Wesley killed at least fifteen people in the process of approaching Phil Coulson, "Phil, I'm going to attack the jungle, you go to the temple gate to form a defensive line."

Phil Coulson was about to agree, but Camilla beside him objected: "We should retreat, I don't know how many people are in the jungle, it's too dangerous for you to attack alone."

"It doesn't matter, I can handle it." Wesley said indifferently.

"Maybe you can handle it, but my people will suffer heavy casualties." Seeing her insist, Phil Coulson hesitated and nodded in agreement.

Wesley frowned. He didn't want them to board the plane, so he could at least remain friendly. If they really did something on the plane, Phil Coulson didn't know what he would think?

"Wesley, you go get the car to meet them, let's get close to that side first." Now that Phil Coulson had made a decision, Wesley didn't say more, got up and ran towards the car.

He didn't take the main road, but shuttled through the jungle to avoid becoming a target, but there were still many rebels. They wanted to rush to the temple in the jungle, but when they saw Wesley running in the jungle, they immediately turned around. muzzle.

Wesley's eyes scanned the jungle, and the apple in his mind kept pointing out the enemy's location to him, "Nine o'clock...two o'clock...". As long as Wesley's eyes glanced at the position, all of them were carefully observed by Apple, and Wesley did not need to look at it at all, he directly accepted Apple's command, and then raised his hand to shoot. Although the shooting accuracy decreased, at least it can be guaranteed The opponent loses combat effectiveness or the opportunity to shoot.

This cooperation is more and more like gunfighting, except that he does not rely on accurate calculations, but accurate records. Apple can see the situation in the sight of both eyes through the retina, and what Wesley needs to do is to constantly use his eyes. Look around, then follow the instructions to shoot.

The disadvantage is that it loses a certain degree of accuracy, but he can still use it while moving without standing still.

The distance of the car is not far, he quickly arrived at the position, then opened the door and started the car. The bullet hit the car and made a "ping pong" sound. The bulletproof ability made Wesley very safe. He drove the car at high speed to the gate of the temple, directly blocking the enemy's shooting route.

Melinda May was firing, and when she saw the car approaching, she didn't rush to get in the car, but shouted to Wesley, "What if I can't get the things out?"

Wesley patted his head, and then he remembered that Fitz, a timid guy, didn't dare to take things down directly. He stepped directly to the co-pilot's position, got off the other side, and then rolled forward. Get off the car directly and approach the gate of the temple.

Rushing into the temple, Wesley quickly walked inside. Fitz, Simmons, and Skye had already packed their things, but items 0-8-4 were still embedded on the wall, and the three of them discussed anxiously.

Wesley ignored them, stepped forward, grabbed item 0-8-4 with both hands, pulled it hard, pulled it out of the wall, and put it into a black bag on the ground.

"Oh, you actually..." Fitz held his head and was about to start chattering, but Wesley interrupted him directly, "Follow."

Putting the bag directly into his hand, he pulled out the two guns and walked out. Melinda May was relying on the car to fight back. Wesley shouted, "You come and drive." Then the two guns fired, The firepower of the surrounding rebels was suddenly much weaker.

"Get in the car, hurry up," Wesley called back to the remaining three.

The three stumbled into the back seat of the car, Wesley fired several more shots, then entered the co-pilot's position, and the car started immediately. Wesley looked around, Phil Coulson got into the car of the Peruvian military police, and he was relieved.

Speeding all the way, Wesley and the others drove ahead, followed by a pickup truck from the Peruvian military police, "Melinda, set it to autopilot mode after getting on the plane."

Melinda May glanced at Wesley strangely, and then didn't speak. Soon the car drove directly into the plane. After Wesley got out of the car, he had a sniper rifle in his hand, and then stood on the back door, Just load the bullet and start aiming.

Phil Coulson and the others followed, the car stopped, and everyone started to get out, and then two people relied on the rear of the car to shoot. There are a number of cars behind them, and the number of rebels is quite large. This is not at all different from the American TV series, but this is normal.

Wesley pulled the trigger, "Bang" a rebel who was about to use a machine gun fell down, pulled the bolt, another bullet was pushed into the chamber, "Bang" every time the gun sounded, someone must fall to the ground, the rebels were a little scared Now, some of them are starting to back off.

Everyone boarded the plane, the rear doors closed, the plane began to taxi, and finally took off.

Phil Coulson opened an ammunition box on the side, and the Peruvian military police put the weapons in one by one, and then closed it. This box has a combination lock and is difficult to open. Wesley didn't talk to them, he didn't care about these matters, and he directly helped Fitz and the others pick up the equipment box and enter the laboratory.

Fitz followed angrily, annoyed at Wesley's rude treatment of item number 0-8-4, "I thought you should understand, you should know what's here, how dangerous it is for you to do it." He was bold this time, and roared at Wesley angrily.

Simmons and Skye stared blankly at the two of them. The door to the laboratory was closed. From the outside, only Fitz could be seen stretching his neck and yelling at Wesley. Wesley did not refute him, but looked outside. All the Peruvian military and police went upstairs, and Phil Coulson opened the door and came in.

"Did something happen?" He took a serious look around.

Fitz lost his temper again. Wesley looked at Phil Coulson and said, "You can handle that girl, no problem, right?"

Phil Coulson nodded, "No problem, I'll leave the rest to you and May, I'll go up and watch them, you'll get it done here." After he finished speaking, he turned and left, while Melinda May just left came in.

"The plane enters autopilot and will soon fly to the scheduled flight route and enter the surveillance range of S.H.I.E.L.D. What are you going to do now?"

"If you don't want to participate, you can watch the three of them here, I have no problem by myself." Wesley looked at Melinda May and said.

Skye couldn't accept the weird atmosphere and shouted: "What the hell are you talking about?"

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