New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 170 The first mission

Phil Coulson persuaded Melinda May to join the team, "May, let me introduce to you, Wesley Gibson, a seventh-level agent, is also a member of our team. He mainly helps me, wait until The squad will leave when it stabilizes."

Wesley stepped forward and stretched out his hand, "Nice to see you again. It's hard to find someone I don't know at headquarters, unless it's a newcomer." Wesley was at the headquarters to identify everyone, and he had seen everyone.

"Yes, we've met, I didn't expect 'Sir' to join this group." Melinda May reached out and shook hands with Wesley, but her expression did not change in the slightest, she still had a cold expression on her face .

"Yes, one of you is a 'Jazz' and the other is a 'Knight'. I hope we can work together happily. Melinda remember to report tomorrow morning. Let's go first." Phil Coulson and Wesley both People left the headquarters directly and returned to the secret airport.

After boarding the plane, Phil Coulson took Wesley into his office, "This is the information of the other two people, take a look first, what do you think of them?" Phil Coulson handed it over Two folders, Wesley took it and started looking.

"They are all newcomers. Although they are technicians, they still need training. Your team operates independently. There are dangers everywhere. It is best for every member to play a role." Wesley said after reading it.

"How about helping me train them?"

"Me? Shooting is no problem, but I can't fight, I'm a wild way, you know, it's better to let Melinda teach them, her level should be higher than mine, to be honest, if I can I want to learn from her, too." Wesley really wanted to learn, but what the Assassin Brotherhood learned was not systematic.

"Well, I'll talk to Melinda, we're resting here today, what do you want for dinner?"

"It's just the two of us, why don't we go out to eat."

"Don't you want to try the kitchen on the plane?"

"not interested……"

Early the next morning, the hangar became lively. The staff was making the final preparations. Phil Coulson came to Wesley with a document. Wesley is used to getting up early and is waving his fists at a sandbag. Now he needs to get used to his body that is constantly getting stronger and stronger. The energy of the cosmic cube is amazing. Apple controls the energy to allow Wesley to absorb it slowly. A normal person's five Times are not the limit.

"Bang Bang" Wesley waved his fists, punching hard on the sandbag, and the sandbag kept swaying.

"This is our first goal. You can take a look when you're done. Our team members are coming soon."

"Okay, I'll go wash first, and I'll see when I'm done." Wesley stopped, took the towel to wash up, and then sat on the sofa in the living room with the document and began to read.

The document recorded a recent incident, an explosion, and a passerby rushed in to save people, then jumped down from a several-storey building, and then disappeared.

Wesley is clear that the first season of the American TV series Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. began with this matter, and their enemy "clairvoyant" is John Garrett. It is a pity that S.H.I.E.L.D. can't make this public. Although he can "read minds", his "mind-reading" cannot be used as evidence, and S.H.I.E.L.D. cannot publicly declare the existence of Hydra. This is a problem.

"It seems that this spy team is still useful. If necessary, it can be taken to the headquarters of SHIELD." Wesley sat there thinking, "I don't know if the 'Insight Project' has started or not, three helicarriers. what."

"Morning." Just as Wesley was thinking, Melinda May walked in with her luggage.

"Early, I didn't expect you to come so early, did you have breakfast?"

"After eating, I need to check the preparation before the flight." Melinda put the luggage directly into a room, and then went directly to the cockpit at the front of the plane.

Wesley followed directly and watched her check the situation of the plane. "I have heard a lot about your situation. I hope to have a good cooperation in the future, and I hope to learn some martial arts from you, how about it?"

"You are a member of the Avengers. You are stronger than me. Why do you want to learn from me?" Melinda May looked at Wesley with strange eyes.

"Hehe, don't get me wrong, I don't have the slightest method of fighting. As a Chinese, I think you know what I mean, so I want to learn it systematically. Anyway, I want to stay in this team for a while, so I might as well learn more."

"Okay." Really cool, with a blank face and simple language, Wesley turned boringly and left the cab and walked towards the tail of the aircraft.

The interior of the aircraft is divided into three floors, the ground floor is the garage and laboratory, the middle floor is the room, living room, conference, etc., and the third floor is Phil Coulson's site. Wesley walked to the bottom of the plane, and a man and a woman were carrying things up. They should be Gemma Simmons and Leo Fitz.

"Need my help?" Wesley stepped down, smiling at the two of them.

"Oh, I know you, you... you are 'Sir', right?" Leo Fitz exclaimed.

Wesley was surprised, is he so famous? Why doesn't he know? "Yes, it's me, Wesley Gibson, you can call me Wesley."

Leo Fitz hurriedly put down his things and stretched out his hand to shake hands, "Hey, nice to meet you, everything about you will be discussed in school. Although you have only been in SHIELD for a year, your promotion speed is super fast. The smart programming for the helicarrier is really cool."

Wesley shook hands with him, and Gemma Simmons next to him also came over, "Hello, why are you here, have you joined our team? Aren't you a member of the Avengers?"

"Okay, these questions will be discussed later. Now we have a task, hurry up and pack up and come up. Our first task is very important." Wesley finished and started to help them move things.

In the conference room, there are advanced electronic equipment, and Phil Coulson showed the information, "A hacker group called 'Tide Rising' has been publishing news about the Avengers recently, and they claim to find the truth ."

Everyone glanced at Wesley, Wesley smiled and shook his head, "Some extremely selfish people."

"Our target is not them, but a man who has appeared recently. He seems to have superhero powers. We need to find him. As for how we find him, it depends on the situation. And we tracked a 'tide rise' group. member of , she's been posting about this man lately, understand now? This hacker has the news we want, Melinda, let's go now."

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