New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 304 Changes in the Temple (April 200 Monthly Ticket Plus Update)

Wesley asked people to keep searching the castle, and all the advanced equipment was used until it was completely emptied. Wesley packed everything and then returned to the headquarters.

"What are you going to do with Zhenjin?" Tony Stark asked directly when Wesley came back.

"Keep it first, think about it, don't rush to use it, and it's also good to inspire you and me and Bruce." Wesley said with a smile.

"Also, it's good to see what everyone needs. After all, it's the strongest metal. It's too wasteful to use it as a battle armor, and it's not necessarily enough. It's also good to make some equipment for them. Next Are you going to go back?"

"Yes, my studies are not finished yet, now I'm going to see the twins, and if their problems are resolved, then I can leave with peace of mind."

After getting through the communication with the twins again, Wesley saw that the two were in a good mood, and then asked: "Ultron has been eliminated, do you have any ideas now? If you are willing to join the Avengers, we will You will be very welcome, if you want to leave, I can send you off now, but I hope you don’t use your abilities to do something out of the ordinary.” Wesley said straight to the point.

"We want to join the Avengers, and we want to see what you're up to," Scarlet Witch said.

"Very well, I hope what you said is sincere, but before that, for everyone's safety, I need to check on you, I don't know if it's okay?" Wesley asked.

"Yes, we have nothing to hide. In addition, my name is Wanda Maximoff, and my brother's name is Pietro Maximoff." Wanda Maximoff said the two name.

"Very well, Wanda, may I call you that?" Wesley asked.

"Yes." Wanda Maximoff said.

"Okay Wanda, we also gave you code names. You are Scarlet Witch, and your brother is Quicksilver. You need some equipment, but not now, you still have a lot to learn, please come out now. "Wesley directly opened the door of the cell, and the two came out, while Wesley took their hands and began to observe their thoughts. The two experienced tragic experiences, but there are many tragic people in this world. Wesley is fortunate and sad that he lives in China, because even if he is just an online writer who rushes to the streets, there is nothing miserable, at most it is just a life that cannot be luxurious.

And this life? He started out as a small clerk, working with his head down every day. He also has an apple and some special abilities, but it's not bad.

"Okay, I understand what you two think. Now you are investigating the Avengers, and the Avengers are also investigating you. The first is to introduce you to everyone, Elizabeth." Wesley said.

A little girl in white appeared, "Mr. Gibson." The siblings were taken aback.

"You have to get used to Elizabeth, this is the intelligent system of our headquarters, Elizabeth, you will be familiar with it in the future. If there is anything you don't understand, you can ask it. Of course, your authority is limited now, and when you really want to join the Avengers in the future, Will elevate your authority, call all the Avengers now."

The Avengers are resting at the headquarters. There are no tasks now. They are in an idle state. This is the meaning of raising troops for a thousand days. Once there is a battle, everyone will work hard. Thor got the scepter, but he hasn't left, he is waiting for Wesley, when Wesley has everything sorted out, and then goes to the realm with him.

"This is elder sister Wanda Maximoff, and this is younger brother Pietro Maximoff. They are now preparing for the Avengers. Of course, they are investigating the Avengers now, and we are also investigating them."

Steve Rogers suddenly said, "Can Sam Wilson join us?"

"How is Colonel Rhodes?" Tony Stark also asked. Wesley looked at the two. The Avengers were still in danger of splitting, but Kosovia was not destroyed now. I hope that the agreement will not appear.

"Yes, we are very familiar with the two you proposed. They can join in directly. They are very suitable as standing personnel. At the same time, it is also good to increase our air combat capability. The equipment upgrade will wait for me to solve Ultron."

"Is Ultron destroyed?" Wanda Maximoff said.

"It's right to be destroyed, it can be destroyed at any time, but it hides itself in the memory of some devices. As long as these devices are destroyed, it will be destroyed, but it's a pity, so I'm going to go to a more deserted place on the alien planet. , and then study Ultron's program there, and then upgrade Elizabeth."

"Do you still want artificial intelligence?" Wanda Maximoff asked.

"Yes, human beings need the progress of civilization. I can't stop because of fear. This time we made preparations. There is no technology there, so Ultron can't do anything, it can only be studied."

"And what about Elizabeth?"

"It depends on my ability. Don't worry, Elizabeth's basic procedures and security protocols will be complete, and there will be no logical confusion. Am I right? Elizabeth."

"Of course, sir, what you said is absolutely correct. My basic procedures and security protocols are very complete. There is no self-protection, and there will be no conflicts. Although there may be problems in self-defense, the alarm system is sound, and the backup and synchronization are updated. This is my the greatest guarantee.”

"What do you mean?" Wanda Maximoff is not a scientist.

"It means that it is impossible to destroy Elizabeth, and Elizabeth's backup exists in many places, such as my home, so it will not be destroyed, and at the same time weaken its self-protection program, there will be no loopholes , out of control.”

"Well, although I didn't understand, it seems you are right." Wanda Maximoff's appearance was very regrettable. Wesley felt that he missed Skye a little, and he should take the initiative to see her and leave See her once before Earth.

At this time Wesley's phone rang, "Hello?"

"Wesley? I'm Mordo, are you done over there? We need your help here." Mage Mordo's voice came.

"Okay, I'll go back right away." Wesley put down the phone, and then said, "The mysterious realm has encountered a crisis, I'm going to rush over now, let's get to know each other."

"Hey, you're too busy, what do you need there? Do you need us to help?" Tony Stark asked. He didn't believe in any occultism, and he had an attitude of changing clothes.

"No, you can't help with this. If you don't believe it, watch it." Wesley directly used the spell to open the door of space. The magical door of space was different from before. Tony Stark stared at him. Watch Wesley leave.

"Oh, this is a spell, is there a wizard on Earth?" Thor jumped up and shouted.

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