New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 178 The Great Chaos II

There was a strange silence in the laboratory, and then Wesley said, "Now I'll teach you a lesson. The work of our agents is not a scientific experiment. Even scientific experiments are accompanied by a lot of risks, and we need to be decisive when necessary."

"Take the item number 0-8-4 this time, how did you judge the situation, Fitz?" Wesley asked.

Fitz was stunned for a moment, and then hesitantly said: "The radiation released by the item is 10, and there is abnormal activity inside, which is fueled by the cosmic cube energy."

"Stop, the energy in this is fueled by the energy of the cosmic demon, so how much do you know about the cosmic cube?" Wesley interrupted him directly and asked again.

"I don't know much about the Cosmic Rubik's Cube. In school, I mostly study the weapons developed by Hydra relying on the Cosmic Rubik's Cube during World War II."

"So is the energy of the universe cube stable?"

"It depends on the situation..."

"Stop, answer my question, is the cosmic cube's energy stable?" Wesley interrupted him again.


Wesley nodded, "The energy source of the Cube is indeed stable. Although it looks like a nuclear bomb, if it explodes, it will be worse than a nuclear bomb, but the Cube is a very stable energy. At this time, you should Take it down boldly and break through. We are agents, try to use concise words in battle, don't use a bunch of professional terms with us, you and Simmons are technicians, but you are also a field agent Officer, don't panic when fighting."

"Hey, you haven't said what you were talking about just now?" Skye couldn't bear it any longer.

Wesley glanced at her and then said: "There is a problem with the Peruvian military and police, they want items numbered 0-8-4, we could have dealt with the rebels, but they insisted on retreating and boarded the plane with us at the same time. , so I let Phil deal with the woman alone, and Melinda and I deal with the others, you three stay in the lab, lock the door, understand?"

"Really?" Skye asked with wide eyes in disbelief. "Aren't they government armed?"

"Don't think too much of the government forces, even in the United States, S.H.I.E.L.D. is careful about everyone, every government agency, have you seen the military dispatched in the Battle of New York? Even if the ground troops can't arrive in time, then the Air Force Woolen cloth?"

Skye's interest was aroused, and he asked again with great interest: "Is there something here?"

"Please pay attention to the main question now, well, the three of you lock the door, they can't get in without weapons. Melinda? Are you here or go up with me?"

"I'll go up with you." After that, she turned and went out. Wesley followed behind her, and then pointed to the door. Fitz hurriedly locked the door, and Wesley checked it before leaving.

On the second floor, five Peruvian military police were resting with some drinks. They chatted while Wesley took a bottle of wine and two glasses directly from the bar. He and Melinda May sat in the living room and poured out Serve two glasses of wine.

"Take a rest, they will wait a while before they start. I don't know if Phil can deal with that woman." Wesley handed a glass of wine over.

Taking Wesley's wine, Melinda Mei took a sip, and then said, "You don't need to worry about him, there should be no problem. There are five people here, how are you going to divide them?"

"I think one of them will go down. The three people in the laboratory are better to deal with, and the remaining four people hold us back. Once they catch one, we will definitely throw the mouse away."

"Yes, so one person or two?"

"Actually, I'm more willing to shoot, but considering the environmental problems on the plane, I'd better do it." Wesley drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, then leaned on the sofa and closed his eyes.

It didn't take long, because the planes had already started to turn automatically and entered the S.H.I.E.L.D. scheduled route. Once they were far away from Peru, they would be easily shot down even if the action was successful.

One of the five quietly left, his target was the three weak chickens in the laboratory, and the remaining four began to approach Wesley and Melinda. Wesley suddenly opened his eyes and sat up, facing the They smiled.

"Do it." One of them shouted. Although he didn't speak English, Wesley could understand what he meant. He got up and strode over, and Melinda also moved.

The other party had obviously discussed it. The four of them were divided into two groups. Two of them dealt with one. The two who were facing Wesley were ready to attack him. The two punched at the same time, and the other attacked Wesley's face. , an attack on his abdomen, cooperated quite well.

The other side is similar, but because of Melinda's height, one attacked the head and the other attacked the legs.

Wesley smiled and didn't even use his own abilities. He stretched out his hands directly, grabbed the wrists of the two of them like lightning, and twisted them with all his strength, "Ah..." The two strong men knelt on one knee with their legs bent at the same time. ground, and then used the other hand to break Wesley's hand, hoping to get out of his clutches.

Melinda on the other side showed superb skills. She jumped up lightly, grabbed the arm attacking her head with both hands, wrapped her legs directly around it, pinched the opponent's head, and then rolled to the side, directly. Roll with the opponent to the ground. Then, without waiting for the other party to react, he directly punched the other party's head, knocking one unconscious.

On the other hand, Wesley was much simpler. He suddenly let go of his hands and smashed his right arm into the head of the enemy on the left. He pulled back and hit the cheek of the enemy on the right. He quickly followed and kicked his head. With one kick, both of them fainted. When he turned around again and saw that Melinda's place was almost over, he walked directly downstairs. At this time, the door of the experiment was constantly being knocked on.

The three people in the laboratory were nervously looking for weapons. Fitz took out the stun gun, but his hands kept shaking. Even though he knew that the door of the laboratory was bulletproof, he was still afraid. Simmons was even more helpless, she couldn't find anything as a weapon, and Skye just found a wrench at random.

When Wesley came down, the Peruvian military police who were smashing the door were surprised for a moment, and then put on a boxing stance, ready to compete with Wesley. Wesley walked over quickly, the opponent directly smashed a right hook, Wesley ducked, and then punched his abdomen, and then a straight punch knocked out the opponent. The movements are clean and neat, these people are not his opponents at all, and the other party obviously does not know who he is.

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