New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 261 Iron Man is missing (800 monthly ticket plus more)

There was a rush of phone calls, and it was still before dawn. Wesley asked, "Hello?"

"Wesley? Tony's home was attacked, he's missing..." Pepper said hurriedly. Wesley woke up in an instant. He had been thinking about it for the past few days, and his head was muddled, but now he is completely awake.

"Don't worry, speak slowly, what exactly was released? Who was attacked by him? How did he disappear?" Wesley stabilized Pepper's mind and asked her to speak to herself slowly.

Pepper said it from the beginning, but she didn't know much, and Wesley began to think according to the plot after listening to it, and then regretted it a little. There are too many things to think about. The other party used a missile to attack Tony Stark's villa. If a ballistic shot or a single piece hit his vital point, then Tony Stark would die. It's not clear whether he was injured or not.

"Okay, you wait there, I'll go right over." Wesley put down the phone, then put the armor on his body and opened the door of space. This time he only used two times to cross the United States and appear in California , and then the armor's thrusters started and flew rapidly.

Wesley came too fast. Pepper thought of Wesley immediately after being attacked. Before the rescuers arrived, Wesley fell from the sky.

"Boom" The armor fell to the ground, Wesley opened the mask, and then asked, "Little Pepper, where is Tony?"

There is also a woman, Maya Hansen, beside Little Pepper. This woman is an accomplice. Wesley will definitely not let her go, but now is not the time to say that.

"I don't know, it may have fallen into the sea. I don't know when the rescue will arrive, but he is wearing Mark 42?" Pepper said.

Wesley didn't talk nonsense, took off directly, and then plunged into the sea, "Apple scan."

"Didi" Apple activated the scanning system. The bottom of the sea was full of ruins of villas. Wesley continued to dive. After scanning here for half an hour, he was relieved. Tony Stark was not found here. Then flew out of the sea.

"I didn't find Tony's shadow. He should have flown out, but it doesn't necessarily fly to where. If he is in a coma, it may be that Jarvis has activated emergency measures to avoid dangerous places. I will go to the underground laboratory to see Look." Wesley took off again, but there was too much wreckage, and he asked Apple to settle the location of the basement, and then began to dig.

The space gem provides powerful energy support, and Wesley's armor is full of power, constantly lifting huge gravel until a huge metal gate appears on the ground, "Apple, invade the system." Wesley arrived at a switch early , and then the armor was connected, and after Apple invaded the system, the gate opened.

The dozens of suits of armor below were quietly and neatly placed, Wesley flew down, and then shouted: "Jarvis?"

"Mr. Gibson, welcome." Jarvis' voice sounded.

"Where is Tony now?" Wesley asked.

"I don't know, the Mark 42 has stopped working, but it should have fallen near Tennessee in the end. I have not been contacted at present, and the subsystems in the armor are closed."

Wesley nodded, it seemed that there was no change, this is the best, "Pay attention to his movements, Tony will find a way to restore contact, pay attention to supporting him at any time." Wesley flew out of the ground again, and then came to Little Pepper's side, but the woman disappeared. "Damn..."

"What's wrong?" Little Pepper asked nervously.

"It's alright, it's true that the emergency emergency procedure was activated, and the place where he finally appeared is far away from here, but don't worry, he is still alive in the last record, and he can be contacted as long as the energy supply is restored."

"Huh..." Little Pepper seemed to let out a long breath, and then said, "That's good."

"The underground gate has been opened. Don't let people get close to it when the rescue comes. Those armors will take off to support Tony at any time, and let them clean up the surrounding area. I'm going to the Avengers headquarters now to see if I can use satellites to search. At the same time we will start looking for whoever attacked Tony."

"Okay, contact me as soon as there is news." Little Pepper said.

Wesley took off directly, identified the location of the headquarters and flew directly over. Bruce Banner didn't know the news here, Wesley felt that he should tell him.

Tony Stark landed near Rose Mountain in Tennessee, where an explosion occurred, and he was dragging his armor to Harry's house according to fate. The little boy Harry is a little genius, and he is also very talented in mechanical physics, and the two soon started chatting.

When Wesley came to the headquarters of the alliance, Bruce Banner looked strangely at Wesley flying over with his battle armor, and then asked, "Can't you stay at home?"

"Tony was attacked, didn't you watch the news? Pepper called me for support. I went there and Tony was fine, but he flew to Tennessee now, the exact location is not clear, I need satellite Help the team, or look at the satellite records."

"Being attacked? Who attacked it? I've been busy with interviews every day these days, and I haven't paid attention to the news."

"Master Manchu, a terrorist, just leave it to me. You continue to interview. The headquarters needs to be up and running as soon as possible. This is not a small problem. The Avengers should take revenge." Wesley said through gritted teeth.

Iron Man, as a member of the Avengers, is now attacked by terrorists, which Wesley does not allow, and he also figured out that even if he uses the Iron Armor, then he is not Iron Man, he is Jazz. As for Tony Stark's thoughts, this needs correct guidance. We will wait until he is rescued. Wesley decided to intervene in this incident, and the drama of the Avengers saving the US President is also necessary, so as to show them Ability.

Enter the command center that has not yet been used, turn on all the instruments, and then connect to the battle armor, "Apple, hack the satellite, see which satellite captured the picture at that time, and look for Tony's location at the same time, all the surveillance in Tennessee began to search, found Tony."

"Understood." Apple's speed was very fast, and the satellite imagery was recently found, but it was clear where Tony fell. It was near the explosion site of Mount Rose, where there was a small town. However, this town is a bit backward, there is no monitoring system, Wesley can only stare at it with satellites, but it is snowing there, the weather is bad, and the effect of satellites is minimized.

"Keep an eye on it, see the effect of the day, check where the Lord Man is on, he should speak soon, find him." Wesley decided to spend it here, "Enter Elizabeth into the system and let her Watch and let us know."

"Understood." Apple entered Elizabeth's program into the command center, and Elizabeth started running it.

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