New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 262 Search

Wesley looked for news of Tony Stark through satellite at the Avengers headquarters, and then paid attention to the signs of Lord Manchu, and activated the latest Elizabeth intelligent system. Elizabeth invaded the satellite with the help of Apple. Elizabeth is not an apple. If you want to invade the satellite system, you need to go through layers of defense, but Apple's method is very interesting. It carries Elizabeth after the invasion and then releases it, just like passing through a vault. The door, and putting things in and out, Wesley was interested.

"Is this really possible? So how does the data get out?" Wesley asked.

"Loose on the inside and tight on the outside, I put Elizabeth inside, and then changed the security protocol, Elizabeth became a security target, so the information sent out won't attract attention unless someone specifically looks at it," Apple said.

"Interesting, monitor the vicinity of Rose Hill in Tennessee, where there was a recent bombing, keep an eye on it to see if Tony really went there, and pay attention to the movements of Air Force One, their target is Mr. President." Wei Sley said.


After Wesley made arrangements, the long wait began. The sky gradually darkened. Wesley and Bruce had just had dinner, and the alarm in the command center sounded. It must have been found that there was news, and Wesley rushed directly into the command center. .

"Elizabeth's report," Wesley asked as soon as he entered.

"The satellite observed the explosion in the town, and at the same time, the terrorists who claimed to be the Manchurians reappeared and were tracking backwards," Elizabeth said.

"Very good, give me the coordinates of the explosion location." When Wesley finished speaking, the armor was already on his body, ready to activate the space gate at any time.

"Someone hacked into the satellite, took over all the TV station, and was tracking... do you need to see what they're up to?" Elizabeth asked again.

"No need, just give me the coordinates, and pay attention to the movements of Captain Rhodes' Iron Patriots. They are tempting him. I will go to meet Tony first." Wesley has no time to care about whether the Lord is true or not. He is now worried about Tony Stark's safety. After getting the coordinates, he directly activates the space gate, and then disappears into the Avengers headquarters.

He came to the vicinity of Tennessee in one breath, but the rest of the distance can only be used by flying. He has not mastered the short-distance movement very well. The thrusters of the battle armor are activated, and Wesley can fly quickly. It only takes a dozen or so. He flew to the location in minutes, and then began to scan the town, but he did not find any trace of Tony, but found Iron Man's armor.

"Boom" landed outside a garage, which should be the home of the little boy Harry, and the steel armor should be placed inside.

"Who are you?" A voice came out, Wesley looked back, a little boy stood behind him, stared at him with big eyes, and looked curious.

"My name is Wesley, you can call me Wesley, and Tony?" Wesley asked.

"He's gone, but he asked me to help fix something," replied the little boy, a daring boy.

Wesley came a step late, Tony Stark drove away directly, he was tracing the source of those explosions, Wesley thought for a while, and then said: "Then I can help you repair it together, how about it? Don't mind it. ?"

"Okay, but why do you also have a suit of armor?" Harry, the little boy, opened the garage and walked in.

"Because Tony and I are friends." Wesley responded and went in, "Open the armor." This time, Wesley did not put away the armor directly, but opened it directly from the back of the armor. A stood where he was, and Wesley stepped back and came out.

The Iron Man armor was full of scars, and there was no motivation at all. Wesley walked over to take a look, then took off the mask of his armor, put it on his face, started the scanning process, and conducted a damage assessment.

"Wow, the damage is really serious, there is a problem with the power supply, and it is difficult to start." Wesley looked at it and said.

"Are you also a technician?" The little boy took out a laptop and was about to connect the Mark 42. It seemed that he still had two brushes.

"Almost, can you lend me the toolbox? I'm going to make repairs," Wesley said.

"No problem." Handing over a toolbox, Wesley began to repair the Mark 42. It was much easier to repair in Wesley's hands. He had a full set of blueprints, and Apple could also guide Wesley to repair it. , the scan function on the mask directly tells Wesley where the damage is.

The "DiDi" is powered on, the Mark 42 starts charging, and the system starts, "Hello Mr. Gibson, I didn't expect you to find this place."

"Well, hello Jarvis, but your final flight path design is really far enough." Wesley said as he continued to repair.

"Enough distance can ensure safety." Jarvis said, Wesley was noncommittal about this. Jarvis is not a real artificial intelligence. Its calculations are completely based on programs, and there is no way to think.

"Didi" Wesley's mask has a communication request, Apple helps him connect, it is Elizabeth's message, "Sir, the location of the full adult has been found, and they hacked into the satellite system through AIM's satellite receiving equipment, the location is in Flo Miami Beach in Rida."

"Nice place, and it's in America. It's audacious." Wesley laughed.

The little boy Harry's phone rang, then he picked it up, and said to Wesley, "His phone, do you want to answer it?"

Wesley put down his tool, took the phone, and said, "Hey, Tony, where have you been?"

"Oh, Wesley? How did you find me?" Tony Stark asked.

"I cleaned up your lab, and then I asked Jarvis' subsystems. You landed in Tennessee at the end, and then asked the satellite to find your location. There was an explosion here, and I came directly."

"Then have you repaired my armor?"

"I'm working on it, I just solved the power supply problem, and it's charging now. The other places are not damaged too much, and a simple repair will do."

"That's great, I'm looking for the location of the Manchu, and I'll use the armor later, help me get it done as soon as possible." Tony Stark never asked Wesley to help, and Wesley understood him, he wanted to be alone finish this thing.

After Tony Stark declared war on the Manchus, his home was bombed, which was unacceptable to him. At the same time, he also wanted to rectify the name of Iron Man, a narcissistic person, his self-esteem is also abnormally huge .

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