, he But did not want to kill Bruce Banner.

"Finding the target, he returned to a hotel and is now eating at the hotel restaurant." Apple Exchange reported.

"It seems that he is very confident and thinks that it is impossible for us to find out, then we will meet and go back to get the car first." Wesley returned to the position where he parked, and landed where no one was nearby. directly into the body space.

Driving straight to the hotel, the other party was not worried at all, just enjoying dinner, Wesley walked into the store and went straight to him, "Sir, do you want to eat alone?" A service from the hotel restaurant greeted him. come up.

"No, I'm looking for a friend, look...he's there." Wesley said politely, then strode over, unbuttoning his suit jacket at the same time. He sat on the opposite side of the other side, and a pistol appeared in his hand, which was taken out of the body space, placed under the table, and blocked with a tablecloth.

"Tell me, who asked you to come?" Wesley's movements were too fast, the other party didn't react at all, and now he didn't dare to make the slightest movement. "Put down the cutlery, put your hands on the table, and if you do anything else, then I'll shoot," Wesley threatened again.

"I don't know what you're talking about? Who are you looking for?" The other party was quibbling.

"If it wasn't for you, then I found the wrong person, and you saw my face, then I won't ask, just kill you. Now I'll say the last time, who asked you to come." Wei Sley smiled, and the other party looked at Wesley with some horror. Are you going to kill the wrong person?

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