New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 176 Jungle Shootout

An archaeological doctor in front of the temple was waiting for them. The rest of the archaeological team had already evacuated. Phil Coulson stepped forward to greet them, and the group entered the temple. As soon as you enter, there is a carved wall with a civilization carved on it. The only discord is that a modern item is inlaid on the wall.

Fitz hurriedly opened his box, which contained a small flying machine made by him, which had the function of scanning. The Doctor was persuaded to leave the temple by Phil Coulson, while Wesley and Melinda May were in charge of guarding the outside.

"I heard about you, and then transferred to the civil service. I don't know if you want to talk about it." Wesley said while observing the surrounding environment.

"I don't want to talk about it." Melinda May said coldly.

"I know it may be hard to accept, but it's always good to talk about it. There are things you shouldn't keep in your mind all the time, especially if you didn't make the mistake, and the other thing is unusual." Of course Wesley knew' The origin of knights is also clear about what happened that day. It involves 'aliens', which contain alien genes in their bodies. After being activated under certain conditions, they have the ability to have similar special functions.

"I think you should pay attention to your surroundings." Melinda May became vigilant.

"It's just some Peruvian police. They won't do anything here unless they want to fight S.H.I.E.L.D., and you can rest assured with me here. I'm still more worried about the rebels, and the Peruvian police are likely to lead them to come over."

Wesley didn't make a move, just stood there and observed the surroundings. For these Peruvian police, Wesley had no desire to fight. Unless they made a move first, Wesley would have nothing to do with them. Wesley hopes that S.H.I.E.L.D. will always exist. Once Hydra is cleared, S.H.I.E.L.D. will definitely play a greater role, so its reputation needs to be better.

There was the sound of a car galloping in the distance, and Wesley said to Melinda May, "You go to the temple, I will guard the entrance and let Phil be notified casually."

"Are you sure?" Melinda May looked at Wesley suspiciously. Wesley didn't put on the armor. Can he guard the entrance now?

"Sure, don't worry, I won't make fun of my life casually." Wesley smiled. If the other party dared to shoot, then he would put on the 'Black Jazz' and use the 'Jazz Armed' to educate them once .

Melinda May walked quickly into the temple, Wesley stepped back, blocked the entrance, and was ready to summon the armor at any time.

There was only one road in front of the temple, but there was a car driving over at the same time on the left and right sides. At the same time, someone in the jungle came out with a gun, led by a hot woman.

Phil Coulson passed by Wesley when he came out, "Can you solve them?"

"No problem, I carry my armor with me." Wesley whispered.

But Phil Coulson smiled when he saw the person coming, "Maybe not. Camilla?"

"Philip?" The woman on the other side was also surprised, "I didn't expect you to come here, and you were surrounded by me." Her words made Wesley frown. Do you want to do something here?

"No, it's not that you surrounded us, it's just that we didn't take the initiative to attack. Wouldn't you mind letting your people put down their guns?" Phil Coulson said with a smile. This is his test. If the other party doesn't put down their guns, Then he's ready to step back and leave it to Wesley.

Camilla waved her hand, her subordinates put down their firearms, and then she walked towards Phil Coulson. After the two warmly greeted, they walked to the side together, as if they were talking, while Wesley was Continue to pay attention to your surroundings.

A few minutes later, there was a sudden explosion near the vehicle of the Peruvian military and police, and then the gunshots rang out. The surrounding was all dense forest. Suddenly a HK416A5 carbine appeared. This kind of gun was obtained when Wesley first asked Phil Coulson for equipment. He put two in his internal space, and the remaining two were left at home for Carlos to use.

The HK416A5 carbine is not very long. Of course, the barrel can be replaced as an assault rifle, which is suitable for urban and jungle use. The relatively short gun body is more flexible. Wesley's HK416A5 carbine is equipped with a scope and a grenade launcher. Ammunition There is plenty of space in the body. Turn on the safety, adjust to single-shot mode, and then Wesley starts a burst.

"Da Da Da" the gunshots were a bit crisp and not dull. Every time Wesley shot one person, one person fell down. Everyone in the temple became nervous when they heard the gunshots. Melinda May took the initiative to come to the temple. At the entrance, we saw that Wesley was shooting continuously from the outside.

"Do you still have a gun?" Melinda May didn't carry a firearm, and she needed at least one pistol at this time.

"I don't need to, I can defend here completely, but now I don't know how many people are coming to attack." Wesley answered directly without looking back.

Phil Coulson was a little far away. He and Camilla started a back-to-back counterattack. The two had a tacit understanding and the effect of the counterattack was good. However, the number of rebels seemed to be large, and the density of gunfire had not been heard until now.

"I need a gun." Melinda May demanded again.

Wesley smiled. Melinda May wanted the gun to protect the three people behind her. If it was herself, she would have many ways to leave. Wesley threw her hands up and the gun in her hand flew upwards. Go, and a HK416A5 carbine appeared in his hands again, threw it to Melinda May, turned around just to catch the falling gun, and continued to shoot.

"Is this magic?" Melinda Mei stared blankly at the carbine in her hand.

"No, this is space science. Although I don't understand it too well, it's easy to use. You come to guard the door, and I'll attack." Wesley shook his hands, the HK416A5 carbine disappeared, and a pair of pistols appeared.

He strode towards Phil Coulson's position. He didn't want this guy to die again. "Bang Bang" ran and opened fire. Even some people hiding behind trees couldn't escape and were shot. middle.

The two empty magazines landed, and then the two full magazines entered the gun handle. This is Wesley's new way of loading. The position sent from the internal space is within one meter of the surrounding area. War armor, then it is also possible to directly load the ammunition. When the trigger is pulled, the barrel cover is returned, and the bullet is loaded again, so the action adds up to only one second.

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