New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 273 First Contact

James Bond was sitting in the lobby flipping through his cell phone. He didn't hack into Wesley's computer, because he knew very well that Wesley started with programs, although it was just an instant messaging program and a game. , but Wesley understands computers, so he can't hack.

Sitting in the lobby on the first floor and waiting, as a senior agent, he was patient enough. Wesley set off in the morning and landed at London Airport in a few hours, so there was not much time before the French meal, James Bond De had enough time to learn about Wesley's intelligence.

The information is very powerful. Even Wesley's recent cars have been recorded. "Oh, they are all limited editions, only one Phantom is ordinary enough." James Bond thought of his new car, maybe this would be a good start.

While browsing the information, he hacked into the hotel's surveillance system again, staring at the surveillance on the top floor to see if Wesley would walk out of the room.

He waited in vain, Wesley came out at dinner time, went to the hotel's restaurant alone, ordered food, and then prepared to eat alone. And James Bond walked in alone, sat down behind Wesley, and the two sat back to back.

There are many layouts of the restaurant, and their positions are for two people. They are all small tables that can seat up to four people. Now each of them sits alone in a position, sitting back to back, and no one can see the other.

However, Wesley had some thoughts. There were not many people dining in the hotel restaurant, but someone was sitting behind him. It was a bit strange from a spatial point of view, but before he had time to think carefully, his phone rang.

"Skye? You finally remembered to call me." Wesley answered happily.

"Why didn't you call me, you've been gone for a long time and haven't had a single call." Skye complained.

"Baby, you need to know the nature of your work. How dare I call you casually? Even text messages are not allowed to be sent. What if you are on a mission? You must know that you are the main member now."

"Okay, you've passed the test, don't you look like me?" Skye asked with a smile.

"Of course, why don't you miss you? Are you on vacation? Do you want me to fly over? I ordered a private jet. It's very comfortable inside. We can enjoy it together."

"Hehe, I think beautiful, I'm so busy now! A group of strange people have appeared, each of them has special abilities, and now Phil is looking for a city, a city of aliens, really busy."

Aliens appeared? Wesley froze for a moment, then asked, "Did you fight?"

"Well, we played against each other twice. Their ability is very strong. We barely won. We still don't know what to do in the future? It's better when you are here. No one is your opponent."

"Then you can be careful, don't be reckless, don't know the opponent's ability, then it means that the danger will increase exponentially, if you need to remember to contact me." Wesley said with concern, now Skye has not acquired the ability ?

"Don't worry, I'm not a rookie now, we will be careful. You must fly over next time you go on vacation, okay, that's it, it seems that you have a mission."

Putting down the phone, Wesley couldn't care about the different places behind him. He began to think about what would happen to Skye, but it didn't seem to be very dangerous. His father and mother would protect her. Even if her mother has changed, it won't really tear her face now, I hope Skye gets her abilities soon so that she can be strong enough.

Shockwave Girl's strength is strong, especially for material shocks, Steve Rogers may not be her opponent. When she has the ability, should you pull her into the Avengers?

Wesley didn't know, this was a photo before he broke up with Skye, he didn't understand Skye's way of thinking, so he made the biggest mistake.

James Bond listened to Wesley's conversation, and there was a lot of information in it. He recorded it with his mobile phone, and his movements were very secretive, and Wesley didn't care about his back. That's how artisans are bold. Sli is powerful himself, and he has now designated his opponent as Thanos, which is what he has been preparing for.

The dishes were served one by one, and Wesley began to taste them. To be honest, there are too few things to eat in Western food, and many cherished dishes can be found but not sought after. Unless you go after them, Wesley has no such idea. , he is now considering finding a chef from Huaxia.

The two began to eat, and entered a relatively quiet period. They knew that Wesley had eaten all the dishes and drank all the wine, and then they remembered that the guy behind him was sitting in the wrong position. This kind of thing is Apple. Will not remind, so he will forget.

When he turned to look over, the person had already left, and Wesley shook his head and stopped thinking about it. Now it is mainly the housekeeper's problem.

A qualified housekeeper can make the employer's life easier without having to worry about trivial matters, so picking a qualified housekeeper is also a knowledge, and it's not very useful to look at the results displayed on the Internet.

The next day, Wesley set off and went to different Butler Colleges for interviews. Of course, during the interview, Wesley would hold each other's hands for up to a minute. He was very enthusiastic, but most people were not satisfied. His needs, these people's thoughts are not very pure, especially the younger ones, and some of them have extremely dirty thoughts.

In this regard, Wesley also understands that the quality of some housekeeper college students is very low. Although they may be very good at the profession of housekeeper, their ideas are very dirty and have special purposes. There are some housekeepers regardless of gender. Bad plan.

Wesley would not hire such a person. People who disrupt the harmony of the family must be kept out, so it may be more appropriate to hire some older people.

For three days in a row, no suitable candidate was selected, and James Bond followed for three days. His tracking maximized the use of the monitoring of the traffic system, because he did not dare to follow Wesley by car, and the other party was also exploring staff, there will be anti-tracking. The United Kingdom is his home field, so if there are resources, he must use it to ensure that he will not be exposed to the greatest extent.

It's been three days now, and the other party has been looking for the housekeeper. James Bond feels something is wrong. Could it be that he really came to find the housekeeper and worked so hard? He is not going to continue tracking now, people are staring at the surveillance, and he has come to the airport.

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