New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 169 Special Agent Team (200 votes plus more)

Wesley stayed at home for three months, and the new year came. Phil Coulson suddenly called him.

It was a little awkward for Wesley to answer the call. Although the relationship between the two was very good, it sounded a little scary for a person who had died to call him. Phil Coulson seems to be very excited, because he has been promoted to the eighth-level agent, and at the same time can form a team of agents by himself, and also has a large-scale aircraft modified base, which can move freely around the world.

Nick Fury is really willing to allocate such a plane to a team. This is an unprecedented precedent, and he chose the personnel himself. Nick Fury also told Phil Coulson that Wesley was willing to help him and left after knowing that the team was mature. After all, Wesley was not an ordinary seventh-level agent. He could not be resident in this team. After Wesley, the battle of the squad went straight up.

Phil Coulson called Wesley on the first call. Although Wesley was a little awkward to answer the phone, he was still very happy. After all, life is better than anything else.

After packing up his equipment and bringing his luggage, Wesley said goodbye to his family and set off directly. This time he did not drive, but left the car at home and flew directly to the SHIELD headquarters.

"Hey, Wesley, it's great to see you again, I can still live without it." Phil Coulson was very excited to see Wesley.

"I'm also very happy to see you alive. This time the director has made a lot of effort. You are considered to be the only one in S.H.I.E.L.D." The two hugged.

"Yes, it's really rare, but I'm also very confident. I finally have a contest with the Hydra, we have to hit them hard, otherwise I'll die once, but I died for more than 40 seconds. ."

"I think it's only eight seconds!" Wesley chatted with him.

Phil Coulson picked up Wesley at the airport, and then drove him directly to a secret airport. This is where S.H.I.E.L.D. is located. A huge black plane is parked outside the hangar. , are busy moving things on the plane.

"How about it, this will be our mobile base in the future."

"Yes, I just like your car, are you sure you want to fly with it?" Wesley looked at the car he had just made.

Phil Coulson fondly touched his car, "Laura is really good, and she can fly. I decided to change myself a little bit and be more handsome. After all, I've already died once, haven't I?"

"Okay, don't keep talking about being dead once, shall we go up and see now? Or do I just put my luggage in the room?"

"Of course, your luggage is placed directly in the room number. Although the room is a little smaller, the rest of the room is spacious." Phil Coulson led the way, Wesley walked up, here and the arrangement in the American drama It's almost the same, but there is a big visual gap between seeing the real thing and the TV.

The rooms are on the left and right sides, with a single bed, a wardrobe and a bookshelf, but the layout is relatively compact and the space is small. After Wesley put down his luggage, he simply packed up. All the clothes were hung in the closet, and then there was only a laptop left. There were no other things. The weapons were all in the body space, and there were only two pistols on his body.

"It's not bad, although it's a little smaller, but the bed is very comfortable, and there is even a bar. I think I can learn from it in my future private jets."

"This is difficult. You can learn from it internally, but the overall performance is very difficult. The aircraft has six rotatable engines and can take off and land vertically. Except for S.H.I.E.L.D., there is generally no such technology."

"Hehe, don't say no, as long as Tony and I study it, this pair can't hold us, okay, what shall we do next?"

"We still need team members, three team members, you and I will go to the headquarters to invite one person, and then ask Maria Hill for two more technical personnel, then I can set off. Recently, because of the Avengers, A group has popped up, they call themselves 'The Tide Up,' this group has good hacking skills, and they've posted some videos of your past that you can watch."

"Okay, then let's go, how about I drive?"

"It won't work if it's someone else, but you have no problem." Phil Coulson threw the key to Wesley, and the two got into the car and left. Wesley doesn't know much about cars now, just looks good. But now driving the car feels completely different.

Speeding all the way, Phil Coulson said in admiration, "Your driving skills are really good."

"Yeah, but my flying skills suck."

The two drove into the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters, where there was no change, and there was no sword drawn.

Maria Hill is now in charge of a lot of things. For three months, there has been no contact between the two of them. One is with the family and the other is busy with work. However, after meeting, the two are not embarrassed at all.

"Hey, Maria, do you want to have dinner together tonight?" Wesley asked directly.

"Sorry Wesley, not today, too busy lately."

Wesley shrugged. "It always shames me to see your work ethic."

Phil Coulson said aside: "Hill, how are the two technicians?"

"It has been selected, but one of the women has not passed the fighting test." Hill handed over the materials.

Phil Coulson looked at it, and then said, "It doesn't matter, I think this girl is good, and she is very good in her professional field. As for other aspects, I can teach you more. Now let's invite a driver."

Wesley followed and walked out, and exchanged glances with Maria Hill vaguely, meaning that he understood that he was sympathetic and helpless for Phil Coulson's situation, and at the same time he had to keep this secret. But Wesley knew that he would always know, and the key was to see if he could accept it.

All the way to a civilian office, Phil Coulson shouted directly, "Detective May!"

"No." The woman at work responded, clearly expressing her refusal.

The two were obviously familiar with each other. Wesley stood by and listened to their conversation, but it was meaningless, because Melinda May had already accepted the task to monitor Phil Coulson's situation, and it was Nick Fury. Ray arranged.

Sure enough, the seventh-level detective codenamed 'Knight' joined Phil Coulson's team. Now all five of them have been found, and the rest is gathering.

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