New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 263 A Gift

"Hey Tony, I think we should talk, I've found the place for the full grown man right here in Miami Beach, Florida, and now I can go get him, do you have to go? ' asked Wesley.

There was a moment of silence on the other side, and then he said: "Yes, this is my business, I declared war on him, and all of me were bombed by this damn guy, I must clean up him myself."

"Are you trying to get your name right?" Wesley asked suddenly.

Tony Stark parked the car aside, was silent for a moment, and then said: "Forget it, I am a little obsessed with the title of Iron Man, but I have no idea of ​​changing, this time is my own battle. "

Wesley also fell silent, but he did not give up the plan to use the steel armor, after all, he had no other means to fight, "Understood, I will help you, but I hope you understand that the title of Iron Man has always been Yours, you are Iron Man yourself, not a pile of metal."

"Maybe you're right." Tony Stark hasn't figured it out yet. In the movie, he also figured it out after this battle, and then underwent heart surgery to remove the new element reactor on his body. Wesley can only hope that he can figure it out for himself now. Tony Stark is very stubborn, and he only thinks about things after he has done them.

"Don't worry, I am repairing the armor for you, and you will be able to use it soon."

"Thank you." The two hung up the communication, and then Tony Stark continued to set off, but this time he went directly to the supermarket, and then began to make some simple combat tools.

The little boy Harry looked shrewd and asked after Wesley hung up the phone: "What happened between you?"

"Nothing, it's my problem." Wesley smiled reluctantly, without any explanation.

Harry pouted, then said, "Do you think I don't understand? You also use steel armor, is it because of this?"

"Hehe, the little devil is big, you can see it. Yes, it is because of this, we are friends, this armor was invented by Tony, but I am also using it, and it stole his limelight. The name is very concerned, but I can't think of how to solve this problem." Wesley kept repairing the armor.

"You're all so smart, why don't you change the shape, or make a new one?"

"Essentially the same, but I also have some ideas to enhance Tony's armor, and I'm going to learn some other means." Wesley can now think of all that have appeared in the movie. Things, there is no way to open up your own brain holes. Although Apple has technology now, what about creativity? Creativity is king!

The armor was repaired very smoothly. Mark 42 has returned to normal. As long as the charging is completed, it can fight. Wesley put on the armor, then said goodbye to Harry, left here directly, and returned to the Avengers. headquarters.

"Apple, start designing Veronica." Veronica appeared in Avengers 2. This is Iron Man's auxiliary combat equipment. She put on a huge steel armor again on the periphery of the steel armor. Bigger than the Hulk. At the same time, multiple sets of parts are configured to replace the damaged parts in battle, and the power is more powerful, but it belongs to the melee combat armor.

The principle is very simple. Apple designs directly based on the data of Tony Stark's steel armor, and directly divides it into five parts, limbs and breastplate, to enhance power, and to carry more new element reactors to improve energy supply.

The basic principles and structural diagrams were completed directly, and then Elizabeth was asked to perform a virtual simulation. After checking, the underground production line was started directly, and parts and vehicles were produced.

"It is estimated that two sets will be produced in five hours." Elizabeth reported.

Wesley sat and thought, hoping to help Tony. Wesley leaned back on the chair tiredly and dazed. The person who came to this universe had the greatest influence on Tony Stark. The two became friends, and now there are some conflicts due to the issue of the battle armor. , It is said that it is not too small, and someone needs to figure out this problem.

Wesley can't give up the steel armor, and at the same time, he must continue to be strong, because he knows that there is likely to be a big war in the future. It seems that it should be unavoidable now. Because of the infinite gems, Thanos will inevitably come to the earth. . And it is impossible for him to give up the gem. Even if he does, he cannot guarantee whether he will not come. He has not watched Avengers 3. He was still filming when he came, and he can only know a little bit of fur through the news.

"Damn, it would be better if the plot was released a little more!" Wesley complained silently, but to no avail, if you don't know, you don't know. Many netizens made some trailers at the time, saying that more than 60 superheroes finally participated in the battle. Wesley could not find more than 60 superheroes with his fingers, unless the X-Men joined. Marvel's superheroes are plentiful, but Wesley didn't find many when he looked up a while ago.

'Forget it, don't think about it, I will continue to be strong no matter what, whether or not there will be a great battle in the end, this universe is dangerous, without strength everything is for nothing, no matter who I steal the limelight, The main thing is to strengthen myself. My strength is not only to protect my family, but also to protect the earth. ' Thinking of this, Wesley re-energized and got to work, he was going to stare at Tony.

"Didi...Sir, the production has been completed and the energy supply has been completed. Do you need to experiment?" Elizabeth's business sounded. Only then did Wesley realize that several hours had passed.

"Where is Tony now?"

"Mr. Tony Stark's armor is now on Air Force One, but there is no life response inside. It is using a remote control and the satellite is locked." Satellite images appeared on the huge screen in the command center, and a large plane appeared Yes, but it doesn't seem to be going well.

Wesley thought for a while, then ordered: "Contact Jarvis."

"Hello Mr. Gibson, do you need me to connect you to Mr. Stark?" Jarvis said.

"No, I contacted you, I prepared a gift for Tony, you can bring it directly to him if he needs to fight, I need you to enter the program now, and then I will deploy it to geosynchronous orbit middle."

"Got it, a gift."

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