New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 305 The true meaning of the mage

Wesley appeared on the training ground at the main altar of the Nepal Mage Temple the next moment. The mage apprentices here were a little panicked. A bunch of people were crowded at the entrance of the living room. Wesley directly pushed the crowd and walked in, and saw Master Gu Yi and Mage Mordo are treating a person.

Wesley stepped forward and took a look. He didn't know the injured person. He wasn't a mage in the main altar or he had never seen Wesley when he was here, but the man was seriously injured and his body seemed to be sharpened by something. stabbed with sharps.

The blood kept flowing out, and it was difficult to stop the bleeding. The wizards' spells did not seem to heal. Wesley raised his hand and put his hand on the wound. The apple invaded the opponent's body, and then mobilized the body's functions. The space gem provided energy, replenished it, the wound began to stop bleeding, and the damaged organs began to repair. It was the first time that Wesley used apples to heal people.

Master Gu Yi raised his head and glanced at Wesley, then laughed. She has always been very nervous about teaching Wesley spells, but now it seems that this choice is correct, at least he will not stand by.

"Cough cough..." The wounded coughed for a while, then let out a long breath, his body finally recovered, and then immediately said: "We failed to hunt down Casillas, he and his followers The strength of the attackers has increased a lot, and now it is difficult for anyone on our side to be their opponent, so we can only ask Master Gu Yi to do it yourself." His voice was dry and hoarse, and he was short of moisture due to excessive blood loss.

Master Gu Yi patted the other's hand, and then said, "Recuperate in peace." Then he stood up, glanced at Wesley, turned and walked out. Wesley hurriedly followed, and the two stopped on the training ground.

"Wesley, things are a bit tricky now. Casillas is my student. He now envelopes Dormam, the god of darkness, and has completed the summoning ceremony. He has obtained the power of darkness. There are not many people who can deal with him. I I think you are one of them." Master Gu Yi looked at Wesley and said.

Wesley suddenly had a pistol in his hand, raised it in front of Master Gu Yi, and said, "Is it a weapon like a mage? If you use it, it will be much easier."

Master Gu Yi shook his head and said: "We can't use modern weapons, this is the rule, because the enemies we have to face are different, these weapons are useful for mages, but they are useless against our enemies, so mages never use these weapons, It only makes us weak."

Wesley nodded, put away the pistol, and then asked: "How is Stephen Strange? He is a natural mage. It is very difficult for me to use the magic circle, and it takes a lot of time to practice control. , now I have few means at my disposal."

"He's really good, but now he doesn't have the heart of a mage. He still wants to heal his hands. There is no way to solve his problems for the time being, and he needs to rely on his own consciousness, so I think now I can only let you come." Gu. A sorcerer said.

"What do you need me to do?" Wesley asked.

"Keep here, I will deal with Casillas myself, but someone needs to guard here, especially the apprentices here, they are the hope for the future."

"Okay, I'll leave it here. I can support you at any time if needed."

"Thank you."

Wesley was in charge of guarding the main altar, and Master Gu Yi left here, she went to hunt down Casillas, and Wesley started daily spell basic practice, Stephen Strange is now finally ahead of Wesley Sley, he can already describe the circle, and Wesley observed his circle and came to a conclusion.

Each array is a core pattern, which is very similar to the molecular structure of elements, and Wesley asked Apple to three-dimensionalize the core pattern of the array, and then an element molecular structure would be obtained.

"I really didn't think that if it was really molecular structure, then the language that existed in the universe at first was the language of elements?" Wesley thought in his room.

"Yes, with elements as the core and adding auxiliary arrays, then you can mobilize elements for your own use. This is the true meaning of mage." Apple said.

"Haha, I really didn't expect to find your coded text so easily. Can you refer to it for analysis and interpretation now?"

"It still doesn't work. The language is not comprehensive, and the elements on Earth are not comprehensive, but most of them are there, and some are still missing. We need to search in the entire universe. Maybe this universe is not complete."

"Is it still incomplete? It seems that we have to go to an alien planet. I hope we can find it all. Maybe after we find it, we can separate you and me. What do you think?"

"Need a separation? Wouldn't that be nice?"

"Our appearance makes the vision disappear, and the wisdom gem will be placed in the realm of the gods. If you become an independent individual, then I think you can completely exchange the reality gem and the wisdom gem."

"No need." Apple's answer was firm, "We came here together and become one, I think there is a reason, it's better not to be separated, so that you will have the opportunity to be the most powerful being, And as a biological computer, I don't have any demands, so that's fine."

"Well, since you like us, we have always been a whole. Let's continue practicing now. I wasted too much time in the past. I haven't thoroughly studied the space gems."

Wesley began to practice the basics of spells. Now that he understands the true meaning of spells, he is more eager to master spells. This is very important to him, and maybe this is the key to defeating Thanos.

Stephen Strange's magic skills are advancing with each passing day, and the progress is very fast. He is indeed a natural mage, and complicated spells can't suffocate him at all. He came to the library this day, and the Fatty King did not stop. He got the Eye of Agamotto.

Agamotto was the first generation of Supreme Mage thousands of years ago, who created the Eye of Agamotto and the Temple at the same time. Stephen Strange began to use the Time Stone according to the records in an ancient book, but Mage Mordo and the Fatty King rushed in to interrupt him, and began to teach the history of the Templar Mage.

There are three temples in the world, in New York, London and Hong Kong, forming a huge magic network that protects the earth, and with the existence of three temples, other spaces in this universe cannot. Connecting with the earth, and then adding the Supreme Being in the temple, the earth can always maintain peace.

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