New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 272 British MI6

The first time Wesley arrived in London, the British MI6 got the news immediately. The full name of MI6 is the British Army Intelligence Six (MI6=MilitaryIntelligence6), also known as the Secret Intelligence Service, abbreviated as SIS, codenamed MI6. The department responsible for overseas espionage work, and Wesley will naturally appear on their list.

"Wesley Gibson, an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., is also a member of the Avengers. He and Tony Stark funded the newly built Avengers headquarters. According to the amount of excavation during the construction period, the most underground It's good to have an eight-story building structure," said an elderly woman. This is the famous Mrs. M. No one knows her real name, which is very mysterious.

And in front of her is a very attractive British man. If Wesley saw it, he would know right away that this is the famous 007.

A total of six 'James Bond' have appeared in the 007 series of movies, and now the person listening to Mrs. M here looks exactly the same as the British actor Daniel Craig, not handsome, but very handsome. The kind of charm.

"What do you want me to do?" James Bond asked.

"Look at what he is doing here? Of course, you have to be careful, he is also an agent, and according to our analysis, he has a very high level in S.H.I.E.L.D. and is powerful at the same time," said Mrs. M.

"Just these don't seem to need me?" James Bond asked suspiciously.

"Indeed, if this is the case, then you really don't need you. But we want to get the blueprint of his plane. If we have the opportunity, we can go to the plane to find it. The airport will make it convenient for you, but it is said that his plane has The security system should be carrying defensive weapons. But this is the UK, and if the above weapons are fired, the UK has the right to seize them."

"Is this really good? You must know that he is a member of the S.H.I.E.L.D. and a member of the Avengers, so we have offended a lot of people, and none of them are easy to offend." James Bond said.

"You don't need to worry about this, it's the above problem, you just need to get what we want." Mrs. M frowned, she was also worried about this, but she also needed to obey the decision above.

"I'm not concerned about political issues, but I doubt whether I can come out safely, knowing that he and Tony Stark are both geniuses, and he dares to put the plane at the airport alone, then he is not afraid of being missed. ."

Mrs. M nodded and said: "Of course I know this, but there is no way. The military wants to get the information on this aircraft. The technology of SHIELD is ahead of every country, and everyone is coveting it, even the United States is no exception."

"Can't the U.S. get it?"

"I can't get it. The headquarters of SHIELD is in the United States, so their prevention is more strict. Otherwise, do you think the United States has not done anything? It's just that they are not opponents of SHIELD. Originally, SHIELD a while ago. Civil strife is an opportunity, but I didn't expect that they would deal with it so quickly, leaving no chance at all." Mrs. M sighed.

James Bond said with a smile, "Isn't this very good? We can't get it anyway, it's better that everyone can't get it."

"Okay, let's take action, and pay attention to your own safety." Mrs. M said.

James Bond got up and left, and went to the underground part of the headquarters. There are multi-storey experimental sites, and his goal is the car modification area. There are his favorite equipment, and it is also the equipment that has been replaced the most.

Aston Martin DB10, it is dazzling, it is also a limited edition sports car, but after special modification, James Bond will change a car every time he has a mission, not the original car is bad, but Basically, after he used it, it was all scrapped.

Wesley didn't know, and now the British MI6 is eyeing him, and the famous 007 also exists. Wesley is now looking for a housekeeper school on the hotel's network, especially those who are willing to open to foreign rich people.

There are countless royal families and nobles in the whole of the United Kingdom and Europe. The practitioners in the profession of housekeeper have always hoped to serve them. Wesley did not understand this. His idea was that I will pay you to serve. Everyone is fair and reasonable. So why are you so picky?

However, his ideas are useless. People may not be willing to accept your employment. Wesley has no way to do this. After all, it is good if you want to. Housekeeping is a profession that requires loyalty, and loyalty to the employer.

Let Apple select the right people. Now is the Internet age, and the Butler Academy is also advancing with the times. Candidates will have information on the academy's website. Wesley agrees with this. After all, it is a lot more convenient. When he left the house, the purpose of his personal visit to the UK was to examine the thoughts of the candidates. Although people's hearts would change, at least the housekeepers whom he had recruited in the early stage should not have any other thoughts.

He dared to use Evelyn Salt as an assistant because of his own strength, and he didn't dare to be careless about the housekeeper who needed to be at home now.

James Bond drove his new Aston Martin DB10 all the way to the hotel where Wesley lived, parked the car outside, and then took a telescope and began to look at the window of Wesley's suite. With the slightest gain, I got off the car and walked across the road into the lobby on the first floor of the hotel.

He took out his mobile phone, connected to the free internet in the lobby, and then started to invade. He simply entered the hotel's host computer, and then looked for the surveillance video of Wesley's check-in. Seeing Wesley talking to a service staff at the front desk, he began to pay attention to the changes in his mouth. "Butler?" James Bond murmured in confusion. He knew why Wesley mentioned the butler. Did he Are you really looking for the housekeeper?

Exit the host, and then start looking for Wesley's information, and found that it is easy to find, especially the Wesley family's new home, such a big villa, really needs a housekeeper, but why did he come in person?

Wesley's purpose in coming is known only to him, because hiring a housekeeper requires a billionaire to fly to England himself? This is different from the behavior of most rich people, so it has become suspicious. And Wesley himself doesn't know anything. To put it bluntly, he is more like a nouveau riche. If Tony Stark would not do this, it is reasonable for others to suspect him, especially when the plane he drives is still Such a tempting crime.

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